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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Yeah. Personally like the hybrid mode [it's very much like oldschool OCR!!!], though I think some things need to disappear to unclutter the page, and the oldschool buttons should clear up 90% of the confusion.
  2. wow buttons confusing as hell GETTING DIZZY > Turn off smileys how ┐('~`;)┌
  3. I have a few songs from OCR on my Nomad maybe a dozen or so
  4. anything 3+ GHz should last you a while for now.
  5. Holy shit everyone in this thread shut up. 1)It's a chiptune 2)all music on the NES are chiptunes and are called chiptunes, as well as anything else that doesn't use raw and/or sampled audio [that's a grey area though. A lot of systems had a PCM channel or two, and that's ALL the SNES had] 3)calling something a chiptune is NOT disrespectful [what the fuck?] 4)Thank you for finding the NSF [it's good]. I can't remember if there are any Tengen Tetris arrangements on OCR though, and I believe that's a prerequisite to having the original chiptune on the site.
  6. a friend of mine is working on a xm-to-spc tool It'll be done... when it's done. Right now he's working on the noise generator [aka those wind effects you hear in FF6 and CT]. As you can hear, it's pretty much almost done, though the spc has some clearly audible volume differences.
  7. I am excited, thus キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!
  8. I just downloaded it y directsound not work :[ halp
  9. Step 1: Do not buy a "how to draw manga" book Step 2: Use real anatomy as a base to your drawings Step 3: ???? Step 4: MANGA SUPERSTAR
  10. June Moon Swoon Spoon Saloon I need halp too but that's okay I'll just make DragonAvenger write all the lyrics.
  11. Naive capitalist idealism is so cute. Once Vista is released to all consumers, the big prefab computer companies: Dell, Gateway, Compaq, etc. will all package their computers with Vista. Millions of computers are sold every day. Vista will succeed whether linuxfags want it to or not. I know, I'm sorry. From the sound of it, everyone who hasn't used Vista is super-skeptical, but everyone who's actually used it already say it's a big step up from XP. I wonder who to believe...
  12. キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!!
  13. I'll bet Garian can get it for you [and like, thousands of machines]. I'll ask him next time he's on IRC.
  14. Sammy: http://theshizz.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=20120 That thread might have some answers.
  15. Mmm, Boxing Day! New song, Sort [3 MB]. Kinda reminds me of an oldschool silent horror movie. lol drumloops
  16. Good job on getting posted, DA. This song is pretty chill, so I automatically like it.
  17. Read what I said again: "you could probably just put in a few hours and cover at least the basics: covers, remixes, and arrangements. Arrangements being the thing OCR accepts of course." I'm saying you could talk about the other ways to tribute old game tunes, they might not be allowed on OCR but offsite or on the forums people might enjoy them.
  18. http://www.mirsoft.info/gamemods-archive.php?id_platform=0&id_music_type=0&hladaj=unreal&=&order=&order_desc=&selection=1&submit=SHOW%3E%3E lols
  19. This seems to have turned into more of a tech help thread than a gaming thread That's the one issue I have with PCs, is that they're all so radically different, so while we get most of the great games, we have to deal with all sorts of weird problems :[ But now consoles have to deal with that too. Ever since they switched to discs, console gamers know what it's like to have loading times > and now with internet functionality they have to patch their games! BTW, this is the thing I've been playing/testing: http://www.starsiege2845.com/ I need to complain enough that they put in a targeting system and configurable components to the mechs, just like the old game, which I spent 2 or so years of my life playing online This particular game was announced a long time ago, and the ATR is finally out. I thought it was going to be a mod for Tribes: Vengeance [which is why I bought T:V (((] but it turns out to be a standalone game. Bittersweet news!
  20. I'm gonna be the cool non-conformist rebel and vote for "interpretation." I think it's a topic that's come up quite a bit lately, and I think guidelines on the different ways to interpret the original song would be helpful to put in the site FAQ, or something like that. It's a simple tutorial to write, and you could probably just put in a few hours and cover at least the basics: covers, remixes, and arrangements. Arrangements being the thing OCR accepts of course. It'd also be nice to showcase prime examples of all 3 [say, a Minibosses song, a DJ Seith remix, and... one of your OC Remixes, respectively].
  21. http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/comp_list.php?showID=2601&letter=D&search=descent ...you can give it a shot No SFX but the redbook audio always works.
  22. You could look for Front Mission SNES ROMs ...PC Gaming, hooray!
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