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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Not sure if you're aware of it, but there have been five unofficial Christmas albums done on OCR that feature both VG remixes, and remixes of Christmas carols. You can find them here...


    While I can't recall every song's source, I know "A Few More Miles to Go" (Arcus Odyssey), "The Dead of Winter" (Necromancer), "Falling From the Sky" and "A Journey for Generations" (both from Phantasy Star III), and "Cranky's Christmas Mojo" (one of the Donkey Kong Country games) are game remixes, and there are more. Sadly, the song sources were never listed anywhere as far as I know.

    Oh, and there's also the Super Metroid album (unofficial OCR project) done for bLiNd when he was ill a few years back...


    Just thought I'd point them out in case you didn't see them :)

  2. Do you play multiplayer games with TL2? If so, doing that via console marks whatever character you used it with as a cheater/suspicious player in multiplayer. If not, then never mind.
  3. I don't say this in a snarky manner, but I don't know what else to tell you except to simply deal with it and press on, quit playing, or use this mini mod (supposedly, it doesn't affect Steam achievements or flag you as a cheater). I guess I'm just old school, in that trial and error isn't off putting to me. That some things will work well with how you want to play the game (character choice, weapon choice, spell choice, etc,), and others won't, adds a nice bit of of risk to game. Having all that risk removed kills some of the fun to me, as you can just respec everything instead of doing your best with the choices you made.
  4. I've read a few of the comments in here, and I have to say... full respec on demand? Really? Have gamers these days gotten so spoiled and pissy, that they can't stick with their choices and beat the game with the skills they decided to go with? Half the fun is exploring the choices, and knowing you can't go back; that what you decide to power up, is what you'll be using for the rest of the game. It forces you to make the best of the skill tree path you chose, and want to play again to see what else there is; what other combinations you can come up with. Eliminating that aspect kills half the replayability of the game, and completely ditches the concept of being punished/rewarded for your choices... and where's the fun in that?
  5. **Looks at final WAV due date** You are waaaaaaaaaay late
  6. Splash Damage- The damage taken by enemies or players near an explosion, but who weren't directly hit by the projectile that exploded.
  7. Camper- Someone who finds a spot to hide on a map, and picks people off from their hiding spot. This usually happens in FPS games (Unreal Tournament, Halo, etc.). Gibs- The little bits of polygonal or pixel "flesh/bone/innards" that are left behind from a character that died in an explosive manner.
  8. Shmup- Shortened version of "shoot 'em up." This term is used for games like Thunder Force IV and Raiden II, where the goal is to clear stages of enemies as you control a ship/person/whatever, and battle the boss at the end of each stage. These games can scroll horizontally (left to right), vertically (top to bottom), or even remain on a single screen (like Asteroids and Space Invaders) or be isometric (Viewpoint, Zaxxon, etc.). They're generally broken up into several sub categories; scrolling/"old school" (Darius, R-Type, Gradius, etc.), manic/"bullet curtain" (Mars Matrix, DoDonPachi, the Touhou franchise, etc.) and "cute 'em ups" (Parodius, Gadget Twins, etc.). There is a forth sub-category called "rail shooters" (Star Fox, Galaxy Force II, Iridion, etc.), but some argue that these aren't "true shmups." Of course, I say if it still plays like a shmup as it flies into the screen, then it's a shmup.
  9. I finally got to buy this game. Bought the version from Runic Games instead of Steam (I'm not OCD about achievements... frankly, I don't even pay attention to them), after having all kinds of issues with Steam updating the demo I tried out. I'm at level 13 right now with my Embermage, making my way into the valley with all the spiders at the beginning. I'm enjoying this so far, and other than the crashes I had trying out the demo, it runs quite well on my old PC. This of course means I don't have to turn everything down just to get it playable.
  10. http://www.obtusemusic.net/OCR_Christmas/index.htm
  11. I'm up for this again, with a remix of, "We Three Kings." Do you want me to do the album art this year as well?
  12. Aaaawwww, I thought this was going to be about a new Wolfenstein game
  13. I think I'd rather pound my nuts flat with a wooden mallet. It wouldn't hurt as much.
  14. We've all been wondering that for years.
  15. Mine's a reference to Radiant Silvergun on the Sega Saturn. Y'all just got served, yo!
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