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k u n g f u c h i c k e n

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Everything posted by k u n g f u c h i c k e n

  1. Hehe, I love the way you write OK in caps. I makes me think you are irritated lol.
  2. You and 1500 other users. Sigh, we should get this question(damn, this wasn't even a question) about 100 more times.
  3. Ailsean, your tone is awesome, and the second half of the guitar playing near the end in IN-CRE-DI-BLE.
  4. Hmm, since this project is all about growth, and since kirby is pink, and since he sucks in air and what not, how about "Pink Expansion"
  5. How about "We Need a Kirbylution"
  6. I thought there was going to be some kind of vote? Oh well, I think Deimos would have been better, but hell, whatever.
  7. Go right ahead, there will be a judging for double tracks.
  8. I like the 21 Layers of Hell Idea.
  9. Tommorow, I'm posting my W.I.P, and my picutre. The bio is the hard part.
  10. The rough sketch Mythril did for how he wanted the girl posed.
  11. I'll have my picture before the end of the month and my bio Sunday.
  12. I suggest some one go through this Topic and compiling info about it into at least one or two post, then start a new thread.
  13. Hey MN, please get on Aim.
  14. Hey MN, I was going to dropout, but I have decided to stay. A good portion of the remix got messed up somehow, but I have decided to rework the entire song. So I'm still in, don't take my name off just yet please. And I'll have that picture soon, does it have to be a certain size? Dude, TO, you ripped this song up dude WOW.
  15. Can I have two extended days please? I wont be ble to get you the song yet.
  17. Two weeks is more than enough time.
  18. My mic is cheap, but it doesn't detract from say, If I did vocals.
  19. I AM A SERIOUS GRAPHICS ARTIST DUDE. My sig is a small sample of something I made. Dude, I'll work on something.
  20. Take off the OCR logo (no offense) and maybe add our names on the side of the hand
  21. This isn't bad at all. You used one of my favorite themes from this game, and everything is done in great styling. Sounds like something from Tekken.
  22. I am a rapper, so if you need one, holla at cha boi.
  23. Sretoohs'Fo'Gnik' That should be the name for sure. SFG. Backwards for King of Shooters. That would be original and awesome.
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