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  1. Hello Ive been an inactive and unregistered user until now, and though it was about time to try share some of my ideas around! Im far from complete, but Im at the point were I usually get discouraged for something, and I end up starting over on something new. What Im currently working on is a medley of pretty much all my favorite zelda songs. Before I go more into detail of what and why, here is what I have so far! (The genre is a bit different than what is mostly around here, but I hope a few of you are into this stuff!): https://soundcloud.com/supermareyuz/zeldamedley The idea behind this whole thing is the beat in the very beginning. It is a sequence I though was cool, and I was not sure of what song to use it on.. So I decided to make a full medley of the Zelda game series that I have played. You can probably hear that the song is not actually changing much, except for the main lead instrument and some of the cymbals, snares etc. I though this was a good idea in the first place, but now Im starting to think the song gets a bit boring. I also have at least 10 more minutes of songs planned. However, should I decide to redo the whole thing, I will in the end have the complete medley melody, all the right chords etc - which will take me a long way! Another reason for me to only use this one sequence, was so I could properly test the Kontakt VST, which is my newest investment.. But some frequency interferences and sound-drowning are making this a lot harder than I expected. My first goal will be to finish this as a melody, after I will decide if this file is worth continueing on. The leads I am using here could be holders, and not necessarily the ones I will use in the end. Also, the part between 2.55 and 3.50 ish is pretty much an empty holder, just to show the connection I have in mind between. Just blank kicks means I have not yet made any connection between the melodies. Im open for whatever feedback you may have Thanks for listening!
  2. Well, this was just a test, no new melodies, or anything surprising. Just the same track with trance sound, heavy kicks and claps, and some reverb/delay on some "spacey" arpeggios I added. Did it a while ago but as I've got some new ideas for the remix, I started working on it again. Musha Aleste is a fantastic shmup, probably my favorite of all time and its soundtrack is just PHENOMENAL. Toshiaki Sakoda did an amazing work in this game. Hope you like this demo and... waiting for your replies and thoughts! Thanks!
  3. I think its Big Beat? Anyways, here you go! its a remix of Crystal Tear Drops from Symphonie of the Night. I had alot of fun with this, so im looking to see what i could do to fix it up. the drums need variation, and i think i should do something with the intro to fill in the space between sounds, it still feels a bit sparse to me. It also doesnt have an ending yet. remix: https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/crystal-tears-remix-wip source:
  4. I made this track for the first round of the GMRB and it got a good reception, so I want to polish it for an eventual submission! Link here: http://soundcloud.com/jnwake/forever-a-sponge-wire-sponge . Sources: - Wire Sponge: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzqEEcrKItU . - Infinity Mijinion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5IVzmZYu1I . Source breakdown: - 0:00 - 0:30: Mijinion's intro with different backing chords. - 0:31 - 1:04: Sponge's A theme on the piano with Mijinion's A theme on the acoustic guitar. - 1:05 - 1:24: Sponge's B theme. - 1:25 - 1:48: Mijinion's B theme on the violin and Mijinion's intro chord progression. Ending of this section is taken from Sponge's A theme. - 1:49 - 2:20: Mijinion's solo guitar section. Sponge's A theme appears on the piano, and Sponge's B theme on the violin. - 2:21 - 2:53: Mijinion's A theme with Sponge's synth solo section backing chords. Synth solo is based on Sponge's song. - 2:54 - 3:05: Sponge's B theme with Mijinion's solo section chord progression. - 3:06 - 3:25: Mijinion's intro on the synth with different backing chords. Regarding the mix, I need to record some sections again (there are some slight mistakes on the synth solo). Also, Hakstock will record the guitar and bass sections sometime. Any feedback is appreciated! P.D. I'm looking for someone who wants to record the acoustic guitar sections.
  5. Hi there, Here's my last work It is a remix from "China Town" in Super Shinobi/Revenge of Shinobi on MegaDrive/Genesis by Yuzo Koshiro. It is short because it is meant for a video that will be produced by a friend. Please let me know what you think of it, to see if it is worth expanding into a longer piece. Thank you Edit: I forgot the source, here it is
  6. https://soundcloud.com/sauraen/mario-kart-64-ending-theme Source: Mario Kart 64 Credits: Probably not remixed enough to qualify as a ReMix. Do you suggest I leave it as is and post it elsewhere, or try to make it into a ReMix that would be accepted here?
  7. Hello guys, I think there are still some final adjustments. I would like to get some feedback, so i can to be sure that i'm on the right way. https://soundcloud.com/alan1st/final-fantasy-battle-remix
  8. Something I've wanted to work on for a while. I'm interested in anyone's thoughts on the sound itself: https://soundcloud.com/overswarm/edgarandsabinv1 I kind of put three of the ideas into a shorter timespan and crammed it all together, but the idea itself is there. My goal is to combine elements from the Edgar & Sabin and the Coin Song themes using only a Piano and do so in a slower, more melancholy way. They're already fairly similar songs so the combination isn't too difficult, but experimenting I sometimes wonder if the "sadder" style even works for the song. Is this style something you could consider working for this arrangement, and does the Piano sound too unnatural?
  9. Hi all! long time frequenter to the website, first time posting in forums. I'm working on a project atm, kind of punk/ska novelty act called xJiMMYCOREKiLLx (british users may or may not remember Jimmy Corkhill, an amusing comic relief character from scouse soap opera Brookside). We're writing music from the perspective of Jimmy Corkhill and just trying to have a bit of fun. This track I'm working on follows the premise that Jimmy goes on a caravan holiday to Talacre, Wales with his partner, Jackie. After mixing up his anti-depressant pills with psychoactive narcotics, he visits the local video game arcade then subsequently finds himself being sucked into the arcade machines. There are no vocals, yet, but there are plenty of 8bit arp melodies etc... I'm using Basic64 plug in for the 8bit stuff atm, I'd love a critique of those parts in particular, and maybe if anyone can recommend other lovely 8bit VST plugins, that would be great. The track is called "2.0 Weeks in Talacre". Here's the current mix: https://www.dropbox.com/s/52cj0bvrdqsmzxo/2.0.mp3 and also our soundcloud page, it's really silly: https://soundcloud.com/#xjimmycorekillx HELLO AGAIN ALL!!!
  10. So, right now this track is at the point where I want to get some feedback from people who actually know what they're doing. Not the first time caller, but long time listener. I can't remember my old credentials from years ago. A nod to zircon, without whom I'd never had the thought of trying something this intense. Monstrous Turtles! is my favourite remix bar none. Some thoughts and self-critique: • I've been listening to a lot of Above & Beyond and other progressive trance stuff, so I decided to try a track with a lot of sidechain compression bounciness. My hope is that it evokes in some small way the violin bits in the original song and how they crescendo up and then immediately drop down again. I also hope it doesn't get annoying that it's so bouncy. • Given that this is supposed to shade towards progressive trance, it's definitely repetitive, though not as much as it could have been; really, it should be about eight minutes long with a lot more modulation work done on it if I want to use that label. That said, it's probably too repetitive at the moment, especially in the drum set. • The bit before the quiet bridge is probably going to change. It doesn't sound right to me already. I just haven't figured out how else to bridge it yet. • The ending is deliberately abrupt. I tend to end things on an exclamation point. That said there's a significant chance I'll make it go out with more of a progressive trance leadout. It feels like there are three separate climaxes in a row right now, and I'm thinking about ways to build without feeling like the chaos of the last part is overstaying its welcome. • As a side note, though, I'm proud of the mixing of this one. It's far cleaner than I usually get songs to sound. MP3 link. AIFF link.
  11. I put somethings together rather quickly and came up with this. Feedback and Opinions are welcome.
  12. I made this in a few hours and got bored with it but decided to share it. I'll probably come back to it one day. https://soundcloud.com/mickomoo/legend-of-zelda-eagle-tower
  13. Hey guys, this is a "Jazz" remix of Wind Scene from Chrono Trigger I'm working on. I think I'm nearly done with the arrangement but it's very minimally mixed. Mostly just to give it the general sound I want(some reverb and eq in some places pretty much). I'm don't consider myself as good of a producer as an arranger/writer; so if you guys could give me some tips with the production here I'd be really thankful. Also of course feel free to comment on any aspect of it. Here it is: https://soundcloud.com/danielhenri/breezy
  14. Remix: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/19yxsqx9ktuuos4/SH3_DanceWithNightWindRemix_Ver1.mp3 Update 1: http://www.mediafire.com/listen/lx1asakvnoodq7q/SH3_DanceWithNightWind.mp3 Original: Man it's been a long time since I've used the WIP forums... Anyhow, this track is actually a lot harder to remix than it seemed before I dug into it lol. That pad that the original composer used has a LOT more depth than all of my pads combined haha...but I tried to compensate through other means (like strings combined with pads =p) Also my piano sampo is sounding a little mouldy compared to the source tunes too ug. The transition halfway through is pretty iffy at best and is definitely gonna be on my editing radar. I'm sure there are other things to point out that I may want to change. So yeah please give it a listen and send some feedback.
  15. Hi there! I'm currently working on an acoustic arrangement of Guardia Millennial Fair from Chrono Trigger and wanted to see if I could get some general feedback! Here's a link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0uaw8nyvcypgpme/faire-mix-r2.mp3 This is far from complete; I hope it isn't too incomplete to be sharing yet! It's quite sparse at some points, especially the beginning and end. I have some mandolin parts that I haven't recorded yet that should help, along with new percussion parts. The bass drops out too, as I was unsure how I wanted to arrange those parts just yet. This breaks into Gato's theme at the end, which was kind of an accident, as I kept playing stuff while the mic was on and thought it actually sounded a bit neat. It's way too soft and I played it sloppily, so if I keep it I will probably replace it entirely. Anyway, I'd love to know what you think so far. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome! Thanks a lot.
  16. I want to fix up my most recent WCRG entry and submit it. I know there are a few major issues that need to be fixed: I need to re-record the vocals because I didn't enunciate enough, I need to re-process them because I used too much reverb and it's hard to understand the words, and I need to re-master the whole song because the lows are too dominant and the highs are too piercing. Let me know what you think and if there are any spots you hear that need attention/improvement! Link: Follow Your Dreams Info from the Soundcloud page: A remix of Mega Man 9's "Tornado Man", Mega Man 2's "Title Theme", and Mega Man 8's "Wily Castle 1" General source usage: Tornado Man - vocal lines Mega Man - Chords during "chorus" section Wily Castle - rhythmic patterns, bass solo sections Lyrics: Verse 1 When life gets you down, you can't give up Pull yourself together for those you love Got one life to live, don't waste your time, this is all you get In the end you don't want a life that's filled up with regrets Chorus 1 Crushed under the tedium you feel so alone When the beat takes hold of you just let your passion show You are much more than you seem You've got to follow your dreams Verse 2 Time will pass you by without second thought Do the best that you can with what you've got Just one life to live so don't waste your time, give it all you have Maybe then all the hard times in your past won't hurt so bad Chorus 2 Lost in anonymity you feel so alone When the beat takes hold of you just let your passion show (let it show) We are much more than we seem You've got to follow your dreams
  17. Hi everyone, This is a Jazz piece in 3/4 which I wrote yesterday. Maybe i will add more instruments later. Yeah, and it should be longer. http://tindeck.com/listen/sqmm Feedback welcome.
  18. Hey all! I'm working on a series of N64 remixes using mostly the sfx samples to create a melody. I have 5 finished and up on youtube at the moment and am working towards an albums worth of tracks to release for free. Let me know what you think Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon: Mischief Makers: Banjo Kazooie: Zelda: Majora's Mask: Super Mario 64:
  19. Link to Remix Ok so I was working on something else, but I decided to go for something more simple as my first remix. I was having trouble keeping the right balance between source material and original material so I decided to compose first because If you couldn't tell, this is just a composition and not a performance lol. I found a little program called notation composer that lets me write midi files using standard sheet music notation. It was a godsend for this project. Normally, I write music as I perform. This makes it easy to write music without the keys in front of me and stick to something more specific if needed. What you hear is going to be the core composition. I'll probably have a prelude that builds up to this lasting about 30 or so seconds. This is loosely based on a classical piece. Somebody should be able to pick it out .
  20. Well... since nobody wanted to comment our Bubble Man ReMix, I got inspired to do moar Mega Man ReMixes myself. Maybe someone will give feedback on this? Here is one of them, Mega Man 3 track when u win stage boss and get a new weapon. Got some new instruments and presets for this one, I think this turned to be pretty nice remix. Original: My ReMix https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/24406521/psynes/wip/PsyNES_-_You_Got_the_Power_%28MM3_Weapon_Acquired_rmx%29.mp3 I hope you like it!
  21. It's still in progress by a longshot, but let me know what you guys think. I need to improve the string arrangement and add a better cello and some brass and trombones for that epic feel. https://soundcloud.com/mazingerzed8686/kingdom-heart-iii-3-theme-song Inspired by the KH3 trailer for PS4/XOne More to come!! Mazinger8686
  22. https://soundcloud.com/linjaflu/facece-mod-wip
  23. I've been lurking here for a while and considering making a remix of my own (not sure what I'll remix yet). On the side I compose and perform keyboard tracks and stuff for people I know online and in the real world. I performed the all of the piano and string sounds on the next two tracks. They are just demos and are completely raw, as far as I know they are currently working on mastering the tracks. This last one is a work in progress. A friend of mine whose in a metal band wanted me to compose a short prelude for a metal song on their next album. This was done in one take and so it's a little sloppy at the end. I usually try to record my ideas immediately so that I don't forget them.
  24. Hello everyone, I'm recently new here, but I thought I would share my website that I made. I hope you like it. It is my Video Game Music Entertainment Website with all different kinds of themes. It is still being updated from time to time. Hope you enjoy! http://videogamemusicentertainment.siterubix.com/
  25. So I had this thing kickin' around for a while, but since I regained the use of my arms I figured what the hell and added a couple new guitar parts this morning and called her a day. Basically, for fun I made a guitar cover of Gon's theme from tekken with a few of my own parts thrown in plus 1 oz. Jin. Source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQZPkM4NSgc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fPQgslL5Cc My version https://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/tekken-3-gon-fishin Gon is the coolest dinosaur ever. Littlefoot and Barney can suck it.
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