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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. Just be careful what you visit and what you download when you're goin' after keygens.
  2. my first thought when I saw this update: DON'T TASE ME BRO
  3. xfire: supremespleen steam: supremespleen wii: 2571 3401 5963 9253
  4. Little things. After finding I couldn't get a Mewtwo I went for Octilleries, Likitongues and now I'm waiting for an Aipom.
  5. I love the GTS. Somewhere out there there are Japanese kids with female spiritombs from me named Luanne, Cheyenne, and Anne.
  6. I dunno. I just feel like animating something. I'm big into movie editing, but I don't have anything to edit.I figured if I animated I wouldn't need footage, I could just make everything. I don't exactly have money, though.
  7. Is there any way I can do Flash animation stuff for free? Like, freeware alternatives? Something like how GIMP is to Photoshop. Thanks
  8. This is pretty awesome, whatever it is. I also think it sounds fairly familiar D:
  9. If someone could do a few Deadpool avvies, that would be keen.
  10. Or you serious? Put me down for a Lugia.How do you get this stuff?
  11. No. I'll look tomorrow. I don't really look at stats that much...Anyway, I was thinking about building an A-Team with the strongest non legendary Pokes. Suggestions?
  12. Darkrai get. Brush rocks hard. And Damned, we'll do the Salamence thang later. Thanks d00ds.
  13. Brush, I've got you added. I also sent you a whole bunch of messages on aim last night. Not sure if I ever will be around when you are though. Maybe send an extra to The Damned and he could hook me up?That is if you have any left. My FC is: 2620-9082-6449 Thanks! I'm usually around from 7:00-7:40 AM and then 8:00-10:30 PM.
  14. Holy crap please.Send me a message on aim, my sn is then spleen said
  15. Any Pokemon players wanna help me do something wacky? I'm going to be playing a few games with friends tomorrow, and if anyone has capabilities to clone/gameshark some insane unfair legendary and wants to give it to me for free that would be awesome. also: halo ds lol http://www.joystiq.com/2007/10/02/halo-ds-plot-thickened-by-video-footage/
  16. Hmm. Alright. This has helped some. If anyone has any other advice it is greatly appreciated.
  17. Did the processes and some of the system cleanup. I can free up like, 9 gigs by compressing "old files." Not sure if I want to do that though. How does it affect them and if I need to use them? What does it compress?
  18. It took me like, five minutes for my computer to shut down yesterday. Anymore stuff takes ages to open, too. If I run any CPU intensive games, my computer barely wants to do anything afterward. It's about four years old, and I think I'm due for a backing up and purging, but is there anything I can do to lube up my computer and increase its response time in the meantime? I've tried defragging and running crap cleaner to no avail.
  19. Hm. Can't decide if the new Zelda interests me or not. Looks kind of bland. edit: gonna go get my free manaphy from toys r us!
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