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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. English Voiceovers (or Japanese Voiceovers for English version) To enable English voices in the Japanese version of this game or vice versa, simply press 'A' while holding 'L' at any of the main menu choices. Jonathan will say "showtime" to confirm the activation.
  2. That chugga chugga is pretty annoying - this could get really great though.
  3. That was a good flick.
  4. God, those D&D games sound so wicked. Too bad it's just my and my younger brother over here D: No way we could afford all the books if we wanted to play anyway... Just for kicks though, if we wanted to try it, what would we need to get?
  5. Games I play EVE Online: CCG Star Wars Miniatures uhh, I thought there was more, but I guess not. The EVE CCG is great though. Amazing looking cards and sweet gameplay. Star Wars miniatures are hella fun, but wayyyy too expensive. I also paint fantasy miniatures.
  6. obsidio ballistabut haha i forgot that i started one better pay those taxes!
  7. There wouldn't be a recording of Shael's performance, would there?
  8. I think it'll be alright - not amazing, not suck. Certainly nothing to worry our pretty little heads about.
  9. would a topic about my misplaced nail clippers be considered okay in unmod ?
  10. Wow, look at all the cats posting that were just unmod lurkers. Hey guys, sup?
  11. Heh, I'm 17 as well.Pretty silly that some of us young'uns have been acting more mature.
  12. blad's attitude toward us soiled the pleasure I receive from listening to his mixes. And to think this (link) is one of my top tracks on last.fm. It's kind of like when my uncle met Dennis Deyoung, of Styx fame, and learned he was an ass.
  13. Gah, Drizzt. I'll def. check out some of these others. In fact, why not make this, "the good book thread"!
  14. Unfortunately, my ride to the Borders appeared early and I was unable to read any but the first reply. Then, after spending 30 minutes looking and needing to go home and do homework, I realized the book I had chosen was the third in a trilogy. So, I grabbed the first Neal Asher book I saw, Cowl. Looks odd, here's to hoping it doesn't suck!
  15. This is now the good book thread. Post about cool books others should check out! I'm looking for something good to read during homeroom, etc - preferably sci-fi (maybe fantasy!). I'm also looking for these things in it. 1. Easy to find at a book stores 2. Interesting (swashbuckling?) - something that is fun to read through the whole book, epic, but doesn't pull a Peter Jackson (long and unnecessarily drawn out) 3. Action packed! 4. Good comic relief would be fun 5. Not Star Wars or Star Trek (I have plenty of these!) 6. Mostly self-contained - I don't want to have to buy a million books to finish it up Thank you for your assistance, feel free to recommend stuff that does not exactly fit these criteria, I know that's pretty specific.
  16. Do what I did. Contributed to gendisc by posting in good topics, while breaking the chain of flood that was happening this morning. :3
  17. Coop mentioned it, and I will to - the worst part about this whole thing was seeing people that I like and respect on both sides act like dicks. For someone like me, who has a foot in the door of both sections of the site, it was fairly disheartening.
  18. Yeah, no kidding. Very little of the VC stuff is worth buying, imo.I'd like to see some good N64 games show up. Games like Vigilante 8 2nd Offense. That was bloody classic.
  19. Whilst I was lamenting going back to school after break and thinking it would be cool if Zelda were real, I realized - no it wouldn't. I mean, if you think about it, if Twilight Princess were real, that'd be scary as hell. D: So much for my childish fantasies.
  20. Star-Trek Tactical Assault is really underrated, imo. Check it out, it's fun and keen!
  21. I've been listening to more the this stuff, and it is really great. Very chill, it would be great to play D&D to.
  22. Jeez, I'm gonna' be broke. I'll definitely check this out, cos I never really got to experience the original.
  23. ...and it made me smile got deleted? Aww.
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