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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. A friend of mine played this for me on his iPod during Anatomy today, and mentioned that him and some 'net friends of his found this in some squirrel flash on Newgrounds. No one can figure out what the hell it is/what it was originally from. To me, it kinda sounds like Klaus Badelt or stock movie trailer music like Extreme Music and Immediate Music. The melody line is also reminiscent of Fray's Morrowind Remix, it's also in Freemind's. I can't find those mixes on the site right now, but whatever. That's beside the point. Your assistance is appreciated!
  2. I actually really like that aspect. Seems to fit the Fire Emblem universe real well.
  3. Don't forget about joining the OCR Tour Group.
  4. I want a Winamp album cover shower plugin thang, but all the ones I find retrieve it from my computer. Two problems with that: I'd need to reorganize my entire music collection to have albums in folders with individual covers, my computer has decided that every single mp3 on my computer is an Alice Cooper greatest hits album. So, I want something that grabs the cover from the 'net based off the ID3 tag. Anything like that out there? Thanks.
  5. How'd you get ahold of it? Please, tell us more!Also: the damn GH3 website needs to update more often. It's had my campaign listed as 47% for days, but I'm finished!
  6. I would be very interested in this.
  7. Yeah, get too joining d00ds. FYI, it makes me approve everyone that applies to join so don't be confused it you aren't in the group immediately.
  8. Join the OCR Tour Group.
  9. Yes, but is he content?
  10. And I noticed it sounded weird.
  11. What the hell are you talking about?
  12. Don't forget to join the OCR tour group. Man, how do you guys strum? Thumb? My hand gets so tired out so quick, which is alright on medium, but gonna hurt me when I get to hard. Also: bosses are annoying, but don't give up. Eventually you'll get the right combo of items that you can use in a row to take them down pretty quick. <3 Midori. edit: And my Wiimote is being lame and I really have to jerk the guitar up hard to get star power. It always screws me up cos I have to pull it up so hard and fast. I'm going to have to see what the deal is.
  13. Sounds like you need to download some more RAM.
  14. I've got a little 1 gig Sandisk that I stole from my mom. It's nice cos it's small, flash memory, and cheaper. That way if I lose it or it gets broken or someth' it isn't the end of the world. Plus, I don't need any sort of program to transfer files, I just drag and drop via Windows Explorer.
  15. Yeah, it's like, every Wednesday or Thursday I think. Cos the day Escapist updates, he's got a new one a day or two later.
  16. Holy crap. I didn't realize he made those.Damn.
  17. You can do co-op online, but not a whole career.
  18. When you turn it on it mentions that you should connect to WFC and create a profile. All you do is pick a name for yourself. You can just leave it at that if all you want to do is look at your stats. If you want to join groups and stuff, you register for an account there and link it to your Wii account via friend code.
  19. Woohoo, now you guys can keep an eye on pretty much everything I do in Guitar Hero. It's a little slow to update, but it knows everything about me.
  20. It was also pretty funny, at the GameStop I went to the computer crashed. All these people were trying to pay off the rest of their games but it wouldn't take cash. People were getting so pissed and the GameStop guy was on the phone with corporate and tech support. Some other guy spent like 30 minutes swearing that he had more money on his gift card than was showing up. And then there was a dude in a banana suit. edit: Stat tracking is pretty cool in GH3. This is just from us doodling around after we got it. Profile's named after my buddy since we were on his Wii. When I get home and start mine I'll post my friend code and all the stuff. It also looks like there is some sort of guild system. Guitar Hero 3 OCR Guild anyone? I'll look into starting one up later today. edit 2: OCR Tour Group
  21. I just listen to stuff with Winamp. It works decently and is pretty. For organizing? I tag everything and use Windows Explorer. None of that iTunes crap on my box.
  22. Well, it's 2:42 AM here. I got it at midnight. Anyway, the only reason I noticed the graphics being bad was that they seemed worse than the old games. I think Neversoft was just going for a slightly different look, but they all kind of look like Chuck E. Cheese robots, especially the drummer.Also, the boss battles are kind of lame, and the Wii actually locked up during the battle with Slash D: Still really fun, not sure if I am happy that it cost me $100 though. I've yet to try the online stuff, but the first thing the game tells you to do is make an online profile thang. It seems like it keeps track of a bunch of stuff.
  23. Just got it, seems pretty cool. The Wiitar is nice and works great with the wiimote. The touch is different than other GH controllers I've used but I'm sure I'll get used to it. The graphics on the other hand, are terrible.
  24. I can't decide if I'm gonna get GH3 or not. It's a lot of money for me. Approximately how many hours do you think are in that game?
  25. midna midna midna midna midna Actually, I would prefer her to be her own character. But, wolf link with Midna would suffice.
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