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k u n g f u c h i c k e n

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Everything posted by k u n g f u c h i c k e n

  1. UPDATE I'm putting it as blunt as I can. The new deadline is Jan 31st. If your track isn't completed by then, you are gone. It has come to this due to the fact that you guys are just not working. Me and Snap will now initiate busting heads mode. We are eliminating any mixer who isn't done by that point (excluding GaMeBoX, Kanjika, and Rexy, who all either have more than one track or are really close to completing their work, and DarkeSword, who just came on the team). - Danger (these people NEED to have their tracks done, as they have had too many extensions) - Gecko House Hadyn Sixto
  2. analoq is now off the project (no harshness envolved, so no worries). track is now free. EDIT - Enter DarkeSword.
  3. I was just about to make a post VERY similar to that. From this point out, we are going to be on you guys to make sure that you put in work or your out!
  4. pixie's japanese singing has improved. this stomps all over project chaos.
  5. jeez.. the fucking deadline creepin up on me again
  6. Project News and Updates - Thanks to Darkesword, he has allowed me to return to the Site Projects mod position. This was removed a few months ago for various actions, but he trusts that I have learned my lesson. - The project's break that we had will be over Monday. All mixers will be expected to resume work on their tracks. - A pending deadline for the final tracks is brewing. This is to make sure that mixers are more prompt on working (myself and Snapple included).
  7. WOOO, I got another new guitar today. A Jackson. One problem... it's like... a floyd double locker... Here we go
  8. Ok, how ever that works Snap. Believe me or don't, to each his/her own. ANYWAY. Back to what I asked you; how is the Carvin working for you? Are you going to redo your tracks with it?
  9. Yeah Snap, I just saw and talked to you in person. Matter of fact, you live next door and go to college with me. You know everything about me. Anyway, aside from your obvious ignorance, what is the status of your tracks, and how is the Carvin working for you?
  10. like i said in Project Chaos's thread - I'm going to be outta the scene music-wise for a couple of weeks; In a recent store robbery, I was shot twice (first shot scraped shoulder, second went through). I've been shot before, so I wasn't going crazy, but it does hurt to move it too much, so I'm going to rest my arm for awhile. - Although it may not be that long of a time. Plus, I'm getting a guitar upgrade again, so that might motivate me even more.
  11. I'm going to be outta the scene music-wise for a couple of weeks; In a recent store robbery, I was shot twice (first shot scraped shoulder, second went through). I've been shot before, so I wasn't going crazy, but it does hurt to move it too much, so I'm going to rest my arm for awhile.
  12. Thanks. And by the way, please don't down other projects in this thread. It's just like, not cool and stuff.
  13. Present a good WIP and it's all yours my friend You see, KFC is giving you a chance because he knows he sucks. Oh you shall get yours Ross.
  14. Present a good WIP and it's all yours my friend
  15. There were better ones, really. I disagree, IMO, this show was the funniest show ever.
  16. This was the best show ever.
  17. Half the songs need to be completed 100%, the website, the mastering of the album, ect. ect.
  18. pretty much the same here. If there is anything i would listen to for the rest of time, it would be Sonic remixes. HH is good, but lacking. A two-disc shot of remixes from one of the best video games ever should stop the crack itches and quivering hands for a while. I thank you immensely for continuing this project. We apperciate your support, from all the Project Chaos crew!
  19. I'm just going to let everyone know straight up, I HIGHLY doubt the project will be done on Nov 12, let alone in November period.
  20. Seconded. I have been nice about it, but I get BOMBED with people asking me about it. I know it's highly anticipated, but be patient.
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