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  1. Hello OCR. I have another thread to add to this page. I have been toying around with a new style (for me) in FL Studio while awaiting a creative burst and/or feedback on my other WIP here. This is a jazzy take on the Hilltop Chase theme from Kirby Super Star. A few things to note: This is definitely early on in the song. There are a few clipping/compression issues, the time change is still musically wonky, and the track ends before the 2 minute mark. Please let me know what you think of the style and arrangement. I am anxious to see if this is something I should trash or continue. Thanks again to all of you who listen and comment! Source: http://youtu.be/Opp9sns9z9Y My WIP: https://soundcloud.com/ryan-joseph-miller/hilltop-shuffle-kirby-super
  2. http://soundcloud.com/toilet-goat/from-the-machine-deus-ex-the tried to do a trance/techno style. gotta fix the middle part and some notes are wrong what u think?
  3. Hi all, First draft (flirtation with?!) Cid's theme from FF7. Orchestral. Levels are off a bit already, but I'll work them out. Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/ellywu2/cids-theme-wip-v2
  4. Hey guys! Long time reader/listener, first time poster. I've been working on this little piece for the past few hours, let me know what you think so far, feedback and criticism! https://soundcloud.com/fightyard/mega-man-x-opening-stage
  5. Hey guys, it's been a while, huh? I've been working nonstop on songs, but this one is giving me trouble for some reason. I like the general tune of it, but I feel like it needs something... more. Here's the song: https://app.box.com/s/5aft3yf90ofclhyhzn2h I feel like I need to relearn some things about composition, any help at all would be great! Thanks!
  6. This was my entry for PRC259. I've mixed it a bit better thanks to feedback from that round (thanks especially Esperado and MindWanderer). I'm marking this as finished, as I'd like it to be.. but I need help determining if it's (a) actually serviceable/interesting as a piece of music (worth listening to) and ( good enough for OCR - especially the guitars. I'll be happy to work on this if it still needs work, but even happier to just submit it if it's ok! https://www.dropbox.com/s/otamh46v6s8dzf9/eino_keskitalo_-_Kaikuluotain_wip_20131217.mp3 --Eino
  7. Hey~ I'm on the last stretch of finishing this - I need to finish the ending, work on the drums and master it, but I was hoping some of y'all could offer some feedback on my take of this retro-cult-classic beforehand. https://soundcloud.com/cherryblossomspit/mekas-castle-the-last-dungeon Thanks!
  8. https://soundcloud.com/whimbabe/heritage Source: http://youtu.be/BoQWE3qQKlg?t=22m33s (could have sworn there was an ost available on yt, but this longplay should do) Fake/emulated Gamelan (with exception of the slentam) plus Timpani and French Horn. My own notes: - Dynamics might need slight adjustment, esp. timpani - Slentam is usually muted with the non-mallet hand, but I actually like the decay when it's allowed to ring; however, after a while it gets a bit shrill. Many thanks in advance for any constructive criticism.
  9. So I refound this in my uploads and im wondering if you guys like it and if I could/should improve it in any way possible.
  10. It's my first piece of serious game audio. It's for a roguelike 8bit style horizontal scrolling space shooter, so this will be the main tune throughout the game apart from on the bosses. I didn't want the music to sound too 8bit, more modern but with 8bit style elements. Just let me know about how i've done so far with overall composition, mixing, levels etc. Thanks. https://soundcloud.com/verdisproductions/level-music
  11. https://soundcloud.com/colinsm/mother-3 What's been laid down is pretty obvious, but after where it's stopped, I'm going to make it more bombastic and use more of the orchestra. For now, I have one big concern aside from random things anyone may notice and want to point out (because I'd love any and all constructive criticisms) What I'm thinking is that the part where the strings come in is a little too reliant on the high end of the string section, and I'm thinking about turning the violins down more. But there's something else about that section of the song that underwhelms me and I can't put my finger on it. Anyone have any ideas? And while I'm at it, how to I make the transition into that section more fluid? So, thoughts? Suggestions? Criticisms? Praise? What do you think of this song so far?
  12. Hi everyone I love, love, love this track by the band Faunts (plays over the credits of the first Mass Effect), so working on putting it together... totally freaking out about the vocals, they are out of my range completely. Hooray! Be nice please this song already makes me emotional. https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/jane-im-half-dead-reporting
  13. A short thing based on the reversed version of Hilda's theme. I'm not sure whether I should try to develop it into a full arrangement incorporating the regular source or just abandon it. Arrangement ~ http://soundcloud.com/madotsukis-room/albw-wip-thing Source ~
  14. http://cynicmusic.com/music/marble_zone_piano_suite.mp3 Hello, I just pulled open this mix last week to update the piano sound to a more realistic library, but I wanted a chance to share it with you before that update. I've been collecting a few mixes that I'd love to share with you, but haven't submitted to OCREMIX yet because they lack that final polish in the arrangement department (although I think the production is very nice!) I played this piano in myself and it has a nice rubato feel. I've been turned down in the past for weak arrangements and that left me a little skittish on submitting new mixes since I tend to focus more on production rather than arrangement. Anyway would love some feedback on this track (and whether its submission worthy or what you would change), and I plan on submitting a few more this week. As usual, the rest of my sonic remixes are here: http://sonic.tcpmusic.com The Marble Zone mix is here: http://cynicmusic.com/music/marble_zone_piano_suite.mp3 I also wanted to take a second to plug my game, Pixelsphere, which is kickstarting now, and for which I composed the soundtrack. The OCREMIX gods were kind enough to give me an RT last week which was very generous of them!
  15. I recommend this process to everyone https://soundcloud.com/tobosaurus/anonfemme-jolokia
  16. Bramble Blast - WIP 2 Sources: / Update 2/16/2015 As a few of you may know, I've been actively working on this project tirelessly for the last month, putting in a bit of work just about every day, sometimes for hours at a time. What I've got is nowhere near complete, by any means, but it is a SIGNIFICANT step up from where I was at this time last year and, at the very least, listenable enough to share. What's changed: + Added ~3 minutes of arrangement, including... - Expanded intro - Much slower build - Extended piano breakdown/solo section - New source for final "chorus" - Hot Head Bop + New instruments (piano, shakuhachi, sine lead, boy's choir, orchestral percussion) + Cleaned up production quite a bit/preliminary mastering + A bazillion tiny tweaks. What's left to go: + Drums will completely be replaced + Do something cooler in addition/in place of the first synth solo (particularly 1:01) + Expand ambiance/pad writing throughout the track, particularly in the piano breakdown + Flesh out final Hot Head Bop section (right now is just a concept/placeholder) + Figure out what to do from 3:45 - 4:24 + More interesting transitions/sfx work + Live instruments (brainstorming for vocalist and violin/viola players - any interest?) + Additional harmonies/flourishes/transitions throughout the track Please feel free to share any thoughts - keeping in mind that there's still a long way to go before I'm really satisfied with this. Hope you all enjoy, I've been working extremely hard to move this one along ==================================== 12/08/2013 WIP 1: https://soundcloud.com/emunator/donkey-kong-country-2-bramble Don't think I ever posted this one here. I'm interested in potentially picking up production on this one again. I'm very interested in any feedback on the sound choices (particularly that chiptune synth, not sure if it fits) and the drums (too hollow? Is the dBlue Glitch abuse too egregious?) Thanks for listening!
  17. My second post on here, with my newest remix. Tell me what you all think. I am thinking of making it longer, just want some feedback before I move any further. https://soundcloud.com/shofizzle/blaster-master-stage-5-remix
  18. Like the title says. Any feedback you have would be great! Thanks for listening to my noise. https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/synthetic-wind
  19. Dubstep really started growing on me, but it's harder than I thought to write. I thought to share this to show my first attempt at the genre. I will most likely gain more experience and try it again. Dubstep leaves plenty of room for creativity, but my mixing skills aren't quite there yet. Either way it was a fun little challenge. Let me know what you think! Any tips at all are truly appreciated . https://soundcloud.com/schematist/green-hill-zone-dubstep
  20. Hello, I'm not really sure that it could be named a "proper" remix but I did extensively use the base material so maybe it is. Anyway any feedback is appreciated since it would be my first video game remix. It's finished but I'll put in as a work in progress since surely commentaries will result in changing stuff. I'd love to put some vocal to it though :'( Could be classified as a HipHop Instrumental Here it is: https://soundcloud.com/thibault-chevalier/normand-corbeil-painful-1 Base song:
  21. Hey everyone, working on another submission with Crowberus. This has been a work in progress for a long time and has undergone many refinements, but at this point me and StruttingCrow are happy with the results. As it stands, this is a heavy rock/metal megamix of various songs off the Okami soundtrack. The idea behind it was intro/verse/chorus/verse/bridge/chorus/outro where each section was its own mini remix of each song, including Reset, Ryoshima, Shinshuu, and Izanagi. The outro is a change in pace and tempo, we were trying to emulate something along the lines of Black Cat by Cacophany because it just fit so well with the style of music and inspired so much creativity from what we were working with. Reference materials are here: Ryoshima - Shinshuu - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woOelIO6Cmw Reset - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpuGNH75pUc Izanagi - Pretty much, we are just looking for general feedback about the layout of the song, execution of melodies, and the quality of the mixing, and the overall sound. I apologize in advance for the clipping, that is going to be ironed out, along with a few other potential enhancements, before submitting to OCR. Thanks in advance! https://soundcloud.com/crowberus/work-in-progress-untitled So, one immediate question off the bat... currently I am using a heavily hacked together triangle for that short jingle sound in Izanagi (it sounds uglier than I want it to), it's present in many other songs on the soundtrack, but I cannot for the life of me find a sound that resembles it, does anyone know where I can find at least a clean sample, what the instrument is called, or something along those lines? Thanks!
  22. https://soundcloud.com/theshaggyfreak/brother-from-another-mother This is my second entry for the Final Fantasy Crystal Clash tournament. It's the first time I've composed anything using only far east instruments. I still need to sit down with it and really tighten things up. In this is a mixture of material from theme and theme. Much of the material comes from Sazh but you'll here bits of Kains theme when the Shamisen plays the lead. Rather than stick with the mixed meter from Sazh's theme, I changed things to 4/4 which was somewhat difficult but I think I managed to pull things together.Constructive criticism is welcome...
  23. https://soundcloud.com/linjaflu/fake https://soundcloud.com/linjaflu/fate-alpha
  24. https://soundcloud.com/dew-2/golden-sun-felixs-battle-theme/s-2UMz1 Continuing on mixing feedback I received on this song in this thread, I've been working on another track. This uses the same mixer inserts from my last song, and I've spent a bit of time trying to improve some of my issues that were touched upon by other posters. In particular, I've made some reductions around 6kHz-7kHz (not sure if this is the right area, but it's what sounded best after experimentation), turned off some mics on my kick VST that I decided were probably unneeded, and fiddled with the EQ on the kick and bass to try and eliminate some overlap. I believe the kick is a bit more distinct now, possibly less muddy? Would greatly appreciate any additional mixing feedback.
  25. I haven't heard any remixes of this song, but I think this might be one of the less conventional ones. Feedback of all sorts is appreciated. https://soundcloud.com/atheox/love-is
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