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k u n g f u c h i c k e n

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Everything posted by k u n g f u c h i c k e n

  1. Man, I can't wait for LARP to be completed Don't hurt me
  2. I don't recall seeing him online in awhile, but he did mention on the forums about going on vacation. I have yet to recieve the file for the song either
  3. seconded and thirded people. i have been questioned about the possible patching up of me and snapple friend wise, and it will take a process i'll say that much, so don't worry. (also snapple, thanks for being so prompt with the project updates)
  4. At least Rexy's call wasn't as bad as mine. Gibberish > Niggerish
  5. the project wont die, and i don't think me or snapple is going to quit, and who knows, we might get past this. it will just be a little harder is all.
  6. foxhound was just bothered cause I asked him if he'd be able to meet the deadline, and he got kinda upset cause he though I was pressuring him. And he never wanted to show me work at all almost (perfectionist). So I let him go cause I know he is busy.
  7. Well now that that's out of the way, are we entilited to know who the mysterious collab partner was? i think rexy.
  8. This is too much hotness, I've had this track for months, so you know what I think of it
  9. Someone really needs to put all these tips toghether so people wont keep asking.
  10. Why didn't you just let me know that all them times you were online? I'm putting you back down for pending.
  11. Hey, paige is pretty cute.
  12. Show me a slayer song that sounds good, and I'll break my guitar.
  13. Eh, the original wasn't even that advanced. Just try to keep the feel almost the same.
  14. Hmm? Don't worry about him, he hasn't washed his balls today.
  15. He should have told me that. I can't stand stuff like this. You know what, I'm going to do us both a favor and remove him. Sorry, but obviously he is too busy to keep any type of contact, show a simple WIP, or any of that stuff. I'm done. KEEP IN MIND, this proect has been running for 8 months.
  16. I'm so close to taking Sir Nuts off the project, it's not even funny. I have asked him time and time and time and time and time again to give me his W.I.P, and he always says he will, and never does. He never PMs me, and he hasn't even talked to Snappleman yet. This is his lasty chance today. Any friends of his better let him know that this is his last chance. The second Friday hits (12:01am), he's gone. It makes no sense. HE'S HAD PLENTY of time.
  17. Sheets of Ice or Ice Sheet sounds cool to me.
  18. I must say, the mixers did a swell job.
  19. No, it wasn't meant as a donation, it's just to tell you guys MY status in getting the guitar. I might not need it yet after all though as my problem is getting fixed. EDIT - Posts were deleted concerning the so called "donation request" that I "supposedly" made. DarkeSword, if you are reading this, please contact me, I need to talk to you. BTW, please send all of your wav files to Snapple, as he will be doing the rendering.
  20. lol, dude, we are collabing on it, so don't worry, it's all good.
  21. Updated first post, if you have clear by your name, that means you are cleared for the deadline that was today.
  22. UPDATE!!!!!!!!! Deadline is tommorow at midnight. Please try your very best to get your tracks completed by then. I need to hear from Sir Nuts specifically, and failure to get in contact with him on time will result in Kanjika getting Hidden Palace for himself without me and Snapple's judging (although Boss 2 is his period) . ALSO! I am featured on two new tracks now. Ending Credits with Kanjika (I will be playing guitar), and Flying Battery with Sixto (this will be more of a full blown collabo, as He will be teaching me a thing or two about rocking out while I teach him a thing or two about arrangement and style ). It's going to be sick folks . Almost there, we are in reaching distance. Hadyn is hard at work on the killer looking website, and everyone has submitted great work so far. I'd like to thank in advance all the parties involved in making this project successful. P.S. if anyone at all hears from zyko, sees him online, whatever, please contact him and notify me of his appearence. He has been MIA for quite some time, so my prayers go out to my dear friend.
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