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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. Yeah, so I've pretty much written off ReCylce as a colossal piece of shit. This is probably the worst programming I've seen in a single piece of soundware ever.

    No keycommands, no "snap to groove" options, no advanced grid view (like swing vs. straight), no useful keyboard shortcuts "how about "p" for pencil, "s" for select, "x" for mute, "l" for lock etc etc etc, unintuitive zoom (seriously have people not figured out that the mousewheel is awesome for zoooming in and out?), piss-poor transient detection (that's the whole point of the program! wtf!!!!), clicky silence when you insert a slice marker, and it opens a new window for EVERYTHING.

    Either Propellerhead are a bunch of morons, or else the people who write their software don't actually use it. And they must not be getting particularly experienced people to test it.

    I wouldn't care so much if only Rex format wasn't proprietary to them, and Stylus RMX could convert wav or some other form of sliced beats instead of only that. AAAAAARGGGHHH.

    I'm also a bit amazed that I haven't found a single helpful google hit about any of these issues. I cannot believe more people aren't vocalizing these obvious flaws. Ehh.

    [/huge hate-rant]

  2. Recycle was created to chop loops. End of story. It has some other stuff like effects and whatnot, but its basic principle is to chop loops, so when people see it as a tool for chopping loops, thats exactly what it was meant to do. Doing any post processing is about messing with a chopped up sample in whichever program, doesn't really have anything to do with recycle itself.

    Exactly, I believe ReCycle was made specifically for slicing loops (primarily drums, though you *can* do melodic--[though not very well as you'll see below]). It's basically an audio editor within an audio editor so that you can turn one audio clip into several so that you can later rearrange the slices in any way you choose using whatever tools can read rex files, or even import them into something like Stylus RMX. Creating glitches is something that results from doing exactly that. Otherwise, it seems to me that rex can't really do anything other than modify the attack and release of each slice and doesn't offer any effects beyond a basic compressor and EQ.

    Anyway, so here's an audio example to help describe my problem. (BTW, this loop is available in the free loop bundle on www.impactsoundworks.com) :)

    Here's the original loop:


    And here's what it sounds like after I've created all the slices of individual strums/attacks/transients:


    I haven't changed anything, all I've done is insert the slice markers, but you can clearly hear that it seems that ReCycle has automatically faded each loop out at the end. The tempo's are the same, and I've made sure that each slice has an immediate attack and an infinite release (which SHOULD prevent it from fading out, I would think).

    So I have no idea why it's doing that. Also, IMO ReCycle is clunky and awkward and simply poorly programmed. They don't make proper use of two mouse buttons, there are no keyboard shortcuts/macros, the transient detection is simply terrible, and of course, it inserts tiny pauses in between slices as shown above. Bleh. Me am frustrated.


    Here, to prove my point about the transient detection, here's an image. You can VISIBLY see the transients, yet ReCycle has missed several blatant ones while instead adding these tiny slices of just, wtf. Things that clearly are NOT attacks. $@%#!^#


  3. The announcements were the only thing i cared about. After Harris somehow beat Sheen for Voice acting the rest of the night was a joke to me. The part that sucked was the lack of valve announcement. Which means they still have two big hammers to drop over the next 9-10 months...

    haha, I forgot about that. Didn't Valve promise 3 big announcements? I don't really remember what the first one even was, does anyone have a recap? (Sorry about the semi-thread derail) :P

  4. Yo Shaun, thanks for the link man :)

    I actually already stumbled across that video on Youtube though, lol

    Actually, my question had to do with both transient detection (which absolutely SUCKS in ReCycle IMHO) and also, whenever I insert a new marker to designate a new transient slice, then play back the preview at the ORIGINAL recorded tempo, there's an audible cutout (briefly) where the first slice ends and the next begins, and I can't figure out why it does that. It's really frustrating. Second, I'm slicing melodic loops, not drum loops, so while I understand that the program may have a bit more trouble detecting transients, they're still super easy to see visually, and I find it frustrating that the auto-detection is as bad as it is. :(

  5. The music sounds great, I'll pick it up as soon as there's a digital version available. (Physical CD's are kind of a thing that I will almost never buy any longer, regardless of the artist.) Plus, I have to agree, $15 is a bit steep for me. I guess I really haven't paid over $10 for music in so long it's hard for me to accept anything over that as an amount I'm willing to pay.

    But anyway, don't let my personal opinion on distribution detract from the fact that I think the music sounds amazing :)

  6. I just went through all 11 pages to see if I'd left a comment for this track; I could have sword I had, but I guess not.

    I really dig this track. I'm not really into the gangsta-rap side of hip hop, but this on the other hand, I can listen to this stuff on repeat for a while. The lyrics are inspiring (and I thought they were well written/performed/recorded), and the groove is soothing. Excellent work, guys!

  7. Got mine in yesterday. Besides the discs themselves, I always chuckle at the otherwise huge void inside the huge boxes.

    My only complaint is that while EWQLSO PLAY edition bundles Gold + Gold XP, SD2 doesn't includes any of the original sounds from SD1. Even if you want to get the SD2 Pro expansion, it doesn't include the awesome drum kits. Since my main goal for getting these was because I lost my original discs between moving (stupid, I know), and they DON'T supply replacement discs any more for any libraries other than PLAY edition ones, my previous $400 original StormDrum purchase is completely gone.

    Anybody willing to sell their original StormDrum library for a good price :)

    You still have your serial number, right? I could burn you the DVD content, and your serial number should be kept with your NI user account. Let me know.

  8. Everyone say it with me, "Awwwww...."

    Greg broke the news to me and I received permission to post his due congrats :nicework::nicework::nicework:

    Got married a week ago, proving yet again, that hope is not lost for video game music nerds and aficionados that it is indeed still possible to succeed with the opposite sex up to and including mawwage. Congrats again bro!

    Some pictures

    Some more pictures

    Now go make either music or babies together! ;)

  9. Hey again Jesse :)

    I'm not sure if I made the connection back when you posted here on OCR initially, but I figured out at some point after that it was your name I'd seen attached with the Lower Afterlife track. Very cool work, man, I love that track a lot, and it really did work great in game :)

    Cool story hearing about the origin. It's unfortunate that they didn't credit you or the other "club music" writers, because I thought all the club songs were phenomenal and fit the game so well. It sounds to me like since you wrote the track for that other game, there was probably a contract involved that basically entitled EA to perpetual use of your track whether by ownership or license, so they pulled it out of the vault when they needed a theme for lower Afterlife. It sucks when stuff like that gets used and you don't even know about it until after (or ever!) but unfortunately that's just how it goes sometimes :-\

    Now, the other possibility is that EA just used your track without permission and now you get to sue them ;)

    I get asked occasionally if I wrote any of the club themes, and I always say that I wish I did, because they rock, but then point them to the Mass Effect wiki which credits you all properly. :)

  10. if you were to do a setup that'd play nice in FL Studio, that'd be killer as well =)

    how do you mean? the acid wavs should work fine in FL. If you're talking about artifacts when timestretching, that's going to happen with any wav file, and the rx2/Sage should remedy that a bit better when I have them finished.

    i used this library in this round's grand maverick remix battle, so when it gets posted, check it out. it didn't turn out as well as i'd hoped - i needed to record the leads live, but didn't have time - but the backing parts sound awesome :<

    nice! :) got a link?

  11. I'm super stoked that this library has been doing killer :D

    Thanks for all the feedback guys, also, I'd like to tell everyone that the $19 pre-order sale is going on through Cyber Monday, so make sure you pick it up before it hops up to $25 after that.

    Also, I'm working on aiff and rex/sage conversions for easier use in logic, reason, and stylus RMX. doing aiff first, I'm hoping to be done with that this next week (properly editing transients and such) and next will come rx2/sage. The updates will be free for all who purchase AR vol 1. :)

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