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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. Legend of Legaia 2. Mega Man Legends 2. Mega Man X5-(whatever the hell number it went up to.) Street Fighter 4 (and that douche bag last boss)
  2. But I don't have a pooper scooper. Can I take their stuff. I'm sure they wont need it anymore...
  3. Oh no, man. I laughed at your comment. But, I left because I lost a dimond pickaxe and 5 diamonds. I took my anger out on some noobs in CoD.
  4. Do they spawn randomly? Yesterday I was racking up on diamonds and the next thing I know I was swimming in lava. When I died, I saw a bunch of slimes all over the place that weren't in the area before I started mining. I was so pissed I just called it quits for the evening...
  5. I donated some materials ( a ton of redstone, seeds, and wheat) in the community chest (the one that's in the spawn, not the group of chests outside of the spawn), If anyone has use for that stuff. May I request some of those thin sheets of snow? (I'm not really sure how to gather/create that stuff) I like to cover the floors in my house with that stuff. Oh, and maybe some of those blocks found in the netherworld that will burn forever. I would like to use them for a fireplace.
  6. I have been de-white-listed... I know I haven't been posting as much as I used to, but I still play...
  7. Listen to music that you normally wouldn't listen to. I came across a ton of stuff from all over the world on 7digital.com. Its a good site for new artist and you can check out many foreign artist as well.
  8. Glad to see ya back in the game! Looks like your link is bad (or, at least not working for me). Here is a Youtube link to the source tune: Now then, the piano in the intro is beautiful. It would be awesome if you can extend it a little longer and maybe have it playing a bit more throughout the mix in the background. The voice sample came in a tad bit loud. It kinda scared me. The second time it came in, I can hear the sudden applauding from the crowd. I would probably fade that part it so that its not as abrupt. The panning on those bongos, the ones that bounce from left to right when the main melody comes in, is a little too wide. I suggest bringing them a bit closer to the center and maybe put in a nice drum pattern for them. The drum work can use a little more "oomph" as well. The snare is a bit weak and the kick should have more bump to it. I can't wait to hear more!
  9. Glad to see that you're back in the game! I would be honored to do some collabs with you. Just let me know, bro.

  10. May the anniversary of your birth be happy...and poop.
  11. Reading this made me think of a certain "girl" in a certain "tub." The good ol days...
  12. Is this the type of sound you were looking for? http://www.mediafire.com/?i3g47554mbu1i9t I just took a clap sample from FL Studio and threw a couple of reverb (cave and blur 025 presents) effects on in.
  13. On average, it takes me 10-20 hours to finish a song. But it can vary if I'm trying to finish a bunch of songs at once (I really need to stop doing that.) I work even faster when I'm in the zone, but I usually have to be intoxicated for that to happen, so it doesn't happen too often. My record time is 5 hours (The Song of Ruin).
  14. Thanks for sharing. I will also add this to my collection. Who knows when I might need them... I might even give ya credit.
  15. Almost finished with my Sonic's Gameworld mix. Its really a pain in the ass with so few sources tune to work from.
  16. I'm still kinda jealous. You managed to complete this remix before I could even come up with a solid idea, man. But, its all good and this mix is SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. FINAL UPDATE: http://soundcloud.com/user7666413/chrono-cross-song-of-ruin-2/s-6IMVB I'd say its about 90% finished, but I wont be posting anymore updates after this one. The final version will either be on OCR's front page, or on my YouTube page (if the judges don't pass it.) I've made a few changes to the EQing again and I tried to minimize the panning effect on the background pads. I kinda like the panning, but it started to drown out other instruments. I also added another section and I'm planing to add a more defined climax before closing it all out.
  19. There are a lot of places where you can get high quality samples and VSTs for free (Demo versions, of course). Check out Native Instruments from time to time. They release special sound packs for free every once in a while, and offer some pretty nice deals. You can dig around on Hammersound.net for some decent sounding soundfonts, but its a pain because some of the download links don't work sometimes.
  20. Good. I don't want people knowing when I get fucked up.
  21. See, the thing is that different remixers have different styles, so there is always going to be a disagreement on what is practical and what is not. And then, that will bring about confusion. Lets keep it simple folks.
  22. Well, I understand you're point, but try that in an apartment. Your neighbors will not be as enthusiastic about your music as you are. Then, you have to be in a completely quiet area (almost sound proof), no outside noise, or distractions. Reverb will not sound quite as accurate.
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