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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. I had to work on Black Friday. Also, it's still a good deal even at $50. Also, fuck Black Friday. I'm mostly buying older games like Vampire: The Masquerade, for $10. I'm not a big spender
  2. I kind of agree! I haven't seen a lot of support for new people lately. The best thing I can say right now is ask for help on IRC That's what I did when I was just starting out and it's a much more instantaneous learning process, way better than sitting on a messageboard all day. I hope the people in #ocremix are still somewhat helpful... Though there's a #ocrwip right now, isn't there? That might work out great for you.
  3. I guess nobody wants that augmentation I used it already now I have night vision. cool!
  4. The older games use Dosbox [Keen, Wolfenstein, etc] which should work, GLQuake needed some fucking around for me to use it though [command line stuff!], but you shouldn't have many/any problems.
  5. I love it! It's so much better than going down to the store and paying $60 for some game. Buying the iD Super Pack took me less than 2 minutes, and I already had access to like 30 games. I've never had many problems with it. Nothing major since... HL2 came out. The only thing is I can't activate my copy of HL1 because of some duplicate CD key thing :V so I have to install it independent of Steam.
  6. -10 billion games to choose from. 30 billion if you count emulation. And I do [DOSBox is handy] -Keyboard and mouse for everything, not some weirdass banana controller -region free -alt-tab -I have a decent enough computer that I can create music on AND it can run pretty much anything. I was running Crysis and it was on low-medium settings but still looked pretty nice. -fucking Steam is awesome. I just bought the iD software super pack last night during a huge christmas sale for $57 -torrent plz p.s. you don't get Crysis for the graphics. You get Crysis for the
  7. ~$270 will get you a 60 GB Creative Zen, which isn't too much [i hope] over your budget, and I highly recommend this one. Hell there's 40 GB Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtras that you can buy for cheap, they just don't have any fancy picture/video stuff. They do have easily removable batteries though.
  8. Are you looking for notation software or just sheet music?
  9. Well, nobody who makes this kind of stuff really associates it with Cyberpunk. The only example I can think of is Billy Idol's "Cyberpunk" album.
  10. Aren't comedy central and CN owned by the same old fart anyway?
  11. Archive.org page now up! http://www.archive.org/details/Overcoat-ACyberpunkAdventureEp First one to review the EP gets a free bio-augmentation.
  12. Yeah everything's updated as far as I know. Though my drivers were updated on the 20th, I'll try grabbing that but it probably won't fix much. I don't know about the pagememorypool trick though. Enlighten me, since this is probably the game's problem. If it was something with my graphics card it would be something obvious like flickering or lines all over the place edit: hey look, shade! I hope the video card update actually fixed this problem, but it may happen again who knows?
  13. I felt like it since I haven't played for a while. Also there were a few updates. Suddenly, in the default maps [e.g. Dust], the shading is completely gone, so it looks like everything has an equal amount of light on it. This makes it kind of look like CS1.6, which many say I should be playing anyway This makes the HDR completely bonkers. On Dust especially, the bloom goes completely fucking nuts and blinds you the second you go outside. When I played it before, and everything was fine, I noticed a message in the console about the shaders, and that "Support for this will go away soon," so I'm assuming it has to do with the source engine getting updated, but they left the maps unfixed. It might have something to do with my graphics card [Radeon X1650] but I doubt it. Does anyone else play CS:S and possibly have fixes to this problem? Did they release fixed maps anywhere?
  14. Check out Niyaz for high energy ethnic tracks.
  15. Click the cover art to download! Yes it was supposed to be for ALS4 and released Jan. 1st, but much like Skrypnyk I couldn't wait, since it's been done for a while now and I was getting antsy. Also Ubik still hasn't provided FTP upload info which worries me. So here you go! 6 kindofbrandnew cyberpunk-twisted tracks. At first I tried to make the music sound like Blade Runner or Deus Ex but I failed hard at that, so I made my own musical take on the cyberpunk style. There's a little bit of industrial, a little bit of breaks, doused in ambient and then downsampled to hell, as usual. Enjoy!
  16. Hell yeah man! *is OCR's only Renoise user *
  17. Pretty sure it's not. I can't think of the first but Curse of Monkey Island has this beat by like a decade. Door hinge?
  18. According to imdb "Scott Porter" is going to be playing Rex Racer. Yet Matthew Fox is playing Racer X. What gives?
  19. Don't run Winamp on your Amiga It's probably just one plugin causing the problem. Install one plugin at a time and see where it starts crashing. I remember it would give me shit for skipping .gym tracks. You should be playing .vgm anyway, not .gym, but whatever
  20. There's a good guide up now on how to get started with Cockos Reaper http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13478 100% free. I use Renoise but you probably wouldn't understand this one at all. Unless you like hexadecimals. I do.
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