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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I'm wondering why the trailer and script and outline are not also included in the trailer?

    Anyway I've heard some of the songs [like 3 maybe] before, though they probably sound different by now, however I'm sure the rest will be good also.

    I haven't been listening to orchestral music at all for a long time, I don't like it as much as I like the more electronic, experimental styles, so I wonder how my mind will accept this one.

  2. Any genre, I think, would be allowed here, and it depends on the technical skill of the artist moreso.

    There have been some instances of people complaining about bias in certain judges [or ALL the judges] before, but I don't really wanna get caught up in all that shit.

  3. Can anyone please explain to me how to get access to beats smaller than sixteenth notes in the step sequencer?

    Use the "snap to" function. It should be selected to "line" by default, however you can set it down to 1/6 step snap or literally "none" which is sort of unruly but useful if you want to accidentally make a sequence sound like it was played live :P

    also OOPS don't use the step sequencer probably, sorry I didn't read XD The "snap to" function works literally everywhere in FL except the Step Sequencer. You'll need to use the piano roll.

  4. I gotta third the "Alienware sucks" statement. Even Gateway probably makes a similarly powerful computer for $2000 less than what they're asking. Actually my mom just got a very powerful Gateway for surprisingly cheap. Of course you should still make your own tower anyway if you could since it might be cheaper. I'm not that smart though so I buy premade ones :P

    Another tip: You might wanna stay away from Pentium processors with hyperthreading. Apparently it causes problems in some software. I think develop

    That acousic treatment bit is a rather large project. Unless you or your dad are carpenters though I would hire a professional :P.

    Edit: Compyfox is spot on with the LCD comment. CRT monitors generate a lot of noise.

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