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Everything posted by rem

  1. That's pretty cool but oddly familiar. I swear I've seen a similar timeline function before.
  2. AW SHIT. I can't go this year. Fuck it I'm gonna scam my press pals for E3 badges next year.
  3. Really? I thought demitri's was pretty full most of the time. ok then
  4. So I'm planning on buying TF2 soon but I'd like to know if there are any bots for this game. I hate practicing online.
  5. Wow I like Hilde. Just tons of fun.
  6. Batman and Robin is awesome if you just remind yourself that it's a giant joke. All of my governor's one-liners are awesome.
  7. Well if I did live an hour away it would be an easy yes. I live in California which is slightly more than an hour away. will ask friends, see if they go if not will see you next year
  8. No but really I might go. I'd much rather go to Otakon though, but that's on the other side of FREEDOM.
  9. I may be going but it's pretty far to fly and such. Plus I hate video games so much. It's kind of a deal breaker.
  10. Jesus Christ what are you people arguing about??? In other news is Dent definitely, definitely dead? I'm hearing differing voices on this one. Also I waited through the credits to see a scene with Dent alive (I BAWWWWWWed when I didn't see anything)
  11. I just wanted to say that this sig doesn't make a lot of sense. It assumes that Samus has a penis.
  12. So I came back from Comic Con having played this for like 20 minutes. While I enjoyed the gameplay, I feel that Injin does make a good point. I could not for the life of me hit Yoda effectively with many of the characters. I'm sure there's a way to play against him and that he's not an extremely broken character but it was pretty annoying.
  13. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-07-22/live-action-cowboy-bebop-film-in-development-at-fox Rights recently signed up by producer Erwin Stoff (Matrix, A Scanner Darkly) So? Sounds awesome/incredibly stupid?
  14. I'm wary of how this is going to turn out. I thought 300 was crap but there wasn't too much to work with in the first place.
  15. Someone should just post the character designs and we can debate what we don't like about them. Will that someone be you?
  16. rem


    Yeah they really polished up Code Geass R2 by: 1. Ending each episode with a cliffhanger (like LOST) 2. Getting rid of that animation everytime a Geass was used (this was a huge lowpoint for Season 1) A+++, would watch again though.
  17. rem


    Every show needs an antagonist. She's obviously the final boss.
  18. I wonder if Lavant is still around. I'd like to request a sig from him.
  19. There is a very easy way to prevent favorites threads being made. Just sticky ONE "favorite remix" thread in GD. At several anime sites I frequent, people don't create favorites threads because one already exists as a sticky.
  20. Very nice! Thanks a lot DJ Tempora.
  21. Can I get someone to Winterfy my sig? Please? Hey thanks. (Sorry Tempora, but I'll be keeping this name )
  22. It's fun once you get the hang of it.
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