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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. P.S. I have a great idea for Time to Learn. I will surprise you all very soon Do you want me to come up with a title myself or is that really necessary? This is a storybook after all.
  2. Yeah. Actually I'd like to do Time To Learn instead. I'd rather do something a little more "cute" so to speak. I've been wanting to do something like Ubo's Restaurant lately! PS Battle with Metaknight is almost like the Ridley fight song
  3. Battle with meta-knight eh? I'll see what I can do what about "Time to Learn?"
  4. You still need musicians? I love children's music, I would gladly make something I'll see if I can do whatever's available, I can whip something up real quick-like. What do you guys need?
  5. P.S. All newbies remember to search this thread before posting questions. Your answer may already be there I've answered this midi question many times, and I can guarantee you the answer lies in several places inside this thread.
  6. Set your midi device by hitting F10. There's a long list of devices. Set your preferred device to port 0. Then go to the "options" on the main toolbar, and go down to "Enable MIDI output." This boggled me for the longest time until I realized you had to enable MIDI output with that P.S. why would you need to record without having a keyboard? You can use your TYPING keyboard if you want, but it's not exactly designed for that sort of thing, plus it lags quite a bit more than USB or MIDI
  7. Well, there's pros and cons to pretty much any software. You just have to deal with your limitations sometimes
  8. Yeah, computer specs don't really reflect quality, imo. This is why I still listen to Purple Motion and super-old Jesper Kyd .MODs
  9. "Something with a lot of power" is pretty vague. So I'll link you to a bunch of free industrial synths. http://www.kvraudio.com/get.php?mode=results&st=d&c=208 LooPKiD, I'm sorry to say, SampleTank 2 is not free. http://www.kvraudio.com/get/28.html There is a "Sampletank Free" you can get but it's limited http://www.kvraudio.com/get/141.html
  10. Kontakt 2 is a VSTi. Reason cannot load VST plugins. Cubase, FL Studio, and pretty much every other software sequencer can.
  11. I don't see why you are only limited to 5 effects until your system gets bogged down, then. I ran much more with my 933. Sorry, can't help you. I thought you'd have like a Pentium 2 or something
  12. Well, check the age/type of sample. Since a lot of those songs are a few years old [or more], noone will care.
  13. Sample Formats: AIFF Akai Battery EXS24 Giga HALion Kontakt LM-4 Reaktor MAP SDII SF2 WAV
  14. Check out modarchive.com and scene.org and rip some samples modarchive also has some free samplepacks for download.
  15. Gigastudio 3 is horrendous, by unanimous decision. In the meantime, Kontakt 2 is probably a better sampler alternative. Also, you can't run gigasamples in Reason [right?], and you can't run the plugins to play back the gigasamples in Reason either.
  16. Nope. The way the sampler works is that it pitches the sample correctly by stretching the waveform. You can try the Granulizer, which fixes this, however high or low notes still have their own set of problems [you will hear this]. The best bet is, since you're probably using an instrument, and not vocals or sound effects, try to find a soundfont instead. Those (can be) multisampled and use different samples recorded in different ranges.
  17. There is a quick quantize feature, you know. However, using "snap to none" renders the Quick Quantize generally useless. Snap to Line is generally preferred. (HINT: on the piano roll window at the top left, there is a button. Click it and discover a whole mess of functions. "Quick Quantize" plus "Quantize" is under "Tools.")
  18. Yeah, the cuicas totally fit, though I wish you would have used guiros instead. Piazzolla uses them a whole lot and to great effect
  19. Finally, some fucking tango. Bukki's Tango so doesn't count. And actually, this piece is only about half-tango anyways. I will have to one-up this song by making a FULL tango song. And it will automatically be better because I have a REAL accordion :E But seriously, nice work anyway.
  20. WTF, Larry, you find Chyna attractive? This should change your mind. Pay attention to the last image link. That will definitely change your mind forever. LoL giant clitoris
  21. Darkness Dawning isn't exactly growling, unless you mean the climax which takes about 3 seconds.
  22. Yes, in fact, there is now. However, I've never used it, I just use Cool Edit because you can mix your live recording a little better right after you record it. Zircon would know
  23. You have to remember that most other online communities aren't really... as smart as this one. Beyond OCR/AR/ST/VGmix(and I know some of you like to argue that one, but stfu please), the intelligence level drops dramatically while the implied ignorance level rises. Have you ever seen a Counterstrike forum? The people at Doomworld, their image of a perfect Doom arrangement album is basically a collection E1-E4 direct covers. In this community, the notion of direct covers is wholly unsophisticated, unoriginal, and something associated with newbies. This Doom community, however, having had very minimal knowledge of the idea of videogame arrangements, would rather listen to that "Let's play some tetris motherfucker boom boom boom boom" remix than a radically changed original song. Most of the Doomworld inhabitants don't see the point of changing something they liked so much [the original music] so dramatically. Point of view +1 [ohgod XD]
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