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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. This is one of my favorite moments of Mag 9... Getting to listen to Sam play basically whatever for me and I was so happy.

    Sam is such an amazing pianist. I almost didn't get to see him play, but right as I was leaving I passed him at the piano and convinced him to play some FF6 goodness. I called Alex Brandon and Dan Froelich over to watch as well, and they were as much in awe as the rest of us :)

  2. Is anyone out there in the mood to write up a TL:DR summary/gist of this entire thread? I've only had the energy to read bits and pieces. And that's not really got me anywhere b/c the debate seems to keep micro-morphing into other tangents. And I just don't have the desire to properly catch myself up and/or participate in it otherwise. :lol:

  3. That would be kinda cool actually. All normal-voiced and weirding people out.

    Nah, I would totally speak through an octaver. And I guess you'd just have to try to talk faster than you normally would :)


    BTW, I've been a bit behind on all my favorite Escapist goodness for the past couple weeks, so I've been playing catch up, so sorry for not mentioning this before now, but wow dude, thanks for playing mah remix and for the huge shoutout there at the end! I totally wasn't expecting that--absolutely made my evening dude, I owe you a drink/food/bro-hug at GDC or whenever I see you next ;)

  4. By the way, I should have posted before now, but me, zircon, pixietricks, and bustatunez will be having our own panel on Thursday about "Creating music: from hobby to profession" sort of thing.

    I know some folks won't be getting there until Friday, but for those of you who can make it, we'll be talking about some fun stuff including our roots as early remixers up to various pro gigs we are working on/have worked on. Should be fun!

    Also worth noting is that Josh Whelchel and Danny B will have a similar-ish panel later talking more about the indie games side of things. We actually tried to combine our two panels, but the scheduling guys couldn't quite make it work, so there will still be two separate panels, but we'll all probably be there and we hope to see lots of you at each! :)

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