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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Pretty obvious call here. Fantastic expansion of the original. This is right up there with Monstrous Turtles. Both could sit nicely on any custom Halloween OCR playlist. I was chatting with Greg before about DnB, and how fun it is to make DnB tracks, he definitely brought it to the table here. And Justin's guitars only add more kick to this cup of awesome. YES
  2. My initial gut on this one is that it's too liberal an interpretation spread out over not enough source. It's a cool sounding number, but my vote is pretty heavily leaning towards NO for now. I don't know of the track "Unforgotten" from Halo 2 or 3, either. I can hear the chants, and a little bit of good ol' "Truth and Reconciliation", but again, I just don't recognize most of what this mix has going on. Also, the vocal bits (as ususal) are a bit on the cheesy side, and besides that, the audio is a direct rip from the trailer, which plays music. So not sure we can technically allow that anyway. Well, honestly, you know what, I have the OSTs for Halo 1 & 2, and I felt the remix/source connection was still a little too distant. It's definitely a cool start for a mix, and I have no problems with the production. But it needs to have a more direct relation to a specific source tune. NO
  3. no offense taken (despite the fact that I have no freaking clue what you just said). Besides: Alex Brandon's opinion > Your opinion also, thanks, insomniac
  4. Sam is one of the most gifted musicians I know. I wish all of you could see him perform live at some point.
  5. but it does just as well as any other instrument that's not "real". of course the "real" thing is always going to be better, but unfortunately the real thing is typically either not available, or hard to properly record. and honestly, if you took the time to really expertly sequence the setup i just played and then slapped it with the appropriate accompaniment, you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference
  6. Here's some simple noodling all on keyboard all one take. (except for the first few seconds, of course) you wouldn't call any of that "passable"? remember, those are all dry, as in no other FX besides Guitar Rig. played with RealStrat. if you're lucky, you still might be able to snag it for cheap at GC.
  7. after a few years of working a crappy job as like a dishwasher or a shelf stocker or a salesman, you get pretty motivated to improve your skills. if that doesn't do the trick, you're pretty much screwed
  8. You're missing the issue entirely. The problem has nothing to do with the album spanning several games. Heck, there could potentially be an album that garnerd Mario Brothers to Halo to Chex Quest as long as I suppose it had some sort of targeted theme. The problem is that OCR's albums are pretty well subject to the same policies (see content policy and album project guidelines) as all the other OCR music, specifically the bit about no profit being made. At any rate, let me mention Dave is the HBIC when it comes to final say so, so bear that in mind. I'm not speaking for him officially, but I'd wager his response will not be all that different.
  9. I'll do everything I can, but I doubt I'll be able to attend this year. Jan 1st is just not a good time at all, IMHO. It's really tough to choose between the fam and Magfest, but well, that's just how it is. So at any rate, I'll more than likely be on the family ski trip a couple states over. Hopefully M8 will have a different date. I think M6 was about as good a time as we can get. Bah. Sucks, because there were a few new people I want to meet in person, and at least one or two that I'd like to kick in the balls.
  10. The album is not being released through OCR, it's a personal project. I don't see OCR being affiliated with an album that raises profit of any sort, especially when there's a potential issue with licencing. The cause seems noble, and that's fine, but even if something is for charity, Mustin is absolutely correct in that even though the proceeds would qualify as not-for-profit, you still need permission. It's the exact same if someone took a song that any of you wrote without your permission, slapped it on an album and sold it. Even if it's for charity, permission needs to be obtained. As far as I can tell, Brad's probably closest to the "loophole" in that if the album were given away for free as fan art(like OCR's content) but downloaders were encouraged to donate to a charity, I suppose that's not really an issue (though technically, even what OCR does is "iffy" in that legal regard). I would not say I'm *highly* educated in licencing, Mustin knows much more than I do, but it's fairly easy to understand with just a little bit of analysis, and a smidge of insight. Try to stop thinking of music as music, and start thinking of it as a physical product and it all makes more sense.
  11. Guitar Rig or Amplitube (or something similar) can only help too.
  12. Screw you. I totally didn't wait outside that Italian place in DC and flag you down for a parking spot. *angry face* Anyway, let's see, in order of actual chronological meeting, I've met (past and present judges) Pixietricks, Zircon, Liontamer, DJ Pretzel, Harmony, Palpable, Crapesword, CHz, DarkCecil13, Shnababula, & JJT.
  13. Yeah, well, you've yet to reply to my argument about a pepper kicking a fruit's ass. Don't you dare accuse me of illogical conclusions, I've done my research, beeyatch! But seriously though, I'm a PC guy, but analoq is definitely right that Macs hold their value much longer than PCs. And honestly, the debate is almost like arguing which shape is better, a circle or a square. and btw, a triangle is the best shape
  14. So, what's the OFFICIAL production hold on this on? Most people have mentioned the "pops", I've specifically requested the awful clipping on the toms. I think it would be beneficial to clarify amongst ourselves what specifically our votes are conditional hinged on.
  15. FL's chili pepper pwns Apple's apple. lawl. this is not a serious post
  16. Fixed that sentence for you. Man, 17 is young, bro. I'm 27. Most of us here are probably in our 20's. Don't talk like you're at the end of the tunnel yet, you've still got plenty of time to cram knowledge and experience into your head. Do as much of that as you can now before other life obligations start cutting into your time to pursue the knowledge and skills of composing.
  17. /bump Guys, this library really is amazing. Very musician-friendly, and I promise, you'll love the FX patches they've put together.
  18. Hi new guys & gals, welcome to the forums. Please enjoy yourselves. Thanks for the love!
  19. i don't think i said logic was a BAD program, but rather that it's overrated. there's quirks with FL too, not trying to make it a "which is better?" discussion in the end, as in all things, to each their own.
  20. I'm not a huge fan of Mac personally, but seeing as I own an Intel iMac, I do at least have the ability to switch platforms painlessly, especially with an external HD. Logic im my PERSONAL opinion, while not a bad program, is highly overrated. Same with Garageband. I use FL studio, because I'm a piano-roll composer 90% of the time, and so far, every other DAW I've tried from Sonar to Acid to Live to Logic just does not compare on that primary front.
  21. For the record, it's not his argument that upsets me. It's the tone. It's the difference between "Please pass the salt." and "HEY! YOU ARE BOTHERING ME! I DEMAND THE GODDAM SALT NOW!"
  22. I've heard it It's all the cup of awesome that we would expect from blind and more!
  23. Ditto. Would you like a little cheese with that whine? Call it spam if you like, but heck, you act like you've just been subject to some treacherous and irreversible trauma. Good balls man, you're not a rape victim. You're going to get spam, it's a part of life. And you know what? It takes about 2.4 seconds to get rid of. Also, it's not like you can't opt to not receive them. Now, it's very gracious of Dave to simply reply with "My apologies, we'll fix it next time," but since I'm not an *official* site admin or spokesperson, here's *my* response. Screw you, man. So OCR sends out a few emails once in a while asking for a little support or simply trying to provide you with some cool info about the site. Well, here's my beef. You've apparently been registered since 2002. I'm going to be assumptive in that you've downloaded free music off the site, completely free of charge or obligation of any sort, but what do you give in return? Nothing. You find something to bitch about. Same thing with VotL. Rather than simply being happy that such a resource exists, you had to go and bitch about FLAC. Well, I'm glad people like Liontamer can just laugh this crap off, and normally I can too, but you're also taking for granted the amount of work that goes into this site by people like Dave, Larry, & the other site staff (ahem) who try to make sure people like YOU have some great music to enjoy. And you get a couple emails once in a while and you act like the OCR has done you some terrible unjustice. The world doesn't owe you anyhing, bro. Get off your horse. Based on the fact that: 1) You actually CAN unsubscribe 2) You're ALWAYS going to get spam/unwanted mails anyway 3) Unless you're too stupid to check, you can use the FILTER option in your email I just don't understand what's got your skirt in such a twist. I never subscribed to receiving Pizza Hut coupons in the mail, but I get 'em anyway. You know what I do? I just throw 'em out and move on. Oh, except sometimes I actually DO eat at Pizza Hut, and I use 'em. Good grief. Now that my rant is over, I shall shall end it on this note:
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