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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. All of it's going to the Fostering Underdeveloped Nerds: Breast Augmentation for Gaming Girls fund, or FUN:BAGG. It's a charity to allow any flat-chested (sub A-cup) gaming girls across the US and Canada, to acquire A-cups or larger if they so choose. The only catch is that any woman who applies, must agree to a Sports Illustrated-level photo shoot for the OCR Facebook page. Oh, and there are no rewards given until the $500 level, at which point you get hi-res photos of all the women who participated.
  2. I don't know who's pictured in the video's thumbnail, but they look like they're about to go into a Sammy Davis Jr. impersonation.
  3. Go for it. I have no clue if the old archive is still up, so it'd be cool to have it available again for at least a little while.

  4. The moment I realized what I'd done after buying (full price no less) and playing Slaughter Sport and Soul Fighter back when each was new.
  5. That is one comma away from being a really strange way to celebrate.
  6. Full-on cry? No. Get a big lump in my throat? Oh yeah. Spoilers. Now you've been warned. In Drakengard, the two main characters of Angelus and Caim started as basically enemies that became bonded in life so that neither would die at a moment when they'd been bested. But, they grew close by the end of the game, and that's where their paths parted in a tragic fashion. In the second game, Angelus, driven mad after allowing herself to be the seal at the end of the first game, had to be stopped when she was freed. The video above is the end result, with her and Caim's final moment together. That damn near got me.
  7. I guess time will tell. But I'm expecting the main villain to be back in some form. Building all of that up just to get rid of him so quickly doesn't strike me as how things will end up working out by the end of Book 2.
  8. It didn't stop him from trying it once, so why would it stop him from trying it again? And so what if Tarrlok killed himself over nothing? It would simply be an attempted sacrifice that didn't work; an attempt at redemption that failed to achieve its goal. That's not a pointless storyline to take, and one that could easily be a source to push Amon to be even more ruthless or maniacal because his own brother tried to kill him. Will Amon return? Who knows. But I'm not ruling it out. Villains have a funny way of coming back.
  9. You guys are assuming that Amon's dead. Think about this... Amon was determined to get rid of bending, but he's a water/blood bender. If he got rid of all other benders, he'd be basically in control of every nation as the last bender. He was outed as being a bender, and we saw the boat explode, but that doesn't mean he's dead and gone. And it also doesn't mean his plan to rid the world of all other benders so that he's the only one, is over. Don't be surprised to see Amon return in a bigger, perhaps more forceful fashion.
  10. I should be able to upload a WIP this weekend. I like how it's turning out, which likely means it's either A) not aggressive enough, or not good compositionally
  11. Jumped the shark? Hardly. It was already on its way to following a plot that could be seen a mile away, but throwing things into utter chaos that deviates heavily from what the original show did, threw a major wrench into how things can/will go from here. Was it an out of nowhere twist? Indeed (though it did fit with how Mumm-Ra was always finding them). But if a season two comes around (and it better), it'll be interesting to see how it plays out now that things have taken a few unexpected turns.
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