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Sam Ascher-Weiss

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Everything posted by Sam Ascher-Weiss

  1. [this is an album release] Here it is folks... all my chiptunes to date [not including those being written for an upcoming album to be released on iimusic.net] http://www.arnoldascher.com/Chiptunes/ The ones made in MML have NSFs included.
  2. Takenouchi is a god... I highly recommend you download everything else he's ever written
  3. FIRST UPDATE! NEW SONG FROM AEROZ! arnoldascher.com/dragonarmyinc.html don't worry I won't post update notifications in this thread, I'm just posting this to inform people that now that I'm back from magfest, I will be adding minimum one song a day to the site. KEEP AN EYE OUT Also keep the submissions coming to info@arnoldascher.com
  4. http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZN4tAVnoHSU ZELDA THRASH sort of...
  5. http://www.arnoldascher.com/dragonarmyinc.html Whaddya know?!
  6. www.arnoldascher.com/dragonarmyinc.html is now open for business featuring music from several well known remixers including: Shnabubula, Red Tailed Fox, Protricity and Adhesive_B0y with much more to come. Expect daily updates after magfest. Dragon Army Inc. is all about open submission, feel free to send any original or remix material to info@arnoldascher.com if you're interested. The actual arnoldascher.com is still under construction and will feature several other sites currently under development. At the moment Dragon Army Inc and the Dragon Army You Tube Group: http://youtube.com/profile?user=DragonArmyVideo are the only finished projects though many others are on the horizon. Check arnoldascher.com often for updates as many are on the way.
  7. Sonar Crashed so I'll never be able to finish this: http://ahimbadam.arnoldascher.com/Secret.mp3
  8. Good times.. I didn't come with y'all to Zircon's cause of my antics last year. Didn't want to make anybody uncomfortable, regardless I'm sure the fun will continue long into the night. MAGUSMIXOMG!!
  9. Call me crazy but.... 917-816-1115 I LOVE GETTING CALLED BY STRANGERS SOLIDSNAKE!
  10. that was incredibly cool to watch. makes me want to buy a graphics card. nice work.
  11. PIMP THESE TWO: http://youtube.com/watch?v=O_kCZrK2wyE and http://youtube.com/watch?v=ygJc5ors6is kthxbye EDIT: MUCH THANX LARRY! YOU ARE THE GREATEST SEE YOU AT MAGFEST... Dragon Army Inc. official launch JAN7th. The REAL Arnoldascher.com soon to follow including a TOP SECRET yet MONUMENTAL project in the works... stay tuned
  12. Thanks all.. here's more: http://youtube.com/watch?v=ygJc5ors6is
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvjeH-ciht8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QweY77mrnpo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDLk272up-Q
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