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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. Damn, right when I actually started building some cool shit too... Oh well, I'm cool with a restart.
  2. I wont be in Vegas until July, so I probably wont make it.
  3. Back when I had long hair I used this stuff whenever I wanted to to get it braided: The day I registered for this site, I just happened to be getting my hair braided, and said "Hey, that would be a cool name."
  4. This is a quick sketch of my latest project from Chrono Cross. This time, I am remixing the Chronopolis theme. The original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8PEzZ9pqkw My Remix: http://soundcloud.com/user7666413/chrono-cross-song-of-ruin-2/s-6IMVB
  5. The ending is EPIC. Thank you. I thank you. My ears thank you.
  6. I will be taking that nosedive into oblivion sometime in September.
  7. Yes, I did attempt to play FFXIII (as mentioned in an earlier post). I was talking about the KH series though. I liked it. But after watching the newest trailer for FFXIII Versus, it looks like another KH. And that is not what I was hoping for.
  8. Well, we all have our preferences I guess. I like the series, but I want FF to be FF, not KH.
  9. Too bad I couldn't bring myself to finish FFXIII. If I wanted to watch drama, I would have just watch a reality tv show and save myself $60. WTF happened to FFXIII Versus?
  10. Who is anosou, some noob? Anyway happy poop day to you!
  11. I'll be going with a 80GB SSD. I believe that will be plenty of space for my OS, FL Studio and the VSTs. My friend has been on my ass about the memory thing as well. And you are both right. I probably wont be using that much memory at once, so I guess I could just go with 8GB DDR3. I just want this damn system to last a good while before I need to build another just to "keep up." I also don't want to deal with any form of OCing. I could live with only a combo drive. Its just that, when I had the DVD/CD / DVD-RW setup on an older system, I found that it was less time consuming. I do alot of DVD copying for my girlfriend's business and I often have my laptop and my desktop copying stuff at the same time to save time. Its a pain in the ass. I didn't realize how integrated things are now a days. The last time I worked on building a system with my dad, IT WAS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE!!!! I suppose I just have a biased opinion on AMD and Intel. I found that my computer with that AMD processor was much more reliable than the one I have now with the Intel processor. They were literally the exact same computer, but one had AMD, and the other had Intel. The whole year I had my computer with AMD, I never had a program crash on me. When I gave that one to my sister, and got the one I have now, I experienced programs crashing randomly, even when I wasn't doing anything with them at the time. But, I did say that I want speed, so I'll remain open minded on this subject. Now, whats the difference between the Core i7 Bloomfield, and this Sandy Bridge thing, and how do they compare to the AMD Phenom X6? Whats the difference between having an audio interface and a sound card? I can tell you right now that there will be a 5.1 surround sound system, so I do want to get the most out of it. Oh, and also, I want wireless networking on this pc. So, an internal wireless adapter will be needed. And the whole thing about the CPU cooler and socket for socket match thing you said, yea, that was about 5 feet over my head... I only have about $900 on hand right now, but I'm planning on building a $1200-$1500 dollar machine (hopefully less, if my hookups can come through for me.) I always plan for the worst case scenario though. I want to save up a bit more and make sure I'll still have that type of spending power after I move. I prefer the get the parts piece by piece, but I heard that its better to just get them all at once. Pretty nice looking setup. Noob, question time: How can you tell what type of case will work with what type of motherboard? You know, with the screw inserts, fans, slots in the back of the case, wireless networking cards, ect.? Is there some sort of standard, or guide? Sorry, if I'm annoying.
  12. I'm still trying to decide how I want to do this. I know I want to have a 2TB HDD for saving regular files, pics, movies, ect, and I want to have a good sized SSD for my OS and program installation. The problem is, they are high as hell, so I might have to get a 80gb SSD. I'm kinda confused about the new memory types and speeds. I want 12gb of the fastest type (DDR3 2133) of memory, but I think Windows 7 can only take a certain amount of speed and memory capacity (or something.) We will need a Blue-ray drive and a cd/dvd writer, because I will want to copy and write stuff simultaneously. I assume I could use the Blue-ray drive the same way as one would use a regular optical dvd/cd drive. I want a fast ass processor (AMD, not Intel), but I know certain processors work with certain motherboards, then certain graphics and sound cards work with certain motherboards, AND THEN certain boards fit in certain computer cases! So, I gotta do more research and figure out what works with what.
  13. . Yup its old. I got it when dual core was relatively new technology (back in 06, I believe) and Its been working faithfully for me since day one, even when it had Vista on it. I'll be sad to see it go, but its time. I've pretty much maxed out everything I could except for the graphics. Its definitely time for an upgrade. I usually just buy a "high end" CPU from best buy, and then make modifications later, but this time, I want to start from scratch and build a machine that will last me for a while. About how much did you spend total on your setup, prophetik?
  14. Intel Core 2 Duo 1.82 GHz, 4 GB RAM (3.5 Gigs usable), Windows 7. 256 MB Radeon X1050 graphics card. Creative Audigy 4 sound card. (I lost the remote that went with it though.) My mom is thinking about taking it, but she has not given me a definite answer yet.
  15. I'm starting to shy away from playing multiplayer games online. There are too many retarded/immature/racist dicks out there. And people will find a way to cheat on anything. Its pitiful.
  16. Sexy muzics, very sexy! Me likes! Very nice work putting this album together. I loved it. I have only played one Armored Core game in my gaming career (lol, career...) and it was the very first one that was on the Playstation, if I'm not mistaken. I haven't bothered with the series since. But, after listening to these tracks, I have a feeling I've missed out on some awesome games and great tunes.
  17. Yo, that thing looks SICK. I want... I might be starting my own little project pretty soon if I can find someone that would want my old PC. I just gotta gather all of the equipment I need and make sure it will all works together (that's gonna be the hard part for me). I would very much like to replicate your setup (except, use purple or blue LEDs instead of red). Was the list you posted up earlier of everything you needed to build this, or is there some extra stuff you need? Obviously, I'm a noob when it comes to this kind of stuff.
  18. I strongly suggest Bug and Bug Too (action/adventure), if you can find a good copy anywhere. I had some major fun playing those games.
  19. I did a /home, and ended up getting attacked by an invisible spider (thank goodness it wasn't a creeper.) Am I the only one experiencing this?
  20. Could it one day be possible to set up quick links to YouTube channels for OCR members, or at least remixers? By that, I mean something similar to how we have the links set up for Facebook, Myspace, Yahoo Messenger, ect. where they appear in the upper right corner of our posts in the user info bar (I don't know what the proper name for it is.)
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