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  1. So, I've scored my first video game. It's got a very ambient and space-synthy style to it, lots of strings, rhodes piano, and some guitar/bass work. Moments of jazz, moments of rock, and moments of orchestral. The game itself is an indie 4x game, coming out the 21st of this month. You might have seen an article about it on kotaku or Rock, Paper, Shotgun. Maybe you even looked at the thread for it on penny-arcade. More importantly, it's free if you don't want to donate. http://artembank.bandcamp.com/album/star-ruler
  2. Destiny's Road: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SqybxKZMoY Shin Megami Tensei: Neo Avatar "Underground Club": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPbINfQKF8Q&feature=related Destiny's Road is an older track I went back and reworked a bit. Underground Club is part of my Shin Megami Tensei concept album. Would love to hear your thoughts on them! ^^
  3. Hi , I'm a newbie here . Nice to meet you all. I knew about this forum from OCRemix of Final Fantasy music which I really enjoyed. Here's an attempt of me making music for my game concept ( yeah, concept only ) http://soundcloud.com/chaosringen/blood-of-valor Album: Chaos Memory : Original Soundtrack Done in FL Studio 9. I would love some feedback if possible. Thank you all
  4. Kinda trying to go under my other alias..."DjjD" or...trying to make the switch. Anyway, think I'm nearly done with this...but, just wanted to post here for that extra bit of feedback. http://tinyurl.com/DrivenDjjD Or for better quality: EDIT: There's a bit of a small difference between the YouTube link, and the Tindeck link...but...you'll figure it out, I'm sure.
  5. After nearly a month of composing, I have created a massive nearly 10 minute arrangement from the classic game Mother (Earthbound Zero). So far, this is easily my best and most beautiful song Arrangement yet. I wanted to capture the same emotion using instruments that could transition from soft to epic proportions. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/355735 Enjoy ;}
  6. Hello, My name is Carsten Jessen and I compose video game style music. My music is heavily inspired by composers like Nobuo Uematsu, Yasunori Mitsuda and John Williams. I'd like to share some of my compositions here, so feel free to listen to them and I'm looking forward to your comments. Apocalypse Style: dramatic/orchestral/battle http://www.carstenjessen.de/Da%20Buzz-Apocalypse.mp3 Endless Horizon Style: relaxing/peaceful http://www.carstenjessen.de/Da%20Buzz-Endless_Horizon.mp3 Distant Universe Style: electronic/fast-paced http://www.carstenjessen.de/Da%20Buzz-Distant%20Universe.mp3 To Live in Silence Style: relaxing/mysterious http://www.carstenjessen.de/Da%20Buzz-To%20Live%20in%20Silence.mp3 Shadows Style: mysterious http://www.carstenjessen.de/Da%20Buzz-Shadows.mp3 Rivalry (The Snap Song) Style: quirky http://www.carstenjessen.de/Da%20Buzz-Rivalry%20(The%20Snap%20Song).mp3 If you want to listen to some more of my music, go to my website http://www.vgmusic.de . You can download about 50 of my original compositions on there.
  7. I know dubstep is probably not very popular amongst everyone. But i've seen so many genres on this site, whats the harm? Rights goto UK dubstep dj - rusko. I think its a perfect fit for the site. What are your thoughts?
  8. Well, my "Snake (Man) in the Grass" project file became corrupted, so I have to find the back-up disc... Anyways, I'm doing some stuff on the side. This mix is NOT going to be submitted to OCR. (Sorry, I'd never hear the end of it otherwise.) It's Ocarina of Time's Gerudo Valley in a Club/Dance style. Very basic, done in Fl Studio 8. If you have any feedback, I'm more than glad to hear what you have to say. Here's the Link: http://www.box.net/shared/ykygxfjpip
  9. with me singing (and programming ) the vocals! http://tindeck.com/listen/sblr this is for my extremely new solo project, which I plan to call 'next my generation' that is a reference to an outdated analoq remix title AND the fact that I'm remaking pop/rock songs into video game style music anyway, any and all thoughts are welcome, positive negative trolling bitching suggestions for other songs to cover anything thanks in advance, enjoy the small taste!
  10. I put this together for fun, and I'm uploading it for your enjoyment. This isn't meant to ever be submitted to the OC. I hope you like it. Thank you for listening. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ti2Wlxl2qI
  11. Hey yall, I got another track for you guys to check out. The song is by Camryn titled, "Move your Body". They asked for dance or chill songs, and since I wanted to do an electro mix I figured this would be a good time to try my luck. The original song can be heard here, and the remix can be heard here. Hope you guys enjoy. Oh and I encourage anyone who's up to it to try your luck and send in an entry as well. The deadline isn't till mid Sept so there's still plenty of time, I plan on submitting a liquid dnb track for my chill song. Wish me luck either way. And if you give me some feedback on what you thought, good or bad, I promise to return the favor and give feedback as best as I can =).
  12. Being the n00b that I am on this forum, I didn't realize this subforum was there. I've already "officially submitted" this song to OCR, but this might've been best to do first. Ah well, if the judges reject it and want it resubmitted, at least I'll have more feedback to work with before I resubmit. Anyway, I finished this track a couple of days ago. It's an old school eurotrance remix of the Bryyo cliffside theme of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Here's the link to the source material on YouTube: And here's the link to my MySpace, where I uploaded it: http://www.myspace.com/skyggesang The track's name is "Entranced Amidst Thorns". Haven't seen anyone sharing a track this way yet, so if it isn't the proper way or something, tell me so and I'll use another method. In that case, I would like a link to another reliable hosting site or such, thanks! I'd very much like to get some feedback on it, even though I've already submitted this version. I'll await the judges' verdict on this before I make any modifications (I'm also revising my other 2 tracks at the moment), but I'm just eager to hear what people say about it. NOTE: If you please, comment on the remix AFTER you've become acquainted with the source material (if you aren't already). It's probably not really needed to make this request, but I'm just saying. Thanks in advance for taking the time to listen and comment!
  13. Only started using Fruity loops 8 not too long ago, so I'm still a noob at this. That being said, all opinions and critiques are very much welcome
  14. I Stole Your Shit, a remix of "I Saw Your Ship." I accidentally made industrial hip hop I think? http://soundtempest.net/soc/remix/oc-eve-istoleyourshit.mp3
  15. 1. F-Zero - Big Blue (SNES) 2. Mega Man 2 - Wily Stage 2 (NES) 3. Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest - Bloody Tears (NES) 4. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Prologue (PSX) 5. Mega Man X - Storm Eagle (SNES) Those are the tracks I remixed. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/354734 Enjoy!
  16. Yeah, its kinda hard to describe. I suppose its some kinda ambient rock song. Its very soothing. I suppose it like such bands as Ayreon, Pagan's Mind, Sonata Arctica, and the like, then you'll like this song. Its a nice, slow, enjoyable song for the most part. The middle gets a little heavy with the solos and such. It starts off with a very nice calm and almost floating melody. By which i mean its kinda like floating through space or in an underwater city looking out a window and wondering. Then continues on for a while slowly building up the interlude/solo section of the song. Finally it finishes off on a slow and quieting decent. I'm hoping you guys like it.
  17. Hey everyone I'm Kenneth from Kenneth Boxall Studios. I wanted to show you some of my original work if you like it feel free to keep in contact and possibly work together or just be friends. To hear alot of my music you can goto www.youtube.com/kennethboxall or download them and contact my e-mail at www.kennethboxall.com
  18. Hey everyone I'm Kenneth from Kenneth Boxall Studios. I just wanted to see if you'd be interested in hearing my remade video game covers and remixes and tell me what you think. I'm BY FAR not the best since I try to make the mixes Drum n Bass and I'm not the greatest with drums yet but some people find the Resident Evil Remix amusing. so to hear alot of my music you can goto www.youtube.com/kennethboxall or download them and contact my e-mail at www.kennethboxall.com
  19. Improvised piano music, inspired by Fallout 3's themes (especially Fallout 3's Main Theme) and another post-apocalytic musics. Feel free to ask me questions. EDIT: Modified the links
  20. But you all have to wait until it reaches the front page to hear it.
  21. So I've been messing around with reverb a bit and I put together several songs (very conservative, but they're nice, IMO). Playing Tetris For The Queen: a medley of Tetris songs played in an acoustic setting (it had a classical feel, IMO). All Mine: the Donkey Kong Country 2 mine BGM (not the Portishead song) No Pokemon, Only Guitars: a dual-guitar duel of the Trainer Battle (I should've put the Trainer Defeat music at the end, but... eh). So I may or may not put original content into these songs, but for now, they're just something to play around with while I'm trying to learn how to make my songs feel more "lifelike". Thoughts (on reverb, mastering, panning, all that stuff, not "oh, this isn't a remix, it's too original", or "it's too repetitive", please)?
  22. So I've been a member of OCRemix for years now and the first submission I sent in was a pretty unanimous "No" [probably for good reason]. I don't even remember what I was trying to remix anymore. Anyhoo, this is my first submission in about a decade I think. It's a remix of Retro from the N64 version of Rush 2049. I'm kinda curious to what people think of it, considering it's the first remix of any Rush game on here. www.soundcloud.com/drinkeekrow/retro-man-mind-mix
  23. Remix of Earthbound "Pokey Means Business!" can be found as the top song of the web-based music player at the following link. http://www.purevolume.com/nathanmcwilliams I am pretty new to this site but have been wanting to submit for a while. I have been working on this first attempt for a few months now. I would love to hear some feedback. _____________________________ Background if you're interested... I programmed this all in the Cubase Midi editor, then used Cubase to play back each track individually through the keyboard MIDI engine. I recorded the analog output of the keyboard for mixing, then I bounced each analog track down to a 2 track stereo recording. It hasn't really been mastered yet, just some rough MBC and Limiting, so this track is a little quieter than the final will be. Mix reference tracks: Big in Japan - Carbon Dioxide Nightwish - Phantom of the Opera Ben Folds Five - Dont Change your Plans for Me Below is the equipment I used: Yahmaha S90ES Cubase Studio 5 Smattering of open source VST plugins (GVST among others) M-Audio Delta1010 Asus NForce4 A8N5X AMD Athlon X2
  24. This is from 2009 (pretty old), but I figured I should post it somewhere so it don't just gather dust on the hard drive. Wish I could replace a few samples here and there. Sadly, source file was lost in a HDD failure. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/uyvt Guitar by Rodrigo Nepomuceno from 8 Bit Instrumental. I almost lost this one but he sent it to me again.
  25. Hey, I'm posting this as finished even though I'm sure it has a lot of kinks due to this being my first attempt. But I basically want it treated as a WIP because I want all the help I can get. Was a lot of fun to make! I hope to use original samples in my next song.. no loops here but it is heavy on default FL samples. Here goes: http://soundcloud.com/exobyte/work-in-progress-001-ver-2 EDIT: Around 1:30 I noticed some popping.. how can I get rid of that?
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