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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Eino, I appreciate your revisitation of the review thread - that means a lot Also, just to clarify, I wasn't demanding that you (or anyone else) must feel compelled to compliment a track you don't like just because I reiterate a couple of the guidelines. You're still entitled to not like the track a little, or at all, and that's fine. I am rather impressed with the way you managed to review it constructively--that is, put your personal tastes (or distastes) aside and simply state what you found good, and what you didn't personally care for. And I also apologize if I came across as super harsh. Didn't mean to sound like I was picking on you, but I appreciate you taking my concerns to heart. Hope to see more constructive reviews like the one you just did in the future
  2. of course i'm interested. put me down as tentative for now
  3. Thanks guys! I <3 you all. (awwwwww...) Today was just kind of a relaxing day. Amanda made me a cake (yum) and I finally slept in (something I've not done in a while). Uh, I did have to go to work for a couple hours which was completely lame, but wuteva. Thanks for the kind wishes everyone! Really made my day, seriously
  4. since it sounds like cheap isn't really what you're going for as much as portable, just get the Duet. as for my issues with Mac, I'll PM you.
  5. big month for Dave! congrats, and happy occasions!
  6. It's pretty good, but can you throw Samus and the chick from Haloid on there somewhere?
  7. If you're going to spend $130 on a US122, I'd say spend $20 more and get either the US144 or a Presonus Inspire. And honestly, if you're going to jump from $130 to $500, I'd say go ahead and bump up another $200 and get either a MOTU, or else the new super-sexy Profire 2626 by M-Audio. It's got their Octane preamp, so you know it's set in that regard. Honestly, in my experience, there's not a lot of difference between the IO26, Firestudio Project, US1641, or any other $400-500 interface as far as quality of the preamps goes. Unless you plan on using all your inputs simultaneously, you might consider just getting an Apogee Duet since you're getting a Mac. That's definitely small and portable.
  8. Happy birthday to the lot of you! I don't personally know anyone other than Xerol, but I didn't want anyone to feel left out.
  9. I like the initial instrumentation, but after about 30 seconds, I was waiting (in vain it seems) for the sound to really open up and fill out. I'm now at 1:30 and I've still not heard "the drop". That's a little disappointing, because as beautiful as the source is, and the seeming direction that you're going ends up leaving the whole intro as just a big tease of something that never really happens. I like the guitar around 2:15. Adds nice texture to the mix. The strings seem a little thin throughout - there's not much harmony in the string writing. It's mainly just a monophonic ensemble, and not the most convincing patch. Yeah, there is absolutely no bottom end to speak of in this mix. The lower instruments that are present are heavily undermixed. Coupled with the reverb throughout, it is a bit muddy. The other thing that really makes this one feel incomplete, is that is has virtually no percussion (or swells). I mean, like, NONE. If this were say, a live symphony (which this arrangement could almost fit very nicely) it's like, the entire perc section just said eff it and walked out. Boo. That's a definite reason the entire song has such an underwhelming feel to me. There's some beautiful instrumentation, and as far as I can tell, the extent to which the source has been arranged is fine, but I'd still call this incomplete. Not incomplete like, I'm telling you you haven't finished your piece, but incomplete in the sense that the reasons I've stated definitely make it feel like there's critical elements that are just missing entirely. Anyway. Sorry this has sat on the panel as long as it has. And yeah, it's just us being lazy and not making time. It has nothing to do with the DA thing. Rework/Resub
  10. I realize this is not my call to make, and ulitmately, I'm not going to lose any sleep over it one way or the other, but the text just comes off as cheesy to me. The album has already been specifically created for Jordan under the circumstances of his health situation, so I personally prefer the subtle implication that Samus's outstretched hand has without need for any wording. I feel like the text is just redundant.
  11. I liked the ambience in the beginning. After that, the track sort of takes a steady walk downhill. I was a little disappointed that you clung to a pan-flute-ish lead just like the source has. The source has a nice hook, it's definitely got room for you to kick around a different patch there. Also, the lead was way too repetitive. I was pretty awful sick of it by the end of the track. I'd suggest changing up not only instruments, but also maybe switching up the near-verbatim melody once in a while to keep the track from getting boring. The drums are definitely too thin, and there's no effective separation between any of the instruments. The part-writing towards the end was actually, well, pretty awful. The synth does not compliment the flute in the slightest way. Pretty amature stuff, you sound like you might be fairly new to remixing, which is fine. I've definitely heard worse from people who've been at this a good while. Keep practicing. Try to stay away from too much repetition, and hit up the WIP forums for advice on mixing your finished track more cleanly. And trust your ears--if something doesn't sound right, it's probably not. And if for some crazy reason your ears are lying to you, grab someone else and use theirs. Most people can tell when notes are clashing, whether they're musical or not. NO
  12. I think it has to do with the VBR encoding. I notice it shows up funny in windows media player as well. It's fine in winamp.
  13. In my defense, Dave only sent me 4 mediums instead of 5 It's cool though, I now know that mediums are top sellers, and next time I'll be sure to bring plenty.
  14. if you hold down alt and type 0233 you get "é" instead of "e" (or "?")
  15. It's only a matter of time before Anna takes over the site... But seriously though, congrats you two! That's great news! :nicework:
  16. LIKE THIS???? middle colum 5 down. totally ripping off rainbow road. I wish I could read this stuff...
  17. gamelore's entire post made me rofl and whatnot.
  18. why so serious, dhsu? you see what i did there???
  19. indeed. I knew you had to be, because it absolutely is NOT better than batman & robin in ANY way. anyone who says so is just a mindless victim of all the over-hype.
  20. First video - before the VGL show in the Lobby of the Whitney Hall Center. What's awesome, is just the EXACT moment I made it over to the merch table, look at what the lady is handing to the three kids on the left. Which leads to my second video, where I grabbed him for a few words and thanked him for pimping the OCR scene. Back at the 21C Museum Hotel I shot some of the walk from the rooms to the elevator going back down to the lobby. And these are terrible. Creepy, depressing, and just... *shudders* And speaking of creepy (but kind of cool too) check out this bathroom: And the hotel lobby itself: And finally, a really HAWT limo:
  21. digged and dugged. i srsly need new wallpaper... *EDIT* lmao, didn't even see the bit over at the ars technica forums! XD
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