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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Thanks, Gollgagh. Never played it, but read some reviews and it seemed interesting.
  2. A rather belated, Thanks Well, it's been nearly a month since this got kicked off. How's everyone doing with their tracks thus far? I'll be sending out PMs soon to everyone who stepped up to make/try to make a track this year, but I figured I'd give this thread a bump as well.
  3. Too defeatest/cynical. That whole "check your privilege" thing drags your sex/ethnicity into things, and makes it seem like your opinion isn't worth anything because of it; that you can't possibly know what you're talking about. And that's a bit of an odd tactic to use, given that half of the time, it's being said by someone fighting against being treated the same way. Guess they've never heard of the Golden Rule. So I say ignore them, and say what's on your mind. It's not their place to tell you to stay in your place.
  4. Actually, on page 42 of the "Gaming Guide To The Galaxy," paragraph 4, it's clearly listed as a requirement. If you don't call yourself that, someone comes by and erases all of your game saves.
  5. I was talking about the subject in general, outside of our OCR bubble. As for objectifying, everyone knows that many people objectify themselves on at least a semi regular basis to some degree. We get dressed up, make ourselves look good, and then go about getting ourselves noticed. Married and single men and women do it. Sometimes it's just to feel good about yourself/attractive, sometimes it's to find someone to potentially start dating, other times it's to get laid that night... the list goes on and on. There are simply moments when we want to be the object of someone's desires, and we let those around us know when that mood's hit us with the way we present/flaunt ourselves on those occasions. But, you can't say that with this whole gamergate/tropes thing going on. Some people simply refuse to believe that self-made objectification is a real thing that people can and willingly do on purpose. They try to call it something else, but it's objectifying yourself, pure and simple. And since the word "objectify" is nearly a loaded term thanks to what's been going on with gaming lately, trying to rationalize any form of it just results in some people losing their collective shit and lashing out. So... yeah. Some people have no problems with objectifying themselves, and enjoy the attention/power/effects on others it provides. Other people will happily objectify themselves at times, but when they're not in the mood to do so, they don't like being objectified by others. Others still don't like being objectified at all. The topic's a situational thing that differs from person to person, and level-headed people understand that. The problem is, that some people are trying to turn it into, "ALL OBJECTIFYING IS EVIL AND IF YOU SAY OTHERWISE U R BAD MEN!" And it's tough to have a grown-up and civil conversation when such people keep butting in, shouting the loudest.
  6. Who would argue the other side of that, though? Who would say "sexual objectification is just fine" in the gaming climate we have now? Now granted, just to play the devil's advocate for a moment, points could be made about how a fair number of women seem to purposely objectify themselves at times. Slipping into outfits that are skimpy, tight and/or revealing as she goes out for the night. You know, attire that she likes the way it draws attention to what she feels are her best physical features, or how it makes her feel pretty/sexy, or because she liked the design of the outfit and felt it looked good on her, or whatever scores of other reasons she'd have for choosing to wear something that accentuated aspects of her physical appearance; that would get her noticed when she wants to be noticed. Someone could even argue the idea of "objectifying yourself is fine when you're in control of it, but having others objectify you crosses a line." But any such serious argument maker, no matter how they presented their opinion/argument, would be bludgeoned over the skull with "ARE YOU SAYING SHE'S ASKING TO BE OBJECTIFIED?! SO NOW IT'S WOMEN'S FAULT YOU FUCKING PIG?!" backlash that would go on for days. Right now, the topic is basically too charged to have a real, civil discussion about it, because both sides are looking for anything to latch onto and lash out at. Hell, I fully expect someone to scold me for even mentioning the possibility of an argument with the above paragraph. So I don't know if going into a debate on both sides of the objectification issue, and how both men and women contribute to it, is doable at the moment... or at least doable without it degrading into snide comments and insults.
  7. Manic and bullet hell shmups, eh? A few off the top of my head... DonPachi (arcade/PS1/Saturn) DoDonpachi (arcade/PS1/Saturn) Mars Matrix (arcade/Dreamcast) Giga Wing 1+2 (arcade/Dreamcast) Jamestown (PC) Hellsinker (PC) Progear (arcade) Batsugun (arcade/Saturn) Zero Gunner 2 (arcade/Dreamcast) Psyvariar 2 (arcade/Dreamcast) Gundemonium Collection (3 games - PC) eXceed Collection (3 games - PC) Tale of Alltynex (3 games - PC) Psyche Metal: The Bleeding (PC) Some games that can come close to being bullet hell-ish if you turn up the difficulty... The Raiden series (arcade/Genesis/SNES/TG-16/PC/360/and God only knows what else) Soldner-X (PC/PS3) Under Defeat (arcade/Dreamcast/PS3) Grind Stormer (arcade/Genesis)
  8. Sorry for the late response, but thanks.
  9. I don't believe there'd be a problem with an original piece. The nostalgia factor wouldn't be there obviously, but I don't see an issue with it if you've got a hankering to go the original route.
  10. It does. I have the PM to prove it
  11. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=48087 Thread's up and running, and so is the clock, people. GO GO GO!
  12. With Dyne taking the year off to party and drown himself in various types of profound debauchery this year, I'm stepping into the vacancy he left behind. Why? Well, it seems folks are still wanting a Christmas album to be made, and Dyne seemed open to the idea of watching from his hidden palace of pleasures on the unmarked island he'll be staying on. So, here we go. This project is open to any and all OCR members, regardless of whether you're a posted remixer or not. And now, a few details... When's The Project Deadline?- December 18th, 2014 at 11:59 P.M. EST. This is a hard, non-negotiable deadline. The last few years have proven to be a mess of last second entries and changes when, to be honest, it shouldn't have been. It made Dyne's evenings hectic, and mine as well. As such, you have until one minute before midnight EST on December 17th to get me the final WAV or MP3 of your song. After that, you're shit outta luck until next year. Dyne's still willing to set up the web page, and I don't want to send him everything at the last second. Plus, I need time to do everything, so this deadline's set in stone. What Information Does The Coop Need?- When you send me your final versions, I'll need your name, the name of your track, and the name of the source tune you remixed. All of this is for the back of the album art, and the comments section of the MP3s, so make sure you let me know all of this... especially what name you want to use (real, screenname, etc.). What Can Be Remixed?- Any song, really. Traditional Christmas carols, video game music, published music by a signed artist... whatever gets your heart racing and into that Christmas spirit. This isn't an official OCR album, so you can draw from more sources than just VGM. Plus, you can take a non-Christmas tune, like , , or , and turn it into a Christmasy one. So know that it's not limited only to songs that are Christmas-like to begin with. All that said, do keep in mind that if you want to submit your song to OCR, you'll need to stick to the site's guidelines.How Long Can My Song Be?- As long as you want it to be. There are no restrictions on this, so whether it's 1:30, or 9:51 with a five minute guitar solo ala Metallica, it's all good. But again, if you want to get your song on OCR, stick to their guidelines. What Genres Can I Remix In?- Again, the door's wide open here. Rap, Metal, Pop, Piano-solo, Orchestral, Jazz, Barber Shop Quartet, Death Polka... it's up to you where you want to take it. What Format Should I Submit My Song In?- WAV and/or an MP3 of at least 192KB/s quality. I'll be tagging the MP3s, and making MP3s from any submitted wavs, so you don't have to worry about that. But, if you'd like your website to be in the MP3 comments section, be sure to give it to me when you submit your song. How About A Little Music To Get Us In The Mood?- To help everyone along, here's a YouTube list of Christmasy tunes made by Ocre a couple of years ago... http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=881972&postcount=19 But remember, not all famous Christmas tunes are upbeat and cheerful. There are some that are more somber or haunting in tone, so you have more moods to play with than happy happy joy joy. What's The Website's Address Again?- Thanks to Obtuse, it's still... http://www.obtusemusic.net/OCR_Christmas/index.htm How Do We Contact This The Coop Person?- If you've got questions, comments, concerns, or your track is done and ready to be sent to me, you can PM me here on OCR, or send me an E-mail at thecoopscorner@yahoo.com. So yeah, there we go. You've got roughly two-and-a-half months to get something done for the lovely people of OverClocked Remix, and the listeners around the world who've become followers of our project. So good luck, have fun, and make some Nice Work™!
  13. So much for a break **dries eyes** Give me a couple of hours, and I'll type up some guidelines and such. Then I'll start the thread and crack the whip on people this year.
  14. WOOHOO! I get a year and two months to work on the next cover instead of a month! In all seriousness? A break isn't a bad thing. We've done it for seven years straight (six with me doing the covers), with a lot of last minute chaos, changes, fixes, additions, and all of that. So taking a year off has been earned I think. I might still do something for the hell of it, but I have my own Christmas tradition that I can focus on as well.
  15. A new thread by me... in Community? The hell's going on? I'll tell you what's going on. For the last few months, I've been reworking some of my old and newer remixes to make them sound better. I'm sure some of you remember when I got a handful of remixes posted here way back when, and just how quiet and reverb drenched they were. Well, I've been setting out to fix those issues with the knowledge I've gained over the years in terms of mixing, EQing, and whatnot. I've also been working on improving the writing of the songs themselves where I felt it was needed. Some remixes are barely changed from the originals versions (like the ones from Gunstar Heroes and Mario 64), while others underwent a fairly substantial change in terms of overall quality with the mixing/EQing/rewriting/etc. (like the ones for Mega Man 9 and Raiden). I'm not saying they're perfect or OCR-quality mind you, but I feel they're better than they were. I was going to wait until I had ten of them up since it's a nice, round number, but with work and everything coming up, I figured I'd just do it now with the eight I've done thus far instead of waiting who knows how much longer. I have several more that I'm in the middle of working on, so more updates are coming on both my few OCR mixes, and the ones I did for other projects. So yeah, enough blabbing from me. You can find everything on my YouTube channel, including links to 320kb/s MP3s of my remix updates. Hopefully a few of you will like them, and give the ones you've heard in the past another listen My Channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAVmAVd_3uYXKKN5yYKKoNA
  16. MOMMY DADDY STOP FIGHTING! You guys can decide who's who.
  17. I haven't watched any of the Tropes episodes since the second damsel video, I believe. A few too many instances of questionable examples/research and stretched definitions when you looked closer at some of her choices and comments after the first two videos, and I simply lost interest. Frankly, I'd forgotten about the series until I saw this thread had gotten bumped. And speaking of this thread, "Tropes vs Women" no longer fits. "djp vs zircon" works better
  18. I've never met anyone from this site that I'm aware of. I've seen no shirts, heard no conversations about game remixes or discussions of any meetups, heard no game remixes being played... nothing that even suggested them being on (or knowing of) OCR and such.
  19. Well this outright sucks. I've always been a fan of Robin Williams. From his stand up performances, to his acting, and how much the guy could improve on just about any topic and turn it into something funny. I don't know what it was that drove him to this point, but the world of comedy just lost yet another big star in its universe. R.I.P Robin Williams, and thanks for the many, many laughs.
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