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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. haha, sweet. totally didn't notice until you said so. be sure to hit me up on AIM sometime, bro.
  2. Also, which of us got the picture with Rick Barretto, the CEO of Dream Authentics?
  3. I'm uploading my videos to youtube right now. Give me an hour or so and they'll be done I hope.
  4. thought it was pretty good. i don't think it's the movie to end all others, but i certainly enjoyed it no doubt. this made me lol
  5. and, a couple shots of downtown Louisville that's all I got. I know between all of us, there should be quite a large collection of pics. Some of the coolest ones were taken by others, so let's see what you got!
  6. The Whitney Hall convention center: Following Ifirit to see The Dark Knight dPaladin snagged this shot of me. large bridge in Louisville. bridges are cool.
  7. Some of the art in the hotel - this was where we got on the elevators. hotel lobby. Perfect car for Larry. Behold, the bling! Bling, take 2
  8. left to right, Tweek, Big Giant Circles, Audix We caught up with these guys after the show--they were super nice. Without them, we wouldn't have made it to the unofficial restaurant of all OCR meetups, TGI Fridays! these endless light tunnels were in the elevators at the 21C Museum Hotel we stayed at. yet another--with the "light at the end of the tunnel" effect
  9. For all the original full-scale pictures, click HERE in the lobby before the show--look who signed the machine (top left) Audix plays while Tweek watches shot of the merch table. yes those are OCR bumper stickers on the bottom of the table. there's lots of cross-dressing when it comes to cosplay...
  10. Thank goodness there was SOMETHING you liked about our mix... uh, what? *First of all, "a lot of the current game soundtracks suck" is your opinion, not fact. Try not to preach your opinion as absolutism. LOTS and LOTS of people would beg to differ with you. I hope you never attend a Video Games Live concert with that mentality. So, you feel like our mix is either a) A usually fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague, or A pernicious, evil influence or agent? Bro, I realize you're from Finland so I suppose there may be some translation issues, and that's fine if you personally don't like it, but wouldn't you say that's a bit extreme? I don't really care for your band's music, but I wouldn't call it a pernicious evil influence, nor would I generalize and say anything that suggests or demands that all art-rock/pop bands suck. Well, sounds like you're ending on a compliment of sorts, so I appreciate that at least. Although, if you don't even know what you're talking about regarding dynamics, how can you properly critique them? Again, I'm fine if you don't care much for the mix, but as stated in the review guidelines thread, I don't appreciate non-constructive, over-generalized whining that is based on personal opinion. And that goes for any mix, whether it's one I was involved in or not. At any rate, thanks for listening. Better luck with future reviews.
  11. I know the database won't show it as both, but the Jade Empire mix is actually a mashup of a Global Gladiators track as well. So check it out
  12. pictures/blog/etc to go up soon (probably tomorrow--i'm hitting the hay for now). i'm totally exhausted, but that was a FANTASTIC meetup. was great to meet all of you i hadn't met before!
  13. The concert was amazing, and the meetup was a blast! Thanks to DJP for getting this mix up. If anyone's interested, here's the submission email which pretty well sums up our collective roles in the creation of this one:
  14. sweetness. brian's here, we'll be leaving far earlier than we'll feel like, but we want to get there early. i have ifirit's phone number and greg's as well. can't wait to see ya'll there.
  15. The kid can't be any older than 14. Listen. I especially love when he starts singing at :53 XD http://youtube.com/watch?v=mulyigmtYH4
  16. actually, yes, i forgot to mention that. i've already got ifirit's number. those of you who are coming, PM me if you'd like mine.
  17. Shirts are normally $10 + $7 for shipping here on the site. I think I'm going to round it up to an even $12 to cover shipping back to Dave for any we don't sell. I would imagine parking would be free at the hotel - which isn't that in walking distance?
  18. Very cool. Seems things are coming together after all. A couple curveballs keeps us agile, right? Ifirit, 1st post has been updated.
  19. how about trying for like a $300 or however much bank loan? i wouldn't think it'd be too hard to get one for that small of an amount. and since it'd just be to cover the deposit to rent a car, you'd be able to pay it back quickly... dunno man, i'm just trying to help come up with suggestions. maybe you can commit her g-ma to a home and seize control of her assets
  20. Looks great! Not sure I'm feeling the text part personally, but the image is pretty slick.
  21. Ha, I remember back in the day, that remixer affiliates website or whatever it was and people would post screenshots. I think roe taka made all his songs in one pattern. I can't stand this method, personally. I typically have a billion patterns by the time I'm finished.
  22. Anyone who would mind temp spotting you money so you COULD rent a car? Not like they're not going to get it back, so ya know. /shrugs
  23. admit it, you totally busted out your old "All the World/Girl" projects and randomly rearranged crap.
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