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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. Get Arcanum and Fallout!

    I hear Baldur's Gate is great but I haven't played it yet [i will one of these days]

    Neverwinter Nights, perhaps?

    Deus Ex, System Shock 2/Bioshock, Diablo, the Fallout series, the Elder Scrolls series, Final Fantasy VIII was also on the PC, Mass Effect./quote]

    I don't know if I can consider Mass Effect, Bioshock, System Shock 1 and 2 or Deus Ex as an RPGs, more like stat-based first person shooters. Mainly because there's an element of real-time reflex and aiming going on.

    Then again, what the hell ever, they're all fantastic games and shitty things like genre shouldn't stop you.

  2. I have a strange bug where my mouse and keyboard stop responding but the game keeps going, so I'd still be walking, the music's going and everything, and then I run into a wall and get raped by Ghouls :V

    I hope they address that in a patch. Restarting/reloading is a bitch. So far all I can do is quick save a lot.

    I also replaced all of Inon Zur's shitty music. I have a lot of aphex twin music in the game directory now :P [Drukqs for the battles and Selected Ambient Works for everything else :D].

    I'm gonna work on releasing a full replacement pack of 100% free CC-licensed music that I believe would fit the game - anyone else interested? The music I selected creates an entirely different and better atmosphere.

  3. I was lucky enough to kill my first Deathclaw [a little trial and error though] and made the DEATHCLAW GAUNTLET. Best melee weapon ever. Sometimes I get raiders in like 1 hit, and then I also have this perk where VATS deaths are way more gorey, so these raiders basically turn to mush when I use the thing. Fucking awesome.

  4. (A little part of me tingles inside when I see this thread every year. Here's to another good round of submissions!)

    You may have to hold off on that toast :(

    Download the entries here.

    This year we got 2 entries, a trance song from Avaris and a super creepy ambient tune from a new face to the competition, One Thousand Worlds. Yeah, sorry, I didn't enter this year and neither did Xaleph, but life's kinda slapped us on the face this month - Xaleph with yet another adorable baby, and me with a tiring, unfulfilling full time job that for some reason started giving me split days off this month, not to mention I was researching to vote on something far more important than any remix competition. Also, this is mainly my fault but I bought Fallout 3 ... so there goes a lot of my time :(! I'm sure you all had your reasons as well.

    Anyway, enough about Matt and I, let's talk about the songs. Since there were only two submissions this year, should we even bother voting? What do you guys think?

  5. Was Time Commando that shitty FMV-backdrop brawler?

    I remember playing the demo for that, which I think comes on my A-10 Cuba disc. It was ok, I don't remember it being particularly bad, just weird. There's no real exposition on why you are travelling through time beating up random people, but I guess the same could be said of games like Burger Time or Joust [why are we riding an ostrich? oh well]

  6. The very fact that most new retail games come with SecuROM is enough to deter me from buying them - which is why I'm looking at Sins of a Solar Empire for my next purchase.

    SoaSE is good stuff, it's about as close to "Legend of the Galactic Heroes: The Videogame" I think America will ever get :P

    Of course Japan has actual LoGH games, but I'll probably never see them.

  7. There are some weird things about FL though - Why do tracks default to step sequencer, even when a melodic instrument is loaded and when that very track has piano roll in other patterns?

    There's a lot of things about FL Studio that make absolutely no sense, especially coming from how most DAWs are set up [cubase, sonar, reaper, et al]. Recording to the step sequencer is an option you can turn off.

    Even though FruityLoops was basically built around that step sequencer, I honestly think it's time for them to abandon the thing. Even back when I used FL I never used it, ever. It's pointless aside from aesthetic value.

    As far as pure functionality, you're not going to get much deeper with midi than in Cubase or Sonar, though for ease of use you might want to stick with FL Studio, then. It's how I made midis for years and it'll do everything you need it to do.

    EDIT: in before "hey I use the step sequencer :<"

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