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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. Now, if you excuse me, after listening to that shit, I must kill myself

    how are the pillows generic jpop? I think the FLCL soundtrack is great, it's very unique to most anime.

    SnowStorm I have some anime you can watch where I think you would like the music:

    Haibane Renmei

    Hellsing [TV version]

    Azumanga Daioh

    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

    Also, most of the Gundam series have great music, as well as Macross [the "other" big robot franchise :D], though Macross actually centers the plot around pop music, which makes for an interesting watch. Minmay, a character in the anime, actually makes the enemy aliens go crazy with her music, or other types of human culture. Some of the characters get captured and they start making out with each other to escape XD

    Here is a movie summary [if you don't mind spoilers]

  2. I mean, DRM sucks. But if we must deal with it, I'd rather deal with Steam's. The only problem I see with Steam is how when the Steam server go down in the future, you will be screwed out of your copy

    Actually Valve has said that if they go under and Steam ceases to exist they will provide a utility to convert your games out of steam, or provide some kind of steam legacy app... I forget which, but they've got it covered.

    Besides, I have played cracked versions of Portal and HL2 Ep 2 before, and they actually worked great! Of course, I promptly bought the Orange Box after finishing Portal, one of the few things that's impressed me so much I felt the need to give the developers their money, not to mention the Orange Box itself is an amazing bundle deal.

  3. Wearing my OverClocked ReMix T-shirt and having people give me funny looks as they asked "What's an OverLocked Remix?" Grrr.... idiots can't even read.

    Everyone I know reads it as "Overlooked Remix"

    and I tell them "Well, it's OverClocked, but there is an Overlooked Remix which is better"


  4. OCR was the thing that kept me sane during my one year at boarding school back in 2001. I found K Praslowicz's Shadow remix on Napster and followed the link and here I am :3

    I also remember how devastated I was during the remixer exodus :D but it turns out all that was for nothing anyway!

  5. At MY Guitar Center, they had that rig, with cubase all setup, plus a keyboard, nice-as-hell monitors, a nifty desk, and pretty much everything else imaginable - so try to load cubase [the ONE icon on the desktop] and of course, Steinberg being the gigantic faggots they are, spewed out some error about the licensing not being verified :roll: rendering the entire setup useless.

    This is one of the many reasons why I use Renoise. Obviously doesn't have all the bells and whistles of Cubase, but you don't need to pay out your ass for it, sign an insurance form and stick a dongle up your ass to use it.


    So yeah, I'll go there to look at stuff but I'll be damned if I buy anything from them - I've had no problems with eBay so far :)

  6. Escariot... huh? Every event that I've said for sure I'll be at I went to.

    Regardless, meet me at M7. :)

    Taucer - dude, I'm so out of shape right now... I'll have to try to squeeze in some serious workout time if you want to have another flip-off. I do have some new tricks to blow your mind, but I'm very rusty, heh.


    I've always wanted to meet you

    bring Impulse Tracker on a diskette and we can jam out :3

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