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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. So, is Puzzle Quest out for Wii or what? It says it should be, but I haven't seen reviews or anything.
  2. You probably register some sort of nickname, like with GH3.
  3. It is hard for me to put into words what I wish to communicate. Suffice it to say, this is a great lost, and he and you will be in my thoughts.
  4. I saw it. I wish I had taken a girl, it is definitely a good date movie. I really enjoyed it, too.
  5. Thanks for everyone's input, by the way. I <3 the internet.
  6. I've decided to go for VI. After all the stuff I've heard about it beforehand, everyone here talking about it, and some of my close friends raving about it, I've got to have it.
  7. They're only Christmas songs. I'm sure a lot of people know how to play them fairly well already.
  8. Blah, so far all I've got on my list is Hot Rod on DVD and Medal of Honor Heroes 2 for Wii. I entertained the idea of Geometry Wars for Wii, but I don't think I'll be able to squeeze 40 bucks worth of play time out of it. I want something epic! The Wii game library is definitely lacking in the epic department, however.
  9. I'm not really a Final Fantasy game d00d. I'm, for the most part, unfamiliar with the series. Only FF game I've played is FFT:A. Out of the Final Fantasy games available for GBA and DS, what are the best? I'm leaning towards 3, that one looks pretty sweet. Thanks.
  10. If I ask for one, I think I'll go with the View. I was able to handle both of them at Circuit City today, and I liked the way the View felt much much more.
  11. Snowboard Kids. So good.
  12. Sorry, I meant to reply but never got around to it. I actually enjoy these sorts of things from time to time. I tried Star Wars Combine (doulifee actually lent me an e-mail address to sign up) but I just couldn't get into it. I also noodled around with Pardus a bit. I was looking for a browser based game that was similar to EVE Online It didn't really work out. I spent about a month with Urban Dead, but it never really captured the intensity of a zombie outbreak and I just got bored with it after awhile. Me and a bunch of OCR fellows spent a good deal of time with Cyber Nations. I think there still might be an OCR alliance too. That game was pretty darn fun. Another game me and some OCR dudes spent a bunch of time with was Zelderex. I remember Effector was like, our guild boss. That game was totally fun, although required a bit more time investment than some other browser based MMOs. I recommend checking it out for sure. I wouldn't mind finding something new and decent to waste my time with.
  13. I'm currently trying to find out which of these two players is the best deal, would be the best for me. This one? Or this one?
  14. Wow, I was looking through current VC games out and Sin and Punishment looks awesome. I just might have to get that.
  15. Yeah, advice on MP3 players please. I'm thinking like, 100 bucks tops though. Any experience with Creative or Sandisk players? I don't want an ipod.
  16. There any good VC games out that would be fun for 2-4 people with only wiimotes and GC controllers?
  17. I'm looking for stuff like, in the 20-100 dollar range. Possibly 200. I'm considering various MP3 players and wouldn't mind advice on that. Also Wii and DS games, maybe other cool gadgets and CDs? All ideas are appreciated!
  18. I need some ideas.
  19. Please people, do this! I would totally be up for some new takes on Christmas music.
  20. Then why bother mentioning it?
  21. that's nuts. I am green with envy.
  22. Man, douli is like, prince of this thread. Keep up the nice work, douli.
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