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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I wasn't really doing any devil's advocate stuff. You said trackers aren't legit pieces of music software anymore - I said "nope," then you said there were not many trackers in development today, I agreed but then Blaster makes a good point: aodix, berotracker, buzz, madtracker, milkytracker, modplug tracker, psycle, renoise, schism tracker, skale. Forgot about all those :) not to mention the specialty ones like NerdTracker and Mod2PSG and all those weirdo gameboy trackers.

    Though Schism Tracker is basically just Impulse Tracker with bugs, right now. There's not gonna be anything modernized about it either.

  2. Well, if you want both the Korg and the Roland to work at the same time, I'd recommend a mixer. Just a small one, like that one Behringer for $40. 4 channels, real simple-like.

    Midi/audio latency is the delay time between action and reaction. For example, if you have 20ms of latency [which is surprisingly unnoticable], the time between hitting a note on your keyboard and hearing it through your speakers is 20 milliseconds.

    Recording waveforms in FL has been explained before. It's kind of a bitch, but made easier by the fact that your keyboards can be midi controlled.

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