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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. How DARE somebody else piggy-back on MY genius! WWW.THEWINGLESS.COM there, that should set things right!
  2. Your Pixie Tricks Me/N has nothing but Ranger skills? That's fucked up. I'm glad I left your dumbass guild!
  3. Some would argue she's just the right height. Not me though. That'd be lewd and crass. And that ain't me, baby.
  4. Ain't that the fucking truth!
  5. Wow. Plenty of hate in the thread already. Oh well, best of luck to Jill and Not-Jill
  6. DJpretzel only has two rules. Everyone fights. No one quits.
  7. I'm pretty sure he's just a sentient being who's grown out of the massive information exchange of the internet, similar to, but not exactly like, Jane, from the Speaker of the Dead trilogy. Or I could be wrong. We discussed this at Jill's house that one day. It was pretty funny (and freakishly possible) I doubt you made the Speaker allusion. Or you're all a bit more well read than I previously believed. *Thread Commandeered* Hey Darke! You notice anything strAaAaAaAange about the name of the characters on my new website? :3 *Thread Relinquished*
  8. Gray was a fool to challenge me. His death will serve as a fitting example to the rest of his miserable little caucassian Resistance. nobutsrsly gonnamissu kbye.
  9. Creative differences. Even though Episode 50 has come and gone (and we're waist-deep in 51), I think mad props are in order for your two loveable hosts, Zircon and Pixie. Episode 50 took alot of time and energy (and some would contest, soul) in order to coordinate, record, and produce. So, give 'em your huzzahs and kudos. They deserve them. some jillyg fo' yo' pants
  10. moreliek Blood Elf Paladins.
  11. Hi. Wingless here. Long time player, first time writer. Any other Warlocks in here that did Battlegrounds? It really is tantamount to cheating sometimes because when you throw down a DOT, no matter how paper-thin, you'll get credited with the kill. That and the Succubus' Seduction make for, what we in the industry call, "good timez" Man... makes me want to get my account again and go dork it up on the RP servers
  12. Like tens of thousands of others on gaming sites such as these, I'm just throwing things out there. I would thank you for taking five seconds out of your time to reply, but your approval isn't necessary or required; in fact, nobody's approval is necessary or required. We know very little about the next Smash Brothers apart from what Nintendo has already shown us in the video. Vague statements in interviews that hint to possible additional 3rd party characters leads to speculation. A thread like this created well before the game's release date amounts to speculation. The majority of said speculation is not, nor will ever be, true -- much to your comfort, I'm sure. Have a good day, Wingless. And thank you for your remix "Pearlsong." I enjoyed it. as with all my fans, I will destroy you.
  13. Quite possibly the dumbest thing I've heard on the internet in recent memory
  14. explain Well, we had to find an "educational" website and talk about it for 5 minits, and OCREMIX was blocked, so Joefu gave me the link to your website, so I picked your website out of the worthless crap of websites I had. and I talked about it for 5 minits, thanks Wingless. elaborate I am fairly certain that in a class he is undertaking, they had to find a collection of files grouped together in what is known as a website that had some form of educational purpose. After having Joefu recommend the data you arrange in a public format for anyone to see on the web, he selected what you would call your website to do a 5 minute presentation. I want to know *WHAT* he said
  16. explain Well, we had to find an "educational" website and talk about it for 5 minits, and OCREMIX was blocked, so Joefu gave me the link to your website, so I picked your website out of the worthless crap of websites I had. and I talked about it for 5 minits, thanks Wingless. elaborate
  17. I shudder well in advance
  18. Pixie: Do you wanna announce in the thread that we're extending the deadline for the VGDJ Intro contest to Sunday at Noon? Wingless: Comb yo' beard, bitch. I ain't tryin' to hear that shit. ------------- And yay for the first in what I can only assume will be a long line of WinglessMixes.
  19. Probably my favorite stinger right beyond the Panzer Truck
  20. My only consolation is that it was a pretty damn good Pixiemix.
  21. back in my day, I had an auroramix up and running by episode 2... I think!
  22. Need more wingless, you fat sack of CRAP!!!
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