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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. The last like, two weeks of updates have been pretty damn underwhelming.
  2. These are awesome.
  3. Not from video games, but these are enjoyable all the same.
  4. PM me a link?
  5. Did anyone get an e-mail from Nintendo about a survey for Metroid Prime 3? It took me to this. My MyNintendo login didn't work. Weird.
  6. Not for thirty dollars, I don't! D:
  7. Even so, it's sad as hell.
  8. haha what? are you serious?
  9. Water levels in all games suck. Hard. Though, the water level in SM64 had great music. Is there a snow level in this game? There better be!
  10. Yeah, that battle was really fun. Although, it took me far to long to realize what I had to do to hurt him.
  11. I'm really liking the appearance of old Mario tunes.
  12. higher quality
  13. I like it a lot. It is making me dizzy!
  14. Goodness! I'll be getting it today, but I have a massive Anatomy quiz tomorrow, and perhaps more auditions for the Christmas Carol at my school tonight. Ha, is it bad that I don't want to get audition call backs so I have more time to play Galaxy?
  15. I wouldn't exactly call this stuff "classical" so much as "orchestral." Check out Immediate Music for similar stuff.
  16. Worse. The mono thing was probably a mistake. The bad Wii graphics? Laziness.imo, both are inexcusable.
  17. Dammit Gamestop! gamestop guy: thx 4 calling gamesto teh m0re j00 tr@de teh m0re j00 save spleen: Hello, my good man! Do you perchance have Super Mario Galaxy in stock today? gamestop guy: sry d00d not till 2morrow gg
  18. Happy birthday dude. Release some Grammar Club mp3s plox.
  19. I wonder if it will be in store tomorrow or Tuesday?The Check Mii Out channel is kinda silly. The way you have to give the Miis initials kinda makes the whole thing lame for me. I much would rather they have full names D:
  20. Check Mii Out is available for download now. Getting it as we speak.
  21. I think we're supposed to be getting that new Wii channel tomorrow.
  22. The one thing that is kinda cool about Child's Play is that everyone else is donating to the medical stuff. This is giving them something a little different, that otherwise their families wouldn't be able to do.
  23. Are Big or E-102 in it? I always liked them.
  24. Dude, I've been to Waukegan.
  25. Thank you, so very very much.
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