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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. Gonna cross my fingers and hope they are doing something cool ready then.
  2. I can't get on GTS today... anyone else with this problem?
  3. Guys. I would REALLY like a Nincada, Ninjask, Shedinja in honor of the massive cicada outbreak in my area. Willing to give piplups or eevees for them. I would be willing to take two nincadas and evolve them myself. PM me if you are willing to assist me.
  4. Awesome. Just did Mystery Gift thang. Also: I have a Lunatone and want to trade for a Solrock.
  5. Hawkwing is hookin' me up. I can help breed them too, then.Also: need squirtle.
  6. If someone has a charmander, I'd appreciate them breeding me one :3
  7. Mario Party 8 coming out on the 29th. That one totally snuck up on me.
  8. ?
  9. About how many hours would one get out of it?
  10. Why does it matter that it is adamant?
  11. I'm considering getting Hotel Dusk. Is it anywhere near as satisfying and enjoyable as Phoenix Wright?
  12. Make sure you guys catch Rotom once you've got the nat'l dex.
  13. Dammit! I can't believe I missed that.
  14. You guys might have more fun if you all joined an established corp together.
  15. If it's boring you're doing it wrong.
  16. I used to play. Poiso played too, dunno if he is currently. I lack the funds to play, but I might pick up a 3 monther at the beginning of June. Also worth checking out is the EVE CCG, which is a lot of fun. http://www.eve-ccg.com/
  17. Glad legendaries are outlawed.
  18. Myst cake = hilarious.
  19. maaaaaaaaaan I spent all this time leveling and forgot to save lame
  20. That looks pretty sweet - I kept waiting to see Samus though. The soccer ball reminds me of a the morph ball form.
  21. if you want to wait 'till this weekend i can give you a pichu or a pikachu
  22. PM me if you'd be willing to hook me up with an eevee or a ditto :3
  23. How do you get an Eevee in this one?
  24. This is probably the best iteration of Pokemon series.
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