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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. I'mma check my Best Buy, I hope this works out. I wouldn't mind picking up Fire Emblem, MP2 and X-Men Legends 2.
  2. Yes! I hate watching Miis of peoples uncles and friends and dads and all that. D:
  3. So, what do you think is better for your Wii's health? Sitting horizontally or vertically? I've always been a horizontal guy, but since I've been playing a lot of GameCube lately, I have it vertical now.
  4. I'm having a lot of fun with Everybody Votes, thankyouverymuch. It's chill and silly - nice to have something to doodle around with after a rough day.
  5. I like Everybody Votes. It's pointless, but a good diversion. I'd like some sort of TV channel. That would be sweet.
  6. No idea what it is, but I just downloaded the Everybody Votes channel.
  7. I've been following this for a few months, and apparently I am an extra in it.
  8. Harvey Danger rocks. I will listen to this tomorrow morning and report back to you.
  9. Neat tuneage - but I see what you're saying about the temple musics.
  10. I'm sick of MMOs where you walk around all the time. I'll take EVE any day!
  11. Would be cool to see more skin options.
  12. I do. I'm glad it isn't just me.
  13. seriously, is this stuff anything but placebo?
  14. Haha, nothing worse than a so-so improv show.Especially if you're in it.
  15. Weird Al does not legally have to request permission from artists to do songs.
  16. Gecko's ytmnd is on the most viewed list.
  17. This would ROCK if someone mixed this.
  18. Awesome work Gecko.
  19. Bullocks. You're telling me that when the trailer was aired and Spidey was wearing the Venom Symbiote people didn't know that Venom was going to be in it?Puh-leeeze!
  20. haha arek's post and sig possess conflicting attitudes :3
  21. I loved this, and the c64 version.
  22. Bloody hell, Canned Heat was impossible for me.
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