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Everything posted by Global-Trance

  1. Because the bastard is good? He's a beast when played right.
  2. If it's appropriate I am pretty much willing to DJ mix the whole thing when it's over.
  3. You guys are funny.
  4. Um. Why WOULDN'T it be like that? It would be incredibly stupid to have a WORLDWIDE MODE if different regions can't even play together.
  5. Almost done with 50cc and will soon move to 100cc. It's alright so far. Tracks are way pretty.
  6. Though chronologically MGS3 is first, story wise it is definitely the third to play. MGS3 is meant to change how you view the series while it explains the background on a major element introduced in MGS2.
  7. This is amazing. Why can't OCReMixes be funny like this? I'd actually download them.
  8. lmao you guys are awful at this
  9. If you do club play in good clubs and radio play on a consistent basis, it's not bad. There's a local DJ here in the city that makes over $50K and as far as I know he's a full time DJ on both radio and in the clubs. I don't know if he does anything else though. Edit: Also Deckadance is horrible.
  10. Ahaha I wish people wouldn't give out the cool tech stuff in Brawl so soon. :3
  11. The chat log was amazing.
  12. Haha. This mix wasn't THAT sort of gift but I see what you mean.
  13. The mental imagery of him driving all the way to CA just to drop off a computer made me chuckle.
  14. Are you only going to hand deliver in NY? :3
  15. Don't get too thrashed now Happy +1
  16. Oh boy. That was rather intense.
  17. Byes is the right spelling.[/nazi]
  18. What? I don't even think I have your friend code. I apologize but I can't even remember when we even exchanged friend codes. I'll PM you after this post. And yes. Atma knows how to camp. My Olimar beats his though and I don't even know how to use Olimar. :3
  19. I agree. Ganon is actually pretty bad in general but I try to play really smart with him. I really shouldn't be winning with him against a lot of characters. OH WELL.
  21. Often times not. I can at least play 2/3 of the roster awesomely while Atma can only play ONE character which is mediocre at best. He beats the lot of you because Olimar is a disgustingly cheap asshole. Also air tripping when fighting an Olimar? Another reason to abhor the tiny douchebag. And what's up with this guessing game about your main out of nowhere, Garde?
  22. :3 Hi I like Ganon.
  23. Why is this tournament taking so long? D:
  24. How were you guys even able to play? Critical Hit is lagtastic.
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