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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. It's funny, when I was a kid, I wanted to be a game designer. Games were awesome. Now, I keep thinking that I can't do it. I might have to sit back and look at GDCs from the past to get familiar with the industry. I mean, I shouldn't think about it as doing AAA game titles or anything... just to make something fun and interesting.
  2. That would be the exact benefit of a Steam like system - as a small developer you wouldn't have to maintain a web site and an e-store, you'd just sell distribution rights to the Online VST store. As far as "too much work" goes, no reward without risk. If this is going to be a business venture then there's going to be some work involved in making initial business deals, building infrastructure, and so forth. As has been mentioned, two distribution hubs are doing well right now: Steam, and the (Mac) App Store. Neither of them handle music plugins well, even if the App Store does do music applications to some extent. Right now Apple takes a 30% cut, I'm willing to guess that Steam takes a similar amount or a little less.
  3. Eh, nowadays, JRPGs are usually so simplistic that "difficulty" simply translates to "grind more". I used to admire difficulty in games when I was 16 but now I don't have the desire to bash my head against a game for 60 hours to get the "best ending". I like psycho-thrillers though, is this kind of like that style of storytelling?
  4. Given the style of Mitsuda's other arrange albums (thinking mostly of the "Brink of Time" Chrono Trigger album), he's less into the orchestral stuff and much more into more varied styles. I am listening to this now and I agree with docnano, it's rather conservative overall. It's more similar to the soundtrack was than Creid was. That's not really a bad thing at all. While Creid was awesome, I know a few people who didn't really like the style of it.
  5. However this is the benefit of an online distribution system - rather than having to go through tons of different online stores, you have a one-stop shop. And this seems like it would benefit the hobbyist much more than a commercial consumer who's making hundreds of thousands from music. Unlike games, though, the volume for VSTs probably isn't nearly as high. But, music production on the computer is rising in popularity too.
  6. Darkesword himself said it. Thus, it is true.
  7. happy birthday to Harmony Happy birthday to Jill! doo dooo daaa!
  8. Oops I did mine a few months ago when I finalized it. I am EXCITED for this one!!!
  9. I played Bb Baritone for two years in elementary school. I miss it sometimes (though trombone is way more versatile). It was a Yamaha-made one, very small but it had a nice, warm sound (especially in comparison to the trombones). Maybe when I'm rich I'll buy a baritone again and rock out.
  10. Hey Kyle, KNGI.org went down, is it just a temporary thing?

  11. A friend of mine originally from Brazil went to school here and she really liked Flashpoint. When she said that she was going to spend half a day in Toronto for a flight layover, I told her to check out downtown Toronto, because she'll see all of the locations where Flashpoint is filmed at. She did, she was like, "This is so cool!" Another show that I liked that also features Toronto a lot is "The Bridge". In one of the first car chases scenes, I actually looked up where the street corner was on Google Maps just because I swore that I had been there before.
  12. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Since Warehouse 13 is lame, I think you should get TWO OCR shirts hung up in the kitchen for that.
  13. If you click on them you get new windows that feature the girls taking off their shirts and stuff. I don't know if anyone is feeling threatened really, though to be honest I am surprised I'm the first one to point out that there is in fact a decent business reason to put this game out. The "Europe vs. USA prudishness" argument aside (and let's face it, if it came out in the US I'm sure the 15-21 year olds would love to have it for their birthday parties), there are going to be a handful of people who will pick this game up for shits and giggles. As I said, if this game was featured at MAGFest or at the OCAD Panel or whatever, the crowds that it would attract would be gigantic and it's all because it's a huge joke. Regardless I think the reason that people look at this and cringe is because the ad is so... well, over-the-top. The people in the trailer look about ten years too old and $2000 too overdressed to be the actual target audience (which I would have guessed would have been 18-25 college kids). The mere suggestion that playing this game leads to sex is also ridiculous, even if the flirtatious and silliness is pretty commonplace nowadays. As I said it's pretty much the 2010's version of "Spin the Bottle". And most of us posting on this forum are about 5-15 years too old for that. Or maybe not....
  14. SWEET Flashpoint is an awesome show. I haven't watched any of it lately though. When it airs be sure to screencap the scene you're in! You should hang the OCR shirt up on a nail by the kitchen during shooting. You can't wear it but you can sure as hell showcase it
  15. There was a big thread on Ars Technical about this game, saying that it was now more appropriate to have these kinds of party games for teenagers. They basically are this generations version of "spin the bottle". Imagine if you have a bunch if 16 to 18 year olds, you are in a group of 10 people or so... This might be the new thing to do now.
  16. Admit it guys. If there was a We Dare booth at MAGFest the crowd would be beyond huge.
  17. What are they going to do though? They'll just say, "We can't take this" and you'll get no money. You could totally feign ignorance about the issue.
  18. Hey guys, I thought I'd take a moment and mention Tiny Wings. YouTube Link The story: Your wings are tiny. But you have always dreamed of flying. Luckily, the world is full of hills. Basically, you touch to "make the bird heavy" and slide down hills faster. You let go to let the bird "flap its wings" and gain air. It's a very charming and rather exhilarating experience because you eventually get yourself into a rhythm of diving and flying up into the air, gaining as much speed as possible and moving as fast as you can. It's great. It's made by some indie developer that no one's heard of and it's knocked Angry Birds off of the top-paid app this week. For 99 cents it's a great casual game. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tiny-wings/id417817520?mt=8
  19. The Judges are secretly nice people? Oh no, my world view is crumbbbbbbling
  20. If you want a song to be submitted for judging you need to go through the Submissions process: There are details here: http://ocremix.org/info/Submission_Standards_and_Instructions Other than that, forum members go through the forum in the "Post your finished mixes" and reply to the ones that they think are interested. That place is not really the place where judges necessarily go to listen to songs.
  21. The only thing I see is that the volume levels are way higher on the "bad mix" than on the "good mix". Presumably the mix is overcompressed in the "bad mix" version?
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