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  • Location
    Durham NC
  • Occupation
    Film Maker

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  1. Excite truck is the shit...It has the same feeling of replayability as Smash Brothers does for me. No one race is ever the same and you can always find a way to pick up more points. It's simple, but very versatile at the same time and my god is it fast. Realism for the LOSE.
  2. The only problem I've had with my Wii is after I did the initial firmware update, sometimes I get a disc read error when I play Wii sports. Otherwise it's been pretty flawless.
  3. Not really. http://www.forbes.com/home/feeds/ap/2006/10/26/ap3121430.html
  4. And I suppose the Xbox 360 had original titles that justified a purchase? Come now, if ANYONE is going to have original titles to warrant a purchase it's going to be the Wii this generation. If it was deliberate then they would have released a shortage of consoles this past spring. They wouldn't have cited a manufacturing problem either (the blue diodes). People will be missing the regular controller huh? All those mom's and dad's and casual gamers who just love the classic controller?
  5. I got a preorder, and already paid it off. I was 2nd in line, the store said they would get at least 8 units, and even with the Gamestop employee benefit of getting 4 preorders, that would still get me a console.
  6. Ughh, you are such an arogant piece man...You're just jealous of his orchestral remixing skills.
  7. This is the best remix OC has had in a LOOONG time...Leave it to analoq to do it...Good work.
  8. I don't know why I didn't post a reply when this first came out. It is, indeed, very pretty and the title is very fitting. Excellent mixage.
  9. Why didn't I say anything when this thing first came up? This is, as Mustin said, a very good arrangement, and I'll leave it at that! The guitar has a...fakeness.. to it, but I like it! I would like an alternate version with a better guitar, just so I could decide which I liked better.... Or listen to both! Keep it up!
  10. Hmmmm....I'd have to say the hardest boss for me would be...Ummmm, Probably the master hand in SSMBM on very hard.
  11. I liked the music, when maze IMed me about it I was like, why don't people like it? I loved the music! Good job mazey
  12. Ear Candy. Awesome. More like dis.
  13. Holy shit this is fucking amazing. Totally movie-worthy. I'll let you guys know if I use it. MORE LIKE THIS - PLEASE!
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