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Everything posted by Arcana

  1. I am in agreement with Dhsu's sentiments on this matter. Touhou music is catchy, but pedo-inducing. DO YOU DARE TO DISAGREE
  2. Have you tried installing the Xiph replacement Quicktime components? http://www.xiph.org/ If you don't like iTunes's interface (or have some ideological reason not to use iTunes) that's fine but if your only complaint is that it can't do FLAC then try the above.
  3. What, a book that teaches me how to untz? I might have to be all over this. Even if trance is supposedly the easiest genre to compose for (4-4 kick, offbeat bass, strings in minor = RAVE!!!!) I somehow find ways to mess it up.
  4. Try Google Scholar, they might return relevant academic articles. When writing an academic research paper for a conference or journal, try not to cite too often from media. (If this is just a school project though feel free to cite whatever). One of the hits was: Collins, Karen (2008). "Game sound: an introduction to the history, theory, and practice of video game music and sound design", MIT Press.
  5. Yeah this game is getting a lot of press and stuff. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/09/building-a-hit-one-block-at-a-time-the-creation-of-minecraft.ars I haven't really poked around with it yet though. I hear about it all the time but I still don't really understand how the game is played yet.
  6. Happy birthday to our famous song-creatin' machine
  7. I've actually moved back toward PC gaming in the past five years or so despite buying an XBox 360. However I don't play many PC shooters much. Many of the games I've played are indie games that came first on the PC.
  8. Does anyone ever buy any of EW's products at full price now? Something is perpetually on sale there, I think they try to take advantage of the, "OMG IT'S A LIMITED TIME SALE GET IT QUICK (or else you'll have to wait 3 months when the same product will go on same again)".
  9. I believe you mean "Mainstage"? (http://www.apple.com/logicstudio/mainstage/) This was a small part of your post but I just wanted to double check that there wasn't some part of Logic I missed out on. By the way, for anyone wondering, I never did make the plunge to get Komplete, and instead have continued to use free sounds for the past eight or so months. It's a little less fun in a way (there have been many times I wished for a wider variety of instruments) but I decided that Komplete also isn't essential for someone like me who's still quite new at music. Maybe when I graduate I'll get Komplete 7 as a reward for myself :3
  10. Was this mentioned before on this site already? http://www.cbc.ca/arts/media/story/2010/09/14/videogame-composition.html
  11. OCR is both a curse and a blessing. It's a blessing because it introduces so many people to great music. It's a curse because I try so so so hard to be awesome like these guys and fail repeatedly.
  12. Bumpitty bump, Civilization V is released next week, September 21. I don't think I can afford to buy it... not because it's expensive, but the sheer loss of productivity is something I can't cope with at this point in my life!
  13. I like them, they help suggest cool activities for people to do in games, and in turn suggest cool challenges that developers put in their games for the most determined and skilled of players. I rarely ever do achievements myself, though.
  14. I think the main "issue" that players have with a fatigue system is that it gives the perception that you're being punished for playing whenever you want. North America is a very customer-service oriented culture, and there's a perception that if I'm playing a $15 monthly fee for a game, then I better be able to play it whenever I want without being punished for it. They could have, instead, gone the inverse and gave a bonus to people who come back after not playing for a while.
  15. For someone who hates every MMORPG without exception, you sure do a lot of posting in the threads about them.
  16. Word on the street is that this beta is not doing so well and that the game definitely isn't ready for a release in about two weeks. I've been hearing issues like mouse lag, bad menu setup, uninspired quests, translation issues, annoying leveling restrictions, bad economy setup, uninspired/uninteresting combat system, strange job selection, and so forth. One blog poster said that this game would have been amazing in about six months and that this feels like a pre-beta build, and not a game that's supposed to come out in a few weeks. The universal good things I've heard are, good graphics, neat character customization, and it's solo-friendly. Can anyone expand?
  17. http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2010/09/gamers-make-faster-decisions-than-nongamers-are-just-as-accurate.ars Apparently this generalizes up to "Gamers can make decisions faster than non-gamers".
  18. Okay I listened to Tik Tok for about a minute and I liked it more than that other song "Your Love is my Drug"... for the latter I couldn't even get through the chorus.
  19. For maximum exposure stick to very commonly-recognizable themes at first, from pop culture. Not everyone knows Megaman or FF6 Terra (believe it or not). Almost everyone now knows the Super Mario Bros theme song.
  20. Yeah I realised as I released that everyone was at PAX. A bit of mis-timing on my part, but the issue with music is that there's never a "bad" time to promote, the web site and the album will still be there. This album was way overdue too. We were supposed to release in a month. A MONTH I SAY p.s. if you haven't heard this album go listen to it
  21. I heard Halo: Reach was a pretty good game and that it's received consistently high reviews on most game sites so far.
  22. Too much screaming, not enough "singing" in my opinion. I think I'd rather listen to Taylor Swift than Ke$ha. Then again I don't really like country ballads either...
  23. Thanks Dhsu! This album was a lot of fun, especially because of its interesting concept. I'm hoping that there will be a little more interest generated over the next little while when people start filling up their music players with songs for school!
  24. Sony released a patch for the PS3 fixing this vulnerability yesterday, didn't they?
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