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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. I've got TF2. Add "OverCoat" as a friend on Steam and maybe we'll catch each other online.
  2. Use this for the emblem: And call them the Overcoats need anything else?
  3. The queue at Anime Remix is 0. HOW DOES IT FEEL TO GET YOUR ASS KICKED?
  4. http://thasauce.net/modules.php?name=NewsTwo&file=article&sid=698 I can't decide on a format but I think I like this one the best so far. I don't really want to write anything :3
  5. I hear absynth presets all the time http://kahvi.org/ biggest offender. though I love all the music off that netlabel anyway. I'd list some mainstream stuff but I'm so far out that I really couldn't tell you.
  6. Too bad WMP can't actually load any kind of formats or I'd actually like it.
  7. Make music fun first, make music money second. That's the most poignant advice I think I can give at this point in time. There's so many things that can go right and so many things that can go wrong that nobody can realistically tell you that you'll have a successful music career. That's not to say that you can't still write tunes and have a blast doing it and go "holy shit I made this," but even if you're a broke musician you're still a musician, and there are always other things you can do. My advice got kind of depressing there didn't it? Though, I'm not saying that you'll fail. Give your dream a shot. You're still young and have plenty of opportunities, best thing to do is just try the music thing and see how that goes.
  8. Okay Give xmplay a shot. You can play pretty much anything winamp plays, plus xmplay was designed for accurate mod playback [mod/s3m/it/xm files] so really it plays files better. The library is much better than Winamp's, it keeps tabs on your specific music directories, and you can sort playlists by filename and path. The only downside is you can't edit ID3 information with it, though you can tag any file within the library so you can tell what it is yourself [e.g. if you tagged it inside xmplay, nothing else but your personal xmplay can read the tags, it doesn't edit the files]. Also I recommend you look for some custom skins for it. Though I'm sure you don't watch movies inside winamp, you should be using VLC Media Player or Media Player Classic.
  9. I wonder if you mean these ones http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.ph...430c13d92ca76e http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.ph...9f0711c87578d5 http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.ph...faa1c581c64f7a
  10. I like using dBPowerAmp's tagger, 'cause it lets you input some secret stuff :3 and it's good for tagging multiple files at once. The whole dbpa is a nice little package though, it encodes mp3 ogg and flac etc pretty well at the same time
  11. I'm going to be on the giving end of these wonderful deals 40% off everything in the store COME ON DOWN :V edit: just remembered, I made a SONG
  12. I probably should have. But I dunno if getting another one would fix the problem. Either way it's too late to replace now, so maybe I can ask the guys at the computer store what I need to do. Maybe they'd know. Maybe.
  13. Ethical? Fuck ethics. You're not selling anything, right? Sample everything. ( ^▽^)/\(^▽^ )
  14. Okay, I did a little more digging on my own [thanks for all that wonderful help, guys!]. I upgraded to Nero 8, which doesn't need you to insert discs to get info on your drives, and the software does indeed know it is there. Once I start burning a data DVD though, it starts to prep the disc, then it just spits it back out with a generic "something went wrong" message. Apparently the fact that I have a dual layer DVD-RW drive causes some sort of bug in winXP, and there are a few "fixes," one being messing with the DMA on the drives, though DMA is definitely ON. I even flashed the BIOS with the newest revision, and I actually updated the firmware on the drive a few years ago, thinking that would work. There's some other ones but I don't want to risk breaking something, or reformatting anything, making me lose all the important data that I needed to back up in the first place!
  15. Japanese people get the craziest exclusive shit, just because it won't really take off here - this, the FF potion drink, Vocaloid 2's Hatsune Miku voice, pocky, etc... Well they probably import the pocky but I've never really looked for it.
  16. http://soundtempest.net/soc/ is my website. You don't click on enough signatures I have actually been thinking of making a music video but I... can't really do them. lols
  17. I'm staying with Garian and DarkCecil13 currently.
  18. This is a hard problem to google solutions for, and kind of an odd one to explain, so I'll leave the comprehension up to human understanding instead of some keyword-based chaotic sentence. Okay, so I've had this fancy shiny useless 16x dual layer DVD-RW drive for a few years, and I'm finally fed up with it and I want to either get it replaced or fix it. The problem is as follows: Watching "My Computer" as I insert a disc. With no disc in the drive, it displays correctly as a DVD-RW. Once I actually insert a DVD-R disc in the drive, it suddenly changes into a CD-ROM drive, therefore confusing the fuck out of both me and Nero. The history of this drive is a weird one. I've had it since 2004, and it's never been able to burn anything. Not even a CD, though I have burned a few movies with a strange trial version of NeroVision a few times, though it would have a lot of errors and I'd go through a few discs before a successful burn. However, it does play back both CD and DVD formats. It's a "Philips DVD-+RW DVD8631," and a quick google search registers complaints for this shitty drive all across the board. As a temporary solution I've been burning files to DVD across the network on another computer. HOWEVER - and this is what confuses me - the owner of this computer [my mother, of course] got rid of the software I was running [legal copy of Nero 5.5... they won't let me upgrade to 7 for some reason, but that's another story] which did actually work before, and then she replaced it with a fucking trial version of 7... which I ended up not really liking, though she needed it for some damn thing... anyway, the trial version dried up, so I tried reinstalling Nero 5.5. Installation successful, but then that schizo drive issue started happening with her computer! So now I'm stuck with no DVD burner at all, so I can't fucking back up my files for the foreseeable future. My question is: Can I get WinXP to stop changing the drive functionality? I'm not sure when it started, and I'm thinking it could be some Microsoft-injected anti-piracy method gone horribly wrong. I wonder if I can burn DVDs under Ubuntu. But then again, how would I get the files off an NTFS drive without leet linux skills? Please help?
  19. thanks for the strong feedback! yes, 7th Garden features... that guy don't give him the stick
  20. Now with creative commons license! I got maybe 5 comments about it [well, about the music part of it] since its release, so maybe here it'll get more attention. I'd like some more reviews on the archive.org site, so if you have an account there, I'd love it if you'd take some time to write a review for this album, or any of the others I've uploaded to Archive so far: Today is a Horrible Day to Feel Beautiful The Sky is Never Dark Anymore EP [the only release with an actual review so far] Tanasinn EP unpopular music!
  21. you tell me this every time, but every time I tell you it is way too heavy
  22. personal update BECAUSE I'M SURE YOU NEED TO KNOW I bought my plane ticket. I will see you there. Damn expensive ticket. You'd better make it worth that much
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