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Everything posted by cobaltstarfire

  1. Nah, but the level cap is 50, (using the thing that will automatically change everyones pokemon to lv 50, so you don't actually have to train them up to 50). I dunno if mewt will care enough or not, but I don't see why it'd be a problem.
  2. Surely, I look forward to a battle. I'm thinking of poking mewt to see if more people can be added to the tournament, since it's been stuck in the first bracket for a month. (So it won't really hurt to add a few more people neh?)
  3. It is still going on, just incredibly slowly. If anyone wants to battle though PM me and we can set a time, I would like to battle on occasion.
  4. Not really, I thought it was pretty interesting really, and they probably intended something similar in the snes version if you look at how you can make his face fall off, and then shoot up that box with his face all over it. I guess box with monkey face still isn't quite the same as ZOMG BRAIN AND EYEBALLS! I enjoyed the pun that went with it too...
  5. I dunno, this is taking a while. (Mewts been really busy with stuffs). I'm bored if anyone happens to want to battle some time shoot me a tell, I want to at least battle if I can't do it in a tournament.
  6. I dunno if this has been posted here before but.
  7. I kind of miss being able to easily find the competition forum O.o. Oh well, I know where to look now.
  8. Yeah but I'm pretty sure there was sometime where you wished you could shovel or ax someone in the face... Or maybe I'm just needlessly violent...
  9. I like the nod they do back the SMW with Yoshi, it's very exciting, I wonder how powerful those fireballs will end up being, and if he'll make little sand cloud from jumping or not... The KK Slider sound bit is the only one I've liked so far, I can't wait to hear it in Brawl.
  10. I'll poke Mewt about it, he probably knows how to contact the guy. That still leaves one other pairing that is unaccounted for. As well as the two in the losers bracket.
  11. So uh, are you guys going to do your battles or not?
  12. I might try my hand at this next time, if I have time...and can actually think of anything. My writing muscles need some exercise.
  13. Alright I'll be hanging out in there for the night...maybe I can get some battles in too!
  14. Er I dunno how about a nidoran female, or a mareep?
  15. I think I have a tauros I'll check and see Edit: Yep I have one
  16. The thing about those though, is the fact that the artist didn't destroy the essence of the characters by drawing them in another style.
  17. I thought the knee was more amusing myself.
  18. I am well aware of that, but the Yellow version was based on the TV show, as were a few of the other games. Sure it's possible, but I think it's very very unlikely that stuff derived for/from the anime will end up in brawl, just because of the nature of smash bros games. I too would like to see the game rocket rather than Jessie and James. Not much to say on todays update, it certainly did get me to giggle though.
  19. Yeah but they're from the TV show not the game, if they were going to do that the Pokemon trainer would look like Ash instead of Red.
  20. Seems like a fun, and really weird character to play. I can't help but to wonder how Pokemon switches will be handled though.
  21. ... Ow. Reinterpreting something is fine, but this just seems...ew. I can't help but wonder how snoopy and woodstork would look like...but this is one train wreck I'm going to tear my eyes off of instead.
  22. Aww that's pretty cute on kirby. I thought pikachus little thunder shocks could be reflected? I can't really remember, so maybe I'm terribly wrong.
  23. No...no its not just you.
  24. I'd hope to wait for discussion *after* the tournament is done though, so everyone won't give away their strategies...or lack thereof.
  25. Sure but blizzard wants all its players to actually pay for the game. Now instead of two people paying for WoW+BC only one person is. It also goes against their terms of service thingy so meh. Not that I care or anything, at least you get to make a few extra bucks off it that you put into the game right?
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