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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I'm back, bitches! Sorry, I don't have the free time I used to :'3

    there's a new ansiform release!


    hooray for ambient drone

    I think I'm going to try to use this thread again - I handed off the Free Shit column to garian because I'm so goddamn tired and busy and he hasn't done anything with it so I think I'll go back to making sporadic posts in this gigantic thread about stuff I like that's free.

    There's also a new Ilkae EP on monotonik!


    I love ilkae :3

  2. yudothis.jpg

    I played SC2 at PAX and it was great [basically THE SAME GAME with new/different units and pretty graphics, so SC players please rest easy] . The game was pretty much almost done for all races, so the multiplayer should be there for all races immediately, I hope. I think by installments they're going to finish terran first, release it, work on zerg, release that, etc.

    Installment or expansion, it's going to be full price. I remember paying $50 for Starcraft back in 1998 and then another $50 for Brood War! I never bought "Insurrection" though lol.

    Also, in SC2, the Overlords shit creep. \m/

  3. I was playing around with a few at Guitar Center the other day and this $400 Takamine sounded pretty sweet.

    Well, there you go. If you like it, get it :P Hopefully you've tried out a few other ones too.

    IIRC you can negotiate a lower price at guitar center, if someone else has the same thing for cheaper, they'll give you that price to make the sale. Not sure how it works for online stores though, I doubt they'll check eBay but maybe musicansfriend or zzounds.

  4. Here's a few of my favourites, mostly single player:



    Mistake of Pythagoras


    Heart of Evil: Source [a source port of a classic HL1 mod]


    And yes Garry's mod. Get Gmod10 off Steam if you have the 10 bux :3

    I am playing through something right now called "Get a Life" which is kind of a silly mod but scary at parts, it's good but some things bug me about it, it has the "Doom 3 flashlight feature" for example. Also spiders.

    I should probably go mod-hunting again once I have the time. I had a shitload of great mods for HL1

  5. Y'know, I never really thought about it before, but I guess it doesn't bother me all that much. I mean, I just draw the pictures; however someone else wants to take it, is up to them. Besides, anime girls are typically supposed to be cute/attractive, so I suppose I should just look at it from a "I did my job right" kind of perspective. If they're doing it to 1-Tan... then I might be creeped out.


  6. As is tradition since 2004, October is Halloween competition month at Anime Remix! Here's this year's rules:

    [1]The songs are due October 30th at 23:59 Eastern U.S. time, the day before Halloween, so we can all listen to the songs on Halloween.

    [2]The songs must be in mp3, ogg, or wma format [if you're into that sort of thing]. There is no limit on length, though try to make the song longer than a minute.

    [3]The song must be a remix of a song from a dark/horror-themed/halloween-ish animation OR a dark/horror-themed remix of any animation [e.g. a demented version of the Chipmunk's theme song]

    [4]When you finish, find hosting for your song [senduit or rapidshare, or your own webspace, etc, as long as it's not a hassle to download] and private message me on the Anime Remix messageboard with the link, or send me the song through IRC, I'll usually be in #animeremix on EsperNet.

    Have fun everyone! I'm looking forward to some great entries like last year! Speaking of which, here's the previous years songs:





  7. For under $120 you can find an old velocity sensitive keyboard on Ebay. I also recommend thrift stores or flea markets if you have any near your house.

    I also found a keyboard in a dumpster once [Yamaha SY-22] so look there too if you want :D

    Thing is most of these are synths or playing keyboards so they don't have all the control knobs or USB support of modern midi controllers, but that's why you pay more for the new ones. Still, getting an Ensoniq ESQ1 at a garage sale for $40... you can't beat that :P

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