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Everything posted by supremespleen

  1. I am considering getting Metroid on VC this monday. What's another kickass NES game to get? Kid Icarus? I want something that will last me awhile and isn't brutal as far as game saving goes.
  2. And Wikipedia probably has plot summaries. That's what I'm going to do.
  3. I like the fact that they've added Samus interacting with other characters. Should make the game a bit less lonely.
  4. YES. I've been dying for a system update that allows customization of the appearance of the Wii interface.
  5. Yes.ten characters
  6. The Metroid channel is cool, and that first trailer gave me chills with the get behind the helmet one last time bit. I wish there was more to it that channel, though. Would it kill them to just release a demo or something?
  7. you guys should do darkstalkers that game had some awesome characters
  8. Oh wow. Gonna need some higher res pics of her.
  9. The pic is not bubbleless shielding.
  10. It's going to MIDI, not much we can do about it.
  11. You have to clear the air to make room for the wifis.
  12. Yes we do. It doesn't change anything. It's purpose, which I assume is to get rid of posts without content is defeated by simply adding the phrase, "ten characters." There's still no content in the post.
  13. Lag really ruins Strikers matches.
  14. It's a home improvement place. A lot of 'em have budget PC games. A lot of them are beyond terrible, but sometimes sleeper hits show up.
  15. No. Heh.Uhhh, I saw it in some documentary about movies and editing and special effects.
  16. No, I was just saying. There's a huge group of people that say CGI is a fad, puppets ftw, etc.I like both, but puppets and miniatures do have a nice tangible quality to them. CGI is getting pretty damn good though, so it will soon be a pointless argument.
  17. There is a large group of people that prefer costumes and puppets over CGI.
  18. I am interested in elaboration on this.
  19. You will be surprised what shows up on bargain bins and discount shelves at Wal-Mart, Target, and even Menard's.
  20. Those vertical tower fans rock hard.
  21. Rented Strikers. This is pretty cool. Wouldn't mind trying WiFi sometime today.
  22. I like this. ten characters
  23. I am kind of disappointed that it isn't CGI, but I'm sure Hollywood can make a live action Warcraft look good. I sure hope it does, too, cos it is as close as I'm going to get to having a Warhammer Fantasy movie.
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