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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. One of my problems was using crappy headphones to monitor my music. When I first started out remixing, I had some super cheap $15 headphones that I was using. For some reason, I though what I heard on those headphones, would be what people hear when they listen to my mix. Turns out, I had WAY too much bass in my mixes, because I was overcompensating for the lack of a decent low frequency playback through those headphones. Now, I'm not saying "Go out and get some $200+ headphones," but a pair that will produce studio quality sound, which is especially important what making music. Applying too much compression was another one for me. I often had problems with my basslines and drums sounding muddy and nasty. So now, whenever I notice clipping and whatnot, I try to reduce the volume on that instrument, or even the particular notes that cause it. Then, I apply light compression to hammer out any other issues that I might have missed. Since I do not have a keyboard, I have trouble with pianos and guitars sounding mechanical in my songs. So, humanization is the key to fixing this. Making some notes play louder or softer than others, and tweaking the timing of the notes will help make it sound more like natural playing. I've even added some funky sounding notes here and there in some of my mixes to make it sound like I made a mistake. But, I wouldn't recommend doing that unless you get really good at "cover up sequencing." I'll think of more later...
  2. To play: Acoustic guitar. With Nylon strings. I don't like steel strings. Piano/Keyboard. The only problem is, I suck so bad at both. But, I have fun trying to play To listen to: Any type of guitar, especially the Chapman Stick. Piano Sax Ethnic percussion.
  3. Mediafire has been acting retarded lately. It seems to be working for me, at least for now. Can someone verify this? I might open up a SoundCloud account if I keep having trouble.
  4. Can we just use this explanation, and just let the shit go? Did we seriously HAVE to make a thread about it?
  5. UPDATE!!!! http://soundcloud.com/user7666413/chrono-cross-song-of-ruin-2/s-6IMVB
  6. NONSENSE! They will give us another awesome Sonic game.
  7. Damn. The only song I heard worth remixing was the one Zircon already did! I can't find any soundtracks.
  8. Good point. I've never heard of Sega Pico until I read this thread. It was kinda retarded of me to take this one on. Can we get a soundtrack list, or something LT?
  9. They are lyrics from an old remix that used to be on OCR a while ago.
  10. The chances of me dropping it while doing all of that bullshit is very high. I would probable need a damn wrist strap or something.I would rather have a console that I can just use "two hands" to hold on to and play at the same time. Next, they'll have a game that I can control with my eyeballs. Better yet, maybe a M rated game the I can control with my penis. What ever happened to good old buttons?
  11. I tried to get Maxie to drop a couple of mixes for OCR, but I guess he's not interested... Kinda sucks, he has some mad skillz. BTW, I will also be posting some mixes on my channel that either did not make it OCR, or I don't want to sub to OCR. So, please come check it out sometimes, everyone.
  12. And that's what Sony is counting on. A few months after launch, the price is probably gonna drop, and that's what I'm counting on. I'm gonna wait it out and see what kind games come out, and what bugs, if any, are found on those systems. At least by then, I will know what I'm getting myself into.
  13. Damn, I did not notice this thread until now. I'll have to grab this when I get home.
  14. I came across a pretty good looking motherboard-cpu combo deal on Newegg. It can give me good speed and memory expandability. What do you guys think?
  15. Thanks for telling me about that. I honestly wouldn't have noticed it otherwise. I took care of it.
  16. Thanks, hewhoisiam. I am attempting to take this mix in a direction people wouldn't expect (you'll see what I mean), so in this update, I added a couple of new sections that will expand on the source tune a little more and I added a quiet, ambient section with a glitchy bell. I'm not really planning on doing a full orchestra type mix, but kind of a hybrid of genres. I'm still thinking about what I'm going to do next after the ambient section, so stay tuned. UPDATE: http://soundcloud.com/user7666413/chrono-cross-song-of-ruin-2/s-6IMVB
  17. I'm digging the retro feeling I get from this. It really reminds me of my SNES/Sega Genesis days. Not much more to say... Nice work man!
  18. Damn, right when I actually started building some cool shit too... Oh well, I'm cool with a restart.
  19. I wont be in Vegas until July, so I probably wont make it.
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