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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I see N64s all the time at the thrift store, you should see if you can find one - won't run you more than $30 probably [if they have the complete package]. I know my stores will just throw them out on the shelf, no cords or anything, for like $5 D:

    Also people steal that internal memory thing all the time :[? Bunch of dicks I say. They also pocket the cartridges off of the old turntables...

  2. I have a stack of sega genesis games about 4-5 feet high :3

    I'm still buying genesis games from thrift stores every now and then - recently picked up Sonic Spinball, 688 Attack Sub, Sub-Terrania, Road Rash II, Revenge of Shinobi etc

    I also have a few japanese megadrive games that fortunately can be loaded via my Game Genie :)

    I got this haul one day:


    6 Megadrive games. Even Moonwalker D: which is fucking hilarious to play

    I also recently scored a SNES but the only game I have for it right now is F-Zero :'3

  3. I can imagine though that it isn't when you open FL the first time and give up after 2 hours because it doesn't sound like your favorite Zircon remix or something.

    haha yes

    and this is another good point - don't try to compare your stuff to better music [lol zircon = better music am i rite :3] though it's a good idea to borrow from that music to learn what you need to do.

    When I was starting out I didn't really know zircon, though now he's one of the few of remaining Soundtempest crew left so I appreciate him :) Back then though, I had... Injury and Children of the Monkey Machine, which seemed to work well enough for me :D - Sometimes I wonder how much different my music would sound if I had known different people.

  4. Um, you can only say that if people are having fun. You don't get to interfere with a person's entertainment because "it's just a game."

    This is a good question - why aren't you having fun? remove the anomaly and play on

    Also yeah I actually agree with WBS here - i think the randomized shit in SSBM is fun and I don't see why people need to remove it. Every game community seems to evolve strange rules [example: counterstrike's "AWP camping faggorts"] that they think should be forced on the game when really it's more fun the designers intended - I've never had a problem with crits ever, I don't see how it makes the game "unfair" and I've never been left wondering or caring about the science behind them, and I think it adds a nice factor of "chance" to the game making it more unpredictable.

  5. I'd like to add to this that hemo has generally been a bit of an arrogant prick with his admin rights the few times I've seen him ingame. There's at least one incident where I called him out on kicking some guy for NO REASON AT ALL, to which he claimed he did it on accident, and was generally rude about the whole thing ("Do you have a problem with my authority?").

    Good god you guys it's a videogame


  6. is there a way I can automaticly, offset the timming of each note randomly in fl studio?

    BEST IDEA EVER :nicework:

    Yes, I believe FL Studio has a "humanize" function though I have never had to use it. I believe it randomizes the note velocities as well as offsetting notes just a tad, though it could make little difference OR it could make too much of a difference. Stay balanced :3

  7. I could never chose between Yoko Kanno, all of the music I've hear of hers from Various Anime is spot on and great. She's got every genre out there mastered it seems, be it pop, jazz, or symphonic...

    She also "borrows" quite a bit, ex. "On the Run" from cowboy bebop is basically "on the run" from Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, though she changes the song up enough so it's legally a different song :D - people have cited, like... dozens of different examples, but that's the one I know.

    I still <3 her music though

    I have a thread about it on a better forum:


  8. These replies seem kind of intimidating to me

    I say just make some noises and figure out what it all does later :P have fun and learn while doing it, don't learn all this complicated stuff just to dick around in FruityLoops :D

    Honestly it took me a few years before I started making stuff that didn't make peoples' ears bleed, but looking back, it was a lot of fun to make all that retarded noise, I wouldn't go back and do it any differently.

    I WOULD recommend learning the piano as I did, playing the piano can be pretty fun.

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