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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. Another #mod_shrine compo

    Immediately after the last one! And I did a lot better! There was even a serenade for me in there :D

    [PLACE 1 -=> porno.xm <=- Done by -=> zabutom <=- with 107pts ]

    [PLACE 2 -=> illegalass.it <=- Done by -=> xaimus <=- with 100pts ]

    [PLACE 3 -=> soc.it <=- Done by -=> qualo <=- with 91pts ]

    [PLACE 4 -=> topten.it <=- Done by -=> coda <=- with 88pts ]

    [PLACE 5 -=> kuken.xm <=- Done by -=> malmen <=- with 78pts ]

    [PLACE 6 -=> Palin.it <=- Done by -=> mad <=- with 73pts ]

    [PLACE 7 -=> necropedophilia.it <=- Done by -=> ceekayed <=- with 71pts ]

    [PLACE 8 -=> violeta.it <=- Done by -=> reduz <=- with 70pts ]

    [PLACE 9 -=> saludseducesloli.s3m <=- Done by -=> overgoat <=- with 54pts ]

    [PLACE 10 -=> onesmallstepforpron.it <=- Done by -=> chunter <=- with 49pts ]

    [PLACE 11 -=> _Teen_Girls.s3m <=- Done by -=> tristendo <=- with 40pts ]

    [PLACE 12 -=> foralongtime.it <=- Done by -=> mrb <=- with 37pts ]

    9 out of 12 aint bad. Certainly beats the last one! You can download Mark Salud Seduces a Loli here and the votepack here

    Also, for those who don't know Mark Salud, he's THIS GUY:

    My song is kind of a homage to the first song in this video, haha.

  2. You can download my song Distant Future Robot here, and the full votepack from the compo here. No surprises here folks:

    [PLACE 1 -=> lits.xm <=- Done by -=> reduz <=- with 61pts ]

    [PLACE 2 -=> loopit4ever.xm <=- Done by -=> zabutom <=- with 49pts ]

    [PLACE 3 -=> due.it <=- Done by -=> coda <=- with 47pts ]

    [PLACE 4 -=> hoose.s3m <=- Done by -=> xaimus <=- with 41pts ]

    [PLACE 5 -=> hooray.it <=- Done by -=> qualo <=- with 38pts ]

    [PLACE 6 -=> fishbowl.it <=- Done by -=> inkoddi <=- with 35pts ]

    [PLACE 7 -=> snagglerock.it <=- Done by -=> mrb <=- with 30pts ]

    [PLACE 8 -=> distantfuturerobot.it <=- Done by -=> overcoat <=- with 23pts ]

    it's a module so I recommend playing with either xmplay, modplug, or VLC. Maybe winamp. Maybe.

    and yeah I am not very good compared to the #mod_shrine people but whatever

  3. But like i said; cable? Not an option. The router is downstairs, and the 360 is two stories higher.

    There's basically limitless lengths that CAT5 cable can go to - I have a 75 footer, for example, that I use to connect my computer to a router in the other room... kinda overkill :D but you could say, run it through your vents if you have em :D

    ...you have 3 stories? damn

  4. A friend of my grandma's got me a CD of Astor Piazzolla's music - suddenly it's like "wow tango is cool"

    Though I checked other tango out and it's kind of boring compared to Piazzolla's work :D but that's because he's too awesome to compare to the rest of tango I think.

    I will listen to anything though - I don't really give a shit about genre, just if the artist has talent or not - more often not :P

  5. Jade you'll probably be spending ALL of the time at the con. it's inside the hotel so you basically don't ever have to go outside save for food [or fire alarms lol WOOP WOOP]. Actually don't go outside because virginia in january is cold and depressing.

    Also I know absolutely nothing about this new years eve party except I want some hard liquor and good friends :D

  6. However, the plus with desktops is that you can swap out old parts for better ones if you feel like it, or carry over old stuff that worked well to a new tower/mobo [for most things anyway], instead of buying a whole new unit.

    Here's some numbers: I bought this 3.2 GHz P4 back in 2004 for ~$1200 and have beefed it up considerably since then [maybe adding another $300-350 to the price], and I suspect this configuration could last me another year or two. I would like to upgrade to quad core for haxx but I don't really feel pressed to at the moment.

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