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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Nintendo doesn't remake other companies' games :[ Also it's probably not possible. Too much content. FF7 has what, 4 discs?
  2. It's either this or the Fairlight CMI, which is fucking unattainable so I'm going with my ESQ1. Hey wait a sec favorites thread
  3. Nothing that you have right now. The only useful sequencer I can think of that's under $80 is Renoise, which is actually very capable but will be terribly confusing for you [it even boggles me sometimes], if you're used to stuff like Finale Printmusic or Anvil Studio [which are terrible, unless you actually need Finale to print sheet music]. If you can go up to $100 or even $150, FL Studio is a bargain. There are different bundles for FL though: http://www.flstudio.com/documents/SUB_75.html That shows the difference between packages. Here's some advice: if you don't know what it is, you don't need it yet. You can always upgrade later. I'm assuming you already have a few soundfonts. FL Studio can load any midis you've made previously, and you have the option to replace your midi channels with soundfonts. Once you have a DAW like FL Studio, Sonar, or Cubase [or maybe something else], you can just forget about making .mid files altogether, and just compose right in the software. I'm afraid if you want a truly realistic sound you are out of luck, or at least a few hundred bucks. If you check the ReMixing board there are threads you can look in for some samples or names of things to buy.
  4. virt just released FX3. You can find FX1and 2 on Mono211.
  5. I went to the one in Seattle, back when that was apparently the last one they were ever going to do. Glad to hear it's still around. I think I told Mr. Tallarico to not use the Paramount next time [too small!], I wonder if he read my message :3
  6. Is it bad that I don't know what scrubbing is? I mean, aside from using a brush
  7. sgx-coactive(overcoatmix).mp3 - 3.4mb I have destroyed your song. That's what happens when I use FruityLoops. The .rsn file didn't open, so I'm assuming it wasn't made in Renoise. BUMMER.
  8. It's Adobe Audition now - Cool Edit isn't for sale anymore, so don't call it that. and yeah I use Cool Edit Pro 2.0 myself ( ゚Д゚) I tried upgrading. Bad shit happened, but at the time I was still on my PII 233, so maybe it couldn't handle it. Audition is basically the same thing as CEP2 though, but it has VST support now plus other things.
  9. This will also wake you up http://scene.org/file_dl.php?url=ftp://ftp.scene.org/pub/music/groups/ronin_collective/rc025-gama-b06-noahsfloodhasnotyetsubsidedoverwrathed_benefitoftheboomerang.mp3&id= I am all like ヽ(´ー`)ノ now.
  10. ...lol I think I did something like that once for a Soundtempest Compo. Actually, probably several times.
  11. I miss thesoundsite.net SO MUCH They pretty much had every soundfont known to man, and I got some really good ones off of there. I wonder if anyone set up a mirror, or at least a partial one?
  12. Random chip! http://hvsc.tp2.be/C64Music/Laxity/Alibi.sid The Alibi by Laxity. And here's a remix that I just found which is quite nice: http://remix.kwed.org/download.php/3048/moog%20%28Sebastian%20Bachlinski%29%20-%20Alibi%20of%20Laxity.mp3 This is 3 years old though. lol
  13. Yeah, free wires are kind of a bitch, and house-wiring is beyond my scope >_> Maybe I should learn how, though. Anyway I'm sure there are zillions of wireless printers out there that'll perform just as well as a wired one.
  14. You might want some of this 300 feet of CAT5 cable in my room then (゚∀゚)
  15. It's called "Help and Newbies" now. Hi!
  16. Well, video conversion is almost always messy if you're going lossy-to-lossy. What format does the Zen use? .3gp or some other bizarre format? Or can it actually load .avi with DivX?
  17. You can get a scanner at a thrift store for like $5. Whenever I go in there's at least like 10 scanners all piled in the back of the store. I've never tested a resold scanner, but they PROBABLY work, or at least a few in that pile . I'd go with a single-function printer - less things can go wrong and they don't cost as much. It doesn't have to be wireless either. Your router has some ports on the back, right? The printer can still be used over a network as long as it has the CAT5 jack on the back. The actual research between different printer models can be done yourself. Check Consumer Reports or something.
  18. Anime episodes? HMM! Probably. I mean, that's what the Zen Vision is for, isn't it? The only time I've seen anime on the go though, was when a friend of mine had Haruhi on his PSP. That was pretty freakin' cool! The Zen can probably do the same thing, but I dunno how well the screen might work for it.
  19. You could try getting one of those Line6 PODs, though I don't know which ones [ask Taucer or somebody else who plays guitar] are the best. Since you already have a guitar amp, you could try micing it. Of course, then you'd need a SM57 and a preamp, which is probably going to cost you $200. But then again, a PODxt probably costs $300.
  20. The Rescuers Down Under ( ゚ ヮ゚) As for videogames, obviously FF2 [speaking from an American standpoint. I'm talking about FF4 here, you weaboos] was a huge improvement over Final Fantasy 1, which is probably the most boring game I have ever played. I tried to be cool and shun the Final Fantasy games though. I still think all Japanese RPGs are boring as hell, but I've really warmed up to Nobuo's music, at least for the SNES Final Fantasies. I also found Toejam and Earl 2 to be very fun. It's really nothing like the first game, but it still contains [and in a way enhances] the funk of the characters. Its music is also some of the highest quality you can find for the Genesis. The FM brass is so good.
  21. Neat. Lots of trance clichés, but it still sounds great.
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