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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. i've totally been pichu farming today they fetch pretty good stuff on the gts
  2. A lot of the people are obsessed with the myth that Japanese want Pokemon with English names. Which is true in many cases, but the Japanese aren't that interested in stuff with an english name.If you look around, you can find some really sweet deals though.
  3. So I'm really liking the GTS. I got a Chimchar for a Geodude from some Japanese dude, a Graveler (which evolved into Golem) for an Abra from a guy in Jersey and hopefully by the time I get home someone will have traded me a male Murkrow for my Misdreavus. Can anyone tell me how egg raising/breeding works? I want to breed trade fodder.
  4. Anyone have a Cranidos that they want to trade for a Shieldon? PM me your code and stuff if interested.
  5. Going to add Sinewav and Hale-Bopp in a few minutes.
  6. Add me. I will add you later tonight. 2620 9082 6449 edit: kak I'm adding you now
  7. My friend code: 2620 9082 6449 I'm going to start adding anyone that is posted, lemme know if you add me!
  8. Turtwig ftw. He's final form is like a dinosaur japmyth turtle continent jedi extreme star destroyer beastlord. I'm totally shooting for a dino theme in my lineup.
  9. You should join is in #clanocr on ETG. I'm sure later in the day there will be lots of playing and trading starting up.
  10. Sounds like something Salvatore would right, no?edit: too bad last.fm isn't registering any of my played tracks right now D:
  11. I've added a few OCR chth songs to my playlist :3Fight the dark ones!
  12. Any OC last.fm users should loop chth's stuff to get him to the top o' the charts.
  13. Yeah. Shame too. Ah well, he decided he wasn't purchasing either.
  14. What starter Pokeymans are you guys goin' with? I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pick the penguin thang.
  15. My brother is trying to decide whether to get Heatseeker or Blazing Angels. Advice?
  16. This happens to my mum.
  17. I was excited to see the new Coop sig.
  18. I've often wondered that myself. I don't have a dead pixel, but I have a weird smudge on my screen that has been there since I got it and cannot be cleaned off.
  19. There's some zombie one comin' out.
  20. What are the exclusives for each game?
  21. I'm consistently getting the 051340 error. I use a USB connector to get online. Any ideas on how to fix this?
  22. I think they should put in Star Wars characters!!!!!
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