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big giant circles

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Posts posted by big giant circles

  1. I've been pretty fortunate with Steam Sales. Not really bought anything this year (I went nuts last year), and so far the only time I went "Aww, crap, I shoulda waited..." was when I finally gave in and bought COD4 for $30 since those games NEVER go on sale, and then *poof* the next week it was $15 for a day (like it is right now)

    Patience and restraint are the key factors to win the Steam Sales game, methinks.


    Also, why is there not a link to http://store.steampowered.com/ nowhere in this thread? OP, shame on you. :P

  2. Yet in theory, a company could pitch a fit about its IP being used without their consent in some oddball way, and demand that all remixes of its music be taken down. After all, Square-Enix has made a C&D name for itself going after free works that are based off of their IPs, as have other companies (Blizzard, Nintendo I believe, etc.). So while OCR might not get shut down, there is a chance (albeit a slim one) that some of its content could be gone if a company pitched a big enough hissy fit with its lawyers.

    A valid point. That being said, one thing sites like OCR et al have on our side is that if such a thing did go down, they'd be opening a pretty good size can o' worms because then they'd have to go after sites like deviantart and a million and a half others that host some sort of content that is derivative from copyrighted works/themes/characters/plots/scenarios/poop/etc and I see that turning into one of those "all or none" type deals, in which case the former is all but impossible to regulate, so it's realistically not worth the time or effort of any company.

    But back to the issue at hand, OCR stands so far away from the OP's issue IMO we have absolutely nothing to worry about regarding this particular incident.

  3. Bought'd. Sounds really useful for some backing and such as well as something I could definitely put through Reaktor and get some incredible sounds back out. Great job Jimmy!

    Thanks man, for some of the "bonus loops" included, that's actually what I did ;)

    I had a lot of fun glitching/processing some of the loops, and to be honest, I bet I could probably come up with an entire separate loop set of tripped out acoustic guitar :) (similar to Cinematic Guitars, etc)

  4. Very nice! What kind of guitar did you use, Jimmy? Jumbo? Dreadnought?

    Thanks man :) It's an Ibanez single-cutaway acoustic. I had a choice between it, an Ovation Celebrity or a Martin DCX1KE and in the end I liked the recorded sound of the Ibanez best. The Martin sounded too boomy/deep when I mic'd it plus there's no DI unlike the other two. The Ovation sounded great DI but IMO didn't sound as great through the mic.

  5. Steak sauce! They're coming to ATL in 2011.

    I hope so man, if so maybe we can do another mini meetup :)

    That being said, those TBA dates are... iffy. They've had Nashville on the TBA list for like 2 years and it's still never been there. I'm not quite certain those cities aren't more of a "We'd like to play here, but we have no actual confirmation to" :-\

  6. It was $7.00 for their smallest burger' date=' about $$4.50 or so, and a small coke which was $2.29 or $2.49. Pretty much it tasted like Wendys and it had the meat kept slipping out of the bun kinda like the McRib. I'm pretty sure they won't be lowering their prices anytime soon, Five Guys is Always packed despite insane prices. 8)[/quote']

    I don't remember their drinks being that expensive. Have you ever had their cajon fries? Those are pretty good, and they give you enough to fill up about 3 people.

  7. Ah, another fast food restaurant that opts to increase their sales. How so? They do so by the promotion of a half-decent insult that's dubbed as a meal called "the McRib". Yes, indeed, another way to KILL the masses and conceal the widely-accepted fact: McDonald's will destroy you with its lack of nutritional value.

    That's not really fair to single out McDonalds on that front, because there are plenty of places that are just as bad/far worse. Just do a Google search for "Top 10 most unhealthy foods/chains/sandwiches/etc" and McDonalds does not have any kind of monopoly there.

  8. Never had Five Guys, but I can honestly say that In-N-Out is highly overrated. They're not bad mind you, but the best? Not even close.

    I would arguably call them the best fast-food place to get a plain burger, and most affordable too. Last time I visited LA, I ate there every day for 2 weeks for lunch and never once got sick of it. Also, their fries are phenomenal.

    Five guys is pretty decent. Can't say they're anything super special, but the portions are generous and the burgers are consistently good.

    I have no problem with McDonalds, and I personally think the McRib tastes fine. I've ordered, eaten, and enjoyed them on several occasions. This whole cutting back on mechanically separated foods thing is kind of new for me.

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