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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. TO, I had an idea!

    As much as I hate crossfading, I still think this would be cool. Basically it involves Prophecy, my song, the text at the end of the game, and the track order. I was thinking our songs could tie together and stuff.

    Of course, I haven't really cleared this with Prophecy yet [who I hope reads this message!], but if you don't like the idea then we wouldn't do it anyway.

    Anyway I have a question. Crossfading, yes or no?

    Also you never answered the question from my email, but that's ok, I tire of the existing sample anyway. However I would like you to do me a favor: Could you get the End Boss vocal sample? The one that's just Romero's voice pitched down and backwards? If you could, that'd be great ^___________________^

  2. Are you planning on running 6+ instances of commercial VSTs?

    Theoretically, commercial VSTs are much more CPU efficient than free, cheaply made ones [for example VST made with SynthEdit].

    I say "CPU efficient" instead because they're still more demanding [Kontakt 2 or Reaktor] because of all the stuff they have :P


    Anyway, 1 GB is going to be needed eventually. I have 1 GB and I wish I had more! though that's mainly not a musical problem, that's more of a gaming problem :)

  3. Which one sounds more real?



    Soundfonts are usually shit compared to the large orchestral libraries like GPO or QLSO or what-the-fuck-ever acronym that comes out, however these large orchestral libraries [which come in VSTi form] cost a lot of money.

    You could stick with soundfonts, though VSTi are cooler in my opinion, especially considering how much more flexible they are.

    On the OTHER hand, soundfonts/samples may sound more realistic because they ARE, they're just sampled from a real instrument which may or may not work when sequencing, as opposed to physical modelling used in things like FL Slayer [which is supposed to sound like a guitar if you haven't noticed].

  4. The first time I submitted something, DJP asked me, "Are you SURE you wanna submit this? I can send it to the judges panel if you want"

    I was all "No :("

    And then my first ACTUAL submission was Path-ology.

    I actually submitted High Above Chaos before that I think but I never got to see it on the Judges Panel. It isn't THAT bad, is it? :(

  5. I love how two of those are ReFX synths.

    I haven't used them much lately but I consider myself a fair user of Slayer 2. All it takes I think is a better knowledge of guitar amping and the guitar itself. Obviously it was made for people who can't play/record guitar, but it blows if you're too oblivious.

    I have also used it for other great effects, with something other than guitar in mind.

    I agree with 3xOSC and Vanguard though for the most part.

    However, no synth is globally bad at all. Just a little skill with your tool can make ANYTHING sound good. Case in point: Mazedude's recent American Album.

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