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Everything posted by Mr.Roboto

  1. While the Teaser was good, I'm moreso worried about the fact that a company who produced Oblivion is making Fallout 3.
  2. Get a Pink one you pussy.
  3. Yup.Theres a thread about it on the Nintendo forums.Though none of the Admins have said anything about it.
  4. So..50 Pokeballs later,and I still haven't caught an Adamant Magikarp.Anyone happen to have one they would be willing to trade?
  5. Well,in the Gold/Silver versions you used it to obtain room items like Dolls and other furniture. I don't know if it's changed since then.
  6. Nifty. Seriously I had no idea this game had Mystery Gift.
  7. Does anyone know if Natures are influenced at all by players?Or if they're complete random?Or if pokemon can only obtain certain natures? Cause I've been trying to find myself an Adamant Magikarp for a while now..
  8. Dragon Quest:Swords video. Secks. Click on the first of the three items that have the word "New" by it.
  9. For Cellphones. GET READY FOR CHRONO TRIGGER 3!
  10. I would care,if it wasn't for the fact that the last good Mortal Kombat game to come out was never.
  11. Upon further thought.. FFIV in 3D would be pretty cool. I mean,I wonder what the scene where Cid jumps off of the airship will look like?Or the part where the Bomb Ring activates? Yeah,Yeah,its a remake...at least its a promising remake..instead of that god awful FFIII.
  12. Squarenix Rerererererereleasing A Game? Nowai!
  13. Wow.Making Fallout 3 Oblivion with guns. Biggest video game fuck up of the century.
  15. Wait.If someone writes something that "disturbs" me,I can have them arrested,thrown in prison for 30 days with a 1500 dollar fine? Wow.
  16. That doesn't matter. They'll simply say he made it due to Columbine.
  17. Duh.Clearly the hammer was a perfect reason for such actions! HES CLEARLY A COMMUNIST SPY!
  18. They're basicly turning it from its Glory into generic MMORPG #154387 with the skin of GuildWars.
  19. Boy.Didn't see this coming.
  20. ...This is going to be epic.
  21. I believe its free until sometime in June.
  22. Why do I get the feeling Jack Thompson offered to do the interview?He's one disgusting fuck.
  23. Yeah.Thats one of the main reasons I still have my DSPhat.(also the fact that the DSLite is very small.
  24. Hopefully Pokefloat's makes it in there.
  25. .... So?WHATS YOUR FUCKING POINT MAN!? MOTHER FUCKIN WALRUS! Yeah.I'm loving this pokemon way too much.
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