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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. I know, but its just for convenience. I spent waaaaaaay too long collecting dirt yesterday. I just need a bit more to set up my floating island.
  2. Oh, ok. Thanks. I came across a couple of community chest that had dirt in them (I just gotta find them again.) Thats pretty much all I need.
  3. How do you set up a warp? I would like to be able to warp to the spawn for supplies and back to my place.
  4. I just noticed this thread. I wish I saw it before I took a part time position for HP. I would much rather be working with tech support emails, than doing marketing/sales for HP (even though I do like HP). If I could spend less time out and about, and just work from my laptop, and make a little extra money a month, it would be awesome. What other positions do you think might open up?
  5. Well, I wouldn't say it was awful, but I am disappointed. The early concept art really hyped me up, and I thought it would be different that what it actually turned out to be. It was a decent platformer/puzzle game, but I came across some annoying bugs (aiming and shooting, getting stuck in objects, ect) and the camera system was just retarded.
  6. Hey, who messed up the stairs going up to my tree house and stole my chests I had up there? I didn't have much in there anyway, but dang! I forgot that my stairs were messed up and fell out of my tree, right in the middle of a group of three creepers. Yeah, it was bad...
  7. Yeah, that's what I'm shooting for. If you have any issues with it, I'll still have time to fix them before the final wav deadline. Btw, I sent you a friend request on FB.
  8. Yo Rozo, as you know my track was pretty close to finished. I am still in the process of adding a bit more atmosphere to the mix and make a few changes here and there. I'll have something ready in a couple of weeks.
  9. Well, the only difference is the desktop's processor (Intel Core 2 Duo 1.82 GHz, 4 GB RAM) is a bit slower than my laptop (Intel Core 2 Duo 2.00 GHz, 4 GB RAM, T6400), and of course, the desktop has a graphics card and sound card installed in it (which I thought would help). Both of them are running Windows 7 the only thing is, my laptop is a 64-bit and the desktop is 32-bit. Other than that, everything is the same. I just have different antivirus programs running on them. The laptop is basically a backup copy of my desktop. The desktop runs MC fine in single player, so I'm hoping there is something I can tweak to make it run better in multiplayer. I might need to check for updates for Java, but thats the only thing I can think of. MC is also using an fuckton of resources (over 500,000 K). Does it really have to take up so much?
  10. Multiplay seems to work alot better for me on my laptop compared to my desktop. I was getting some really bad lag when nobody else was. But I would rather play MC on my desktop. What can I do to improve the performance on my desktop?
  11. what are you using!?!?!? I want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. If I can gather enough materials to make 3 diamond pickaxes, I will be happy to donate the rest of the diamonds I find. I'll get on later and do some cave exploring.
  13. Is it possible to maybe reduce the map size a little? Maybe it can help speed things up until the SSDs are in place. My tools are disappearing right out of my hand and I got knocked off of my roof by a flying cow, so I just cant imagine what it will be like when we start having monsters running around.
  14. This kinda sounds like its from the Grandia series. I'll take a look...
  15. I just cant imagine that thing being good for my eyes. I'll pass.
  16. I vote for the little fags. There's nothing like escaping a cave full of mobs by the skin of your teeth just to find a lone creeper standing just outside of the entrance ready relinquish you of every piece of precious material you've found.
  17. Very nice work. It kinda reminds me of Colorpulse. Very nice, chill stuff right here.
  18. Hey all, I'm looking for some kind of some type of urban Hip Hop/Jazz songs, similar to the I've been looking on YouTube, but i need more. Any artist or song suggestions?
  19. I noticed after the update, my character moves a bit faster and the sneak ability does not prevent you from falling off edges anymore (at least, not for me.) For some reason, I still see alot more monsters when I play on normal, than I do on hard difficulty. I haven't been exploring the caves since Notch did the update on the cave system layouts, so I didn't know about the deep caverns and shit until I fell down one. As I went in again to retrieve my stuff, I had a shitload of monsters jump down right on my head. That kinda sucks. I'm not feeling it.
  20. Just don't bring a bunch of valuables with you. Keep it bare minimum.
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